Borrowing Workflow (Loans): The basic borrowing workflow for loans is as follows. These steps should be taken every day your library's interlibrary department is open. Please see below for more details.
- Receive items being borrowed from other libraries
- Return items that your users have returned or didn't pick up to the lending library
- Check for requests in the Ready to Be Sent, Mediated Patron Renewal, and Conditional statuses
- Check the Expired Hold Shelf for items that can be returned to the lender
Borrowing Request Statuses: The following are the most commonly seen borrowing request statuses:
- Ready to Be Sent: the request could not be sent to any partner, most likely because the partner is ILLiad and the user doesn't have an ILLiad account.
- Request Sent to Partner: the request has been sent to other libraries for fulfillment, but no library has filled the request yet
- Shipped Physically: the request has been filled by another library, but the item has yet to be received at your library
- Physically Received by Library: your library has received the requested item, but the user has yet to pick it up
- Loaned Item to Patron: your library has received the requested item, and your user has checked it out
- Mediated Patron Renewal: your user has requested a renewal, but you have yet to send that renewal request to the lending library
- Renewed by Partner: the request has been renewed
- Returned by Patron: your user has returned the item, but you have yet to return it to the lending library
- Returned Item to Partner: your library has returned the item to the lending library, but they have yet to receive it back
- Lost Communicated: the item has been declared lost, and this has been communicated to the lending library
Turning Off Borrowing: Borrowing can be turned off at your library if it will be closed for an extended period. Please submit a HelpDesk case at
Borrowing Loan Periods: All lenders are obligated to assign lending due dates in accordance with the Resource Sharing Standing Committee with approval from the Member's Council for Library Services.