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Alma Resource Sharing Guide

This guide explains the various components of FLVC's current resource sharing processes also known as UBorrow.

RapidILL Manual Creation of Borrowing Request

RapidILL Manual Creation of Borrowing Request

Rapid ILL borrowing requests can be created in Primo VE by a requesting patron or in Alma by library staff. This page will cover the process that staff can use to create Rapid request in Alma by manually entering bibliographic information.

  1.  Navigate to Fulfillment -> Resource Sharing -> Borrowing Request
    Select Borrowing Requests menu
  2.  Use the Manually request option for Rapid and select Article. This will allow for entry of article bibliographic information.
    Chose Manual Article Request
  3. When filling out the request form enter the required citation information. Be sure to include the Journal title and ISSN to increase the chances of a proper match. Additional citation information further help with ensuring a correct match.
    manual form issn highlighted
  4. In the request attributes boxes, be sure to select the correct requester information as required. For this request to be routed to Rapid the requested format must be Digital. A pickup location must be selected on this form, but the request will be delivered digitally.
    Manual request with digital highlighted
  5. Click save on the request form and it should be routed to Rapid as shown.
    Rapid Request Showing Locate in progress in Alma
  6. Staff-created requests will be displayed in the patrons Primo VE My Library Card requests section and patrons will receive the same notifications generated by a patron-submitted request. Once the item has been filled the download option will appear.Rapid request shown in my library card Primo VE