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Alma Resource Sharing Guide

This guide explains the various components of FLVC's current resource sharing processes also known as UBorrow.

Processing Non-UBorrow Borrowing Requests


The following workflow is one of multiple ways to handle incoming borrower requests from ILLiad, OCLC, or your public library partners if you do not have a borrowing integration set up. This workflow will allow you to easily create an item record in Alma, have it appear on the Hold Shelf for the patron, check out to the requester in Alma, and then, once the item is returned - automatically delete the item from Alma. In order to use this workflow you will need to contact for initial set up. If you are satisfied with the workflow that you are currently using there is no need to change it.

Processing Non-UBorrow Requests

These instructions should be completed when you have the item in hand. 

Step 1

While in your Resource Sharing Library go to your Borrowing Requests List Fulfillment -> Borrowing Requests

At the top right click on Create Request - Manually - Book


Step 2

Fill in the title and any other information you need, the requester, and the pick up location. At the bottom of the Request Attribute box click the Add Partners button to open the Resource Sharing Partners List.


Step 3

In the Resource Sharing Partner List, search for and choose the partner created for you by FLVC then click Select.


Step 4

At the top of the Resource Sharing Borrowing Request click Save.


Step 5

Click confirm if you get a pop up message.


Step 6

You will now see the newly created Borrowing Request at the top of your Borrowing Request List. Click the ellipse and then choose Receive.



Step 7

Scan or type in a barcode for the item. This barcode will be used to check out the item to the patron. Then click Go.


Step 8

The item is now created. Send the item to the pick up location desk. 


Step 9

The pick up location circulation desk should scan the item in so that it is arrived at the Hold Shelf. The patron will receive a notification that their item is ready,


Step 10

When the patron picks up the item the circ desk should use the barcode given to the item when you received it to check it out. 


Step 11

When the patron returns the item the circ desk should return it with the barcode you gave it when you received it.  The item will be in transit back to the Resource Sharing desk.


Step 12

The resource sharing desk should scan the item back in. Once the scan is complete the temporary item will be deleted and the request will be closed and removed from your active borrowing requests.