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Alma Resource Sharing Guide

This guide explains the various components of FLVC's current resource sharing processes also known as UBorrow.

UBorrow Borrowing Statuses

UBorrow Borrowing Statuses

The following statuses indicate that the final step in the request is completed. Requests in these statuses may be removed.

  • Canceled by patron - will be removed by request cleanup job after 5 days
  • Canceled by staff - will be removed by request cleanup job after 5 days
  • Expired - request went through rota and was not filled.
  • Request completed - This is the final status before removal, and may be manually set. 

The following are non-final (in-process) statuses of the request process:

  • Conditional – Appears when the Lending institution sends a request with a conditional message.  This should not be used. 
  • Created borrowing request - appears when a request is manually created, this is not normally used outside of this workflow.
  • Exported to third party - the request went to ILLiad or WorldShare, depending on setup this request might be closed
  • Loaned item to patron - the item is currently checked out to your patron. 
  • Locate failed - this happens when a request wasn't able to be filled by the consortia.  This request might need to be handled manually and sent to ILLiad or WorldShare.
  • Locate in process - request is being put into a rota.
  • Overdue request -- your patrons have items checked out that are overdue. You should follow up with patrons. 
  • Physically received by library - a requested item has been scanned in but has not been checked out by the requester yet.
  • Ready to be sent - this will only come up if there is a problem - submit a ticket
  • Recalled by partner - appears when a local hold was placed on the item by a patron at the Lending institution. This should happen very rarely.  Most institutions do not allow local holds on UBorrowed items.
  • Renewed by partner - when a patron requests a renew on their Uborrow loan this status may show. 
  • Request sent to partner - the request has been received by a partner and is being processed.
  • Returned by patron - the request has been checked in at your institution and is on the way to the resource sharing library.
  • Returned item to partner - the item has been scanned in at the resource sharing library and should be intransit to the Lending library.
  • Shipped physically - The item is on the way to you.