Borrowing Stats Report
shows snapshot of requests and their statuses at the time the report is run.
See Managing Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests for Borrowing status details
- Not supplied (or Unfilled) = Rejected by partner, Locate failed, Canceled By Patron, Expired
Borrowing Stats include:
- UBorrow Library = Library that Processed the request, Receiving and Shipping.
- Lender Name and Code = Libraries that shipped the material
- Number of Requests
- Active - Majority of Requests, they haven't been processed yet or are on loan to the patron, with various status. Examples are:
- Created Borrowing Request, Request sent to partner, Physically Received, Loaned item to patron, (any Renewal status,) etc.
- Cancelled - Canceled by partner, patron or staff
- Completed - Request Completed
- Expired - Request not responded to by Lender within 4 days. Expired requests move to the next supplier. So if still expired, at time of report means that there is no other lender in the Rota.
- Since Expired requests aren't automatically cleared by the cleanup job, you should change the status to completed,
- and either allow the request to be cleared the next time the cleanup job runs & try to get the request for your patron via ILLiad or OCLC.
- Or, if you think the request might be available at the lender, contact the lender to verify,
- Rejected - There are a few requests that are rejected, usually if the lender is temporarily not participating in lending due to closure.
UBorrow Loans: To find the number of Borrowing requests that were actually loaned to your patrons, look at the Library Loan Counts Dashboard in Analytics.
- Look at the Loans by Library and Location report. At some Institutions the Circ and UBorrow library are merged, so there might not be a separate UBorrow Library, but look at the loan counts for Locations with "Borrowing Resource Sharing Requests"
- These will be UBorrow loans made for your patrons.
- In addition, if you had any outstanding UBorrow loans in Aleph that were migrated to Alma, you can find those loan counts under Loans by Item Policy: for SUS, they are item policy 14, for FCS they are Item policy
Lending Stats Report
- Includes the total number of Lending Requests that reached the UBorrow library.
- Counts of Lending requests that were Canceled, Expired or Unfilled.
- Average Days to Fill = Total # of Days from the Date the Lending Request was created, until the Date the item was Shipped/Number of Requests
- Item Return Date = The date the Borrowing library returned the item.
- This gives an idea of the requests that were used by the Borrowing location
- Coming soon: Will try to change this column so that the number of "used" requests can be easily counted.
In Alma, when physical items are shipped to another institution to fulfill a UBorrow request, the item record is updated and made temporarily unavailable by:
- Adding Process type = Resource Sharing Request
- Moving to Temporary Location = Lending Resource Sharing Requests
- Adding Status = Item not in place
The item is not placed on loan as it was in Aleph, so there is no similar loan statistic.
Coming soon: With input from RSSC and others, we will try to determine the best method for a report of items shipped for UBorrow.