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Enhancements and Additions
Enhancements and Additions
For Libraries with Multiple Campuses: Choose a Pickup Location
- Problem: When placing a UBorrow request from the Primo UBorrow Request form, many patrons would simply click "Send Request" without choosing a pickup location. The (default) first location in the list would be selected and the patrons would be surprised to have to pickup items there.
- Solution: We've added an enhancement that replaces the default location with text that prompts the patron to choose a location. The request will be prevent until the selects a valid location from the list.
For Multi-Volume Requests: Choose a Volume
- Problem:
- There is no list of available volumes for patrons to choose from, and
- If the volume field is left blank, Lending staff have no idea which volumes should be filled
- Solution: There is still no great solution for handling Multi-Volume Requests, but
- We've made the Volume field on the UBorrow Request form Mandatory
- Since the vast majority of requests will be for titles that are not multivolume, we added scripting to automatically add, NONE, to the volume field so that most patrons won't be inconvenienced.
- For patrons that are aware that the title is multi-volume the text instructs them to type over, NONE, and enter their desired volume(s).
Lender Expiration Period
- In October 2021, the RSSC recommended that the expiration period be changed from 7 days to 4 days. The recommendation was approved by MCLS by majority yes vote via survey. The change was implemented in late October 2021.
- The Lender expiration period refers to how long a Lender has to respond to a UBorrow request before it is automatically expired and moved on to the next supplier.
- See the UBorrow history section details how the expiration period for lenders has changed over the years, UBorrow History.
OCLC Symbols added to Partner Names
- Problem: Most librarians rely on the OCLC Symbol to lookup/verify the shipping address of a library during the UBorrow process.
- When a lending ships to a borrowing library
- When a Borrow Library needs to return items back to the lender
- The Borrowing/Lending library name would display on the Shipping or Return slip, but not the OCLC number.
- Solution: We added the OCLC symbol to the partner name, which displays on the Shipping, Return and other UBorrow related slips.
Media Loans
- Requesting for media items was implemented in the summer of 2022. Lending of media items is opt in but all borrowers across the state can submit a request.
Request Rules Updated
- Problem: Items in restricted locations were still being requested through UBorrow and requests had to be manually rejected by staff.
- Solution: The UBorrow request TOUs were updated to only allow non-restricted locations to generate a request.