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Alma Resource Sharing Guide

This guide explains the various components of FLVC's current resource sharing processes also known as UBorrow.

UBorrow Lost Report Spring 2025

UBorrow Lost Report Spring 2025

The purpose of these reports is to find and clean up any UBorrow items that have not been properly checked in at the Lending library, improperly shelved at the Borrowing library, and fulfill the need for Lending libraries to bill for items that have not been returned.  

UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report Spring 2025


UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report

This report contains all UBorrow requests that have a Lending Due Date in Alma starting from 01/01/2024 - 06/30/2024. The next report will be available in July 2025 and will contain loans due from 07/01/2024 to 12/31/2024. 

You can use the External Request ID to search for requests. 

To process this report: 

Lending Institution: 

Lending institutions should search their shelves using the call number and barcode provided. If an item is found it should be scanned in at the UBorrow library to complete the request. The borrowing library should be notified to prevent them from searching their shelves.

  • If no barcode is found in the spreadsheet that means the “Multiple items” box may have been inadvertently clicked when shipping. Search for the Lending Request by its External Request ID then click the “Multiple barcodes” link to find the barcode of the item. 

If the item cannot be found and the borrowing library cannot find the item/the item has been lost by their patron: 

  • The borrowing library should be billed according to the lending institution’s policies.  

  • Change the status of the request to Lost for your institution's informational purposes. The item status will change to "Lost Resource Sharing Item". The item should be withdrawn and the request cancelled per your institution's policies. 

  • You can add a price as well as send a General Message at this time. This creates a message in the request at the Borrowing library - it is for informational purposes.

  • Process the lost item per institutional policy (withdraw etc) 


Borrowing Institution: 

Borrowing institutions should search their shelves using the call number provided. If an item is found: 

  • It should be scanned into your UBorrow library and shipped back to the Lender.  

  • If the item was just found but previously returned by you and the status in the spreadsheet says “Returned by partner” contact the lending library to let them know it is on the way. 

Billing Directory

If the institution you need to contact is not listed below try the TBLC Address Book.

Institution Contact Name Email Phone Number
Broward College/BRC      
Chipola College/CHC      
College of Central Florida/CCF      
College of the Florida Keys/CFK      
Daytona State College/DSC Vanessa Venneman (386) 506 - 3593
Eastern Florida State College/EFSC      
Florida A&M University/FAMU      
Florida A&M University/FAMU Law Phyllis Allen 407-254-3258
Florida Atlantic University/FAU      
Florida Gateway College/FGC      
Florida Gulf Coast University/FGCU 239-590-7610
Florida International University/FIU      
Florida Polytechnic University/POLY      
Florida State College Jacksonville/FSCJ Phil Arroyo  
Florida State University/FSU      
Florida SW State College/FSW      
Gulf Coast State College/GCSC      
Hillsborough Comm. College/HCC Reiko Steelman  
Indian River State College/IRSC      
Lake-Sumter State College/LSSC      
Miami Dade College/MDC      
New College of Florida/NCF      
North Florida College/NFC      
NW Florida State College/NWFC Amie Torok 850-729-5395
Palm Beach State College/PBSC      
Pasco-Hernando State College/PHSC/North North Campus Library  
Pasco-Hernando State College/PHSC/Spring Hill

Kayla Kuni 

Carolyn Struble

Pasco-Hernando State College/PHSC/East

Karen Swetland

Eridan Thompson

Pasco-Hernando State College/PHSC/Porter

Ann Coppola

Janet Schalk

Pasco-Hernando State College/PHSC/West

Mary Beth Isaacson

West Campus Library

Ingrid Purrenhage

Pensacola State College/PSC      
Polk State College/POLK      
Santa Fe College/SFC      
Seminole State College/SSC      
South Florida State College/SFSC      
St. Johns River State College/SJRC      
St. Petersburg College/SPC      
State College of Florida, M-S/SCF      
Tallahassee State College/TSC  Ryan Wright  
University of Central Florida/UCF      
University of Florida/UFL Kozlowski, Hollyann M.;  
University of North Florida/UNF      
University of South Florida/USF      
University of South Florida/USF St Petersburg Cynthia Brown 727-873-4549
University of West Florida/UWF      
Valencia College/VCC      


UBorrow Lost Report Summer 2024

UBorrow Lost Report Summer 2024

The purpose of these reports is to find and clean up any UBorrow items that have not been properly checked in at the Lending library, improperly shelved at the Borrowing library, and fulfill the need for Lending libraries to bill for items that have not been returned.  

UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report Summer 2024


UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report

This report contains all UBorrow requests that have a Lending Due Date in Alma starting from 07/01/2023 through 12/31/2023. The next report will be available in January 2025 and will contain loans due from 01/01/2024 - 06/30/2024. 

You can use the External Request ID to search for requests. 

To process this report: 

Lending Institution: 

Lending institutions should search their shelves using the call number and barcode provided. If an item is found it should be scanned in at the UBorrow library to complete the request. The borrowing library should be notified to prevent them from searching their shelves.

  • If no barcode is found in the spreadsheet that means the “Multiple items” box may have been inadvertently clicked when shipping. Search for the Lending Request by its External Request ID then click the “Multiple barcodes” link to find the barcode of the item. 

If the item cannot be found and the borrowing library cannot find the item/the item has been lost by their patron: 

  • The borrowing library should be billed according to the lending institution’s policies.  

  • Change the status of the request to Lost for your institution's informational purposes. The item status will change to "Lost Resource Sharing Item". The item should be withdrawn and the request cancelled per your institution's policies. 

  • You can add a price as well as send a General Message at this time. This creates a message in the request at the Borrowing library - it is for informational purposes.

  • Process the lost item per institutional policy (withdraw etc) 


Borrowing Institution: 

Borrowing institutions should search their shelves using the call number provided. If an item is found: 

  • It should be scanned into your UBorrow library and shipped back to the Lender.  

  • If the item was just found but previously returned by you and the status in the spreadsheet says “Returned by partner” contact the lending library to let them know it is on the way. 

UBorrow Lost Report

UBorrow Lost Report Winter 2024

The purpose of these reports is to find and clean up any UBorrow items that have not been properly checked in at the Lending library, improperly shelved at the Borrowing library, and fulfill the need for Lending libraries to bill for items that have not been returned.  

UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report Spring 2023


UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report

This report contains all UBorrow requests that have a Lending Due Date in Alma starting from 01/01/2023 through 06/30/2023. The next report will be available in July 2024 and will contain loans due from 07/01/2023 - 12/31/2023. 

You can use the External Request ID to search for requests. 

To process this report: 

Lending Institution: 

Lending institutions should search their shelves using the call number and barcode provided. If an item is found it should be scanned in at the UBorrow library to complete the request. The borrowing library should be notified to prevent them from searching their shelves.

  • If no barcode is found in the spreadsheet that means the “Multiple items” box may have been inadvertently clicked when shipping. Search for the Lending Request by its External Request ID then click the “Multiple barcodes” link to find the barcode of the item. 

If the item cannot be found and the borrowing library cannot find the item/the item has been lost by their patron: 

  • The borrowing library should be billed according to the lending institution’s policies.  

  • Change the status of the request to Lost for your institution's informational purposes. The item status will change to "Lost Resource Sharing Item". The item should be withdrawn and the request cancelled per your institution's policies. 

  • You can add a price as well as send a General Message at this time. This creates a message in the request at the Borrowing library - it is for informational purposes.

  • Process the lost item per institutional policy (withdraw etc) 

Borrowing Institution: 

Borrowing institutions should search their shelves using the call number provided. If an item is found: 

  • It should be scanned into your UBorrow library and shipped back to the Lender.  

  • If the item was just found but previously returned by you and the status in the spreadsheet says “Returned by partner” contact the lending library to let them know it is on the way. 

UBorrow Lost Report

UBorrow Lost Report Spring 2023

The purpose of these reports is to find and clean up any UBorrow items that have not been properly checked in at the Lending library, improperly shelved at the Borrowing library, and fulfill the need for Lending libraries to bill for items that have not been returned.  

UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report Spring 2023


UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report

This report contains all UBorrow requests that have a Lending Due Date in Alma starting from 01/01/2022 through 06/30/2022. The next report will be available in July 2023 and will contain loans due from 07/01/2022 - 12/31/2022. 

You can use the External Request ID to search for requests. 

To process this report: 

Lending Institution: 

Lending institutions should search their shelves using the call number and barcode provided. If an item is found it should be scanned in at the UBorrow library to complete the request. The borrowing library should be notified to prevent them from searching their shelves.

  • If no barcode is found in the spreadsheet that means the “Multiple items” box may have been inadvertently clicked when shipping. Search for the Lending Request by its External Request ID then click the “Multiple barcodes” link to find the barcode of the item. 

If the item cannot be found and the borrowing library cannot find the item/the item has been lost by their patron: 

  • The borrowing library should be billed according to the lending institution’s policies.  

  • Change the status of the request to Lost. 

  • You can add a price as well as send a General Message at this time. You may also want to contact the library in a second way to make sure the message was received. 

  • Process the lost item per institutional policy (withdraw etc) 

Borrowing Institution: 

Borrowing institutions should search their shelves using the call number provided. If an item is found: 

  • It should be scanned into your UBorrow library and shipped back to the Lender.  

  • If the item was just found but previously returned by you and the status in the spreadsheet says “Returned by partner” contact the lending library to let them know it is on the way. 

UBorrow Lost Report

UBorrow Lost Report Summer 2022

Due to Covid closures and the migration to Alma in July 2021 it has been a little while since the last UBorrow Lost Report was run. These reports contain UBorrow items that were due in all of 2021 rather than just the last 6 months of 2021. Because some of 2021 was pre-migration there is an additional report that captures the UBorrow loans made in Aleph this time around that will not need to be run in the future. 

The purpose of these reports is to find and clean up any UBorrow items that have not been properly checked in at the Lending library, improperly shelved at the Borrowing library, and fulfill the need for Lending libraries to bill for items that have not been returned.  

UBorrow ALEPH Lending Lost Report Summer 2022

UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report Summer 2022


UBorrow ALEPH Lost Report 

This report contains Lender UBorrow loans that were due after 12/31/2020 and migrated over from Aleph. These loans should be overdue/lost in the borrowing institution’s patron record by now since we migrated in July last year. Items due before 12/31/2020 were included in the last report that went out prior to migration. This report will not be necessary starting January 2023. 


Some institutions have started using the old Aleph UBorrow dummy patrons for other purposes in Alma. These loans may be in this report inadvertently – for example Pensacola and MDC have many items loaned to themselves.   

To process this report: 

Lending Institution: 

Lending institutions should search their shelves using the call number and barcode provided. If an item is found: 

If the item cannot be located and the borrowing library cannot find the item/the patron lost the item:  

  • The borrowing library should be billed according to the lending institution’s policies. 

  • Process the Lost item according to institutional policy 

Borrowing Institution: 

Borrowing institutions should search their shelves using the call number provided. If the item is found: 

To see who has the item checked out search Physical Items in Alma by the provided barcode unless your institution used the alternate method of creating a dummy barcode starting with ILL-#######, in which case you should search Physical Items by the title provided.  


UBorrow Alma Lending Lost Report

This report contains all UBorrow requests that have a Lending Due Date in Alma starting from Go Live through 12/31/2021. The next report will be available in January 2023 and will contain loans due from 01/01/2022 - 06/30/2022. 

You can use the External Request ID to search for requests. 

To process this report: 

Lending Institution: 

Lending institutions should search their shelves using the call number and barcode provided. If an item is found it should be scanned in at the UBorrow library to complete the request. The borrowing library should be notified to prevent them from searching their shelves.

  • If no barcode is found in the spreadsheet that means the “Multiple items” box may have been inadvertently clicked when shipping. Search for the Lending Request by its External Request ID then click the “Multiple barcodes” link to find the barcode of the item. 

If the item cannot be found and the borrowing library cannot find the item/the item has been lost by their patron: 

  • The borrowing library should be billed according to the lending institution’s policies.  

  • Change the status of the request to Lost. 

  • You can add a price as well as send a General Message at this time. You may also want to contact the library in a second way to make sure the message was received. 

  • Process the lost item per institutional policy (withdraw etc) 

Borrowing Institution: 

Borrowing institutions should search their shelves using the call number provided. If an item is found: 

  • It should be scanned into your UBorrow library and shipped back to the Lender.  

  • If the item was just found but previously returned by you and the status in the spreadsheet says “Returned by partner” contact the lending library to let them know it is on the way.