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**Alma/Primo VE Main Resource Guide

This guide is one-stop site for everything related to FLVC's integrated library system (Alma) and discovery tool (Primo VE). Included are sections on training courses, basic functions of Alma, access to test environments, managing staff accounts, and more

Ex Libris Training Courses

Ex Libris Formal Training Courses

Some staff may want an overview of the entire Alma system. For this, Ex Libris has several full-length training programs available to anyone:

  1. Getting to Know Alma
    This series of videos and handouts will walk new users of Alma through the basic functionality of each area (Acquisitions, User Management Resources, and  Fulfillment). This modular course will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.
  2. Alma Essentials
    This series of videos and handouts takes a more in-depth look at each functional area of Alma. For each area, there are several sections covering different aspects of each area. New users may want to pick the areas relevant to their job responsibilities and watch just those sections. The entire course will take approximately 5-6 hours to complete.
  3. Primo VE Essentials
    This series explores the basics of Ex Libris' discovery tool, Primo VE. It briefly explains how Primo works and covers how to use it and how it can be configured. The entire course will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.
  4. FLVC Spring Workshop Recordings (Spring 2021)
    As part of our implementation, Ex Libris provided 10 one-week online workshops which covered all aspects of Alma. Each workshop was separated into 10 sessions with each session focusing on a particular area. The recordings of the workshops for Week 2 and Week 6 are available on our ILS Implementation Libguide.
  5. FLVC Fall Workshop Recordings (Fall 2021)
    As part of our implementation, Ex Libris provided five additional workshops, four of which are multi-day sessions covering specific topics chosen by the workgroups. These topics include Managing Electronic Resources, Using Primo VE, Managing Physical Resources, Cataloging, and Using Alma Analytics. The recordings for each workshop are available on our ILS Implementation Libguide.


Advanced Courses

  1. Alma Administration Certification
    This self-paced online training program goes in-depth in all aspects of Alma including many administrative and systems functions. All resources are available in Ex Libris' Knowledge Center. At the end of the program there is an exam that the user must pass in order to be certified.
  2. Primo VE Administration Certification
    This self-pace online training program takes a deep dive into the configuration and system aspects of Primo VE. As with the Alma certification, users must pass an exam in order to be certified.