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**Alma/Primo VE Main Resource Guide

This guide is one-stop site for everything related to FLVC's integrated library system (Alma) and discovery tool (Primo VE). Included are sections on training courses, basic functions of Alma, access to test environments, managing staff accounts, and more

ILS Webinars

Welcome to the Community Zone (CZ) Webinar - March 26, 2024

Webinar Recording
Presentation Slides

RapidILL Overview and Demo Webinar - Dec 13, 2023

FLVC hosted an online session on using Ex Libris' RapidILL product. This webinar was in response to the announcement that FLVC will be expanding access to RapidILL to include all institutions interested in using it during the first part of next year. Ex Libris representatives Mike Richins and Elyse Profera gave a wonderful overview and demonstration as well as answered questions from the 60+ participants. Below is a link to the recording for those who could not attend.

Webinar Recording

IPEDS and ACRL Reports Webinar - Dec 12, 2023 

FLVC hosted a Teams session on how to use special reports in Alma Analytics to compile the necessary data to complete the IPEDS and ACRL surveys. Over 80 library staff attended. Below are links to the recording and the PowerPoint slides.

Webinar Recording

PowerPoint Slides from the presentation

Welcome to the NZ - October 24, 2023


Presentation Slides

2024 Quarterly New Features webinars

February 2024 - Alma/Primo webinar Recording and Presentation Slides

May 2024 - Alma/Primo webinar Recording and Presentation Slides

2023 Quarterly New Features webinars

November 2023 - Alma/Primo webinar Recording and Presentation Slides

August 2023 - Alma/Primo webinar Recording and Presentation Slides

Alma Training Material - Florida Institutions

Below is a list of Alma training materials that library staff from across the state have created and made available. If your library would like to share your training materials, please contact the FLVC Help Desk ( with the URL. FLVC would like to help share these resources with all library staff.

Florida State College Jacksonville

Miami Dade College

University of West Florida

Alma Training Material Repository - Other Library Systems

Alma and Primo are used by a great number of libraries throughout North America and the world. More especially, many academic library consortia currently use these systems, and some have a plethora of training materials and documentation that are available for anyone to use. Below are links to some of the better sites.

Note: Please remember that some of the procedures on these sites are specific to their institution or consortium. Their setup may be different than ours.

State University of New York (SUNY) - 64 campuses located throughout New York State

Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) - Consortium of 129 academic libraries in Illinois

Harvard University - 28 affiliated libraries mainly located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Orbis Cascade Alliance (Washington, Oregon, Idaho) - Consortium of 38 institutions in the Pacific Northwest

California State University Unified Library Management System (CSU ULMS) - Shared system of 24 CSU colleges and universities in California.