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FL-Islandora Guide: Entities

A guide for FL-Islandora users.

Linking Departments, Scholars, and Publications

How to link an Organization Entity (department) to an Organization Entity (parent department)


1. FLVC creates a top level department "root department" for your organization. The Islandora system will identify this as the "root" of the "tree" for making the tree display which appears under the "Repository" link along the top of screens. You can see which department this is by going to your Islandora site, then clicking the "Repository" tab along the top. The very top level of your tree is the top level department specified by FLVC. (On ir-test, the root department is "Top Level Entity: Holds University/College Organizations".) You can click to it and edit the name, but if you delete it, then you must contact FLVC to make a new one.

2. Create an Organization Entity for the parent department.

2a. Link your parent department to the "root department" for your site: On your parent department, click the "Manage" tab, then click to "Datastreams", then click to "edit" MADS. Fill in the "Parent School/Faculty" with the Department Name of the root department. (On ir-test, the root department is "Top Level Entity: Holds University/College Organizations".)

2b. Fill in the parent department's Department Name with a unique name: Browse to the department you'd like to edit, then click the "Manage" tab, then click to "Datastreams", then click to "edit" MADS. Fill in the "Department Name" (stores in the MADS as <authority><name type="corporate"><namePart>). This will be shown to the user, so use actual department names as identifiers. Remember what string you entered in for "Department Name", because you will use this string to do the linking later.

3. Now create a child department and link it: Browse to the child department you'd like to edit, then click the "Manage" tab, then click to "Datastreams", then click to "edit" MADS. Fill in the "Parent School/Faculty" with the Department Name of the parent department. This has to be an exact same name - exact same letters and spaces in the same order.

4. The order matters when you edit parent and child departments. If you need to change the parent department's name later, you need to first change the "Department Name" in the parent department Organization Entity, then later edit the child department and add that new name in as the "Parent School/Faculty".

Note: This linking is done by a string match in the metadata.

How to link a Person Entity to an Organization Entity (department)


1. Create an Organization Entity for the department you'd like to represent.

2. Fill in the "Department Name" (stores in the MADS as <authority><name type="corporate"><namePart>). This will be shown to the user on each faculty member's profile, so use actual department names as identifiers. Remember what string you entered in for "Department Name", because you will use this string to do the linking later.

3. Now link the Person to the Organization. Go to the Person Entity you'd like to link, click the "Manage" tab, then click to "Datastreams", then click "edit MADS".

4. When editing the Person Entity's MADS, in the blank labeled "Department", start typing the name of the Department. When it autofills, use your mouse to click on the correct value to complete the value you would like to use. The department name is stored as a string in the Person entity's MADS in MADS field <affiliation><organization>, and displays on the person's profile under the heading for "Department(s)" and under "Other Scholars in..."

5. If you need to change the department name later, you need to first change the name in the department Organization Entity, then later edit the name in the MADS for every Person Entity linked to that department.

Note: The order you complete steps in matters. You must edit the Person Entity last, in order for Solr indexing to include information about the department in displays of the person.

Note: This link is done by a string match in the metadata.

How to link a publication to a Person Entity


1. Make sure the Person Entity has a unique identifier: Edit the Person Entity's MADS <identifier> field: Click to the Person Entity you are working wtih, then click to the "Manage" tab, then click to "Datastreams", then click to "edit MADS". In the form, edit the field labeled "Identifier".

2. Enter this identifier into the MODS for the content object: Edit the content object's MODS <name><nameIdentifier> field: Click to the content object you would like to link, then click to the "Manage" tab, then click to "Datastreams", then click to "edit MODS". Use the "Full MODS" form to edit the MODS. Under the "Names" area of that form look for "ORCID" and "Local NameIdentifier".

  • You would use the ORCID (MODS <name><nameIdentifier type="ORCID">), if you deployed ORCID on your campus.
  • You would use some other scheme (MODS <name><nameIdentifier type="local">), for example official campus email address, if you have not deployed ORCID on your campus.
  • (You can switch from "local" to "ORCID" easily one profile at a time. To do so, you would add the ORCID into the MODS for each publication, then after the metadata was all prepped, you would edit the Person Entity with the Scholar MADS Form and change the Identifier from your local one to an ORCID.)

Note: The link is done by a string match in the metadata.

Note: MADS <identifier> in the Person Entity links to MODS <name><nameIdentifier> in the content object.

How to link a publication to an Organization Entity (department)

1. Create the Organization Entity (department) for the department you'd like to represent.

  • Here's info on filling out the form fields for the Organization Entity (department).
    • Fill in the "Department Name" (stores in the MADS as <authority><name type="corporate"><namePart>). This will be shown to the user on each faculty member's profile, so use actual department names as identifiers. Remember what string you entered in for "Department Name", because you will use this string to do the linking later.

2. Link the publication to the Organization Entity using the MODS field for <name><affliation>Organization Entity's name goes here</affliation></name> .

  • Here's info on filling out the form fields for the publication:
    • Use the Full MODS Form.
    • In the "Names" area:
      • Under "Affliation", enter the name for the Organization Entity.

Batch Importing Person Entities

It is possible to batch import scholar Person Entities. This is done by taking an Excel spreadsheet of metadata about the Person Entities, and saving as csv. The import can include information about what department each Person Entity is associated with, so you can build out your departments first, then batch import people into them. Currently, someone at FLVC has to do the batch load.

Here's how to do the batch load:

  • Download this spreadsheet add information on your faculty:
    • For notes on what each field means, print this tear sheet and refer to it:
    • In particular, the DEPARTMENT field is used to link the Person Entity to the department Organization Entity. You should first create the department Organization Entity, then fill out the spreadsheet.
    • In particular, the IDENTIFIER column (and identifier type="u1" field) is used to link publications (ie. any content object in Islandora) to the Person Entity. You should pick an identifier scheme to use to assign unique identifiers to faculty. FLVC recommends using either email address or ORCID. This identifier will be visible to anyone looking at a faculty member's profile.
      • You can also include a local identifier (LOCAL_IDENTIFIER column) and an Orcid identifier (ORCID_IDENTIFIER column) in your faculty information. As of summer 2017, this will not be used by the software to link publications to people, but it may be helpful later to have the information stored in the MADS record.
    • All persons in a single spreadsheet will be loaded inside the same collection. If you want to store your Person objects in separate collections, then provide separate spreadsheets.
    • Repeating fields: If you want to repeat a field, then fill out that spreadsheet cell to have all the values in one cell separated by a tilde ~ . For example, to repeat a department, include all this in one cell: Department of Art~Department of Nursing~Department of Math
  • Contact to have the spreadsheet checked and loaded. Put "Islandora" in the subject line, and in the email provide a link to the collection you'd like to have the Person objects loaded to.
  • FLVC will load it to your Islandora test site first, then we'll both review it, then load it to your Islandora production site.