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FL-Islandora Guide: Metadata

A guide for FL-Islandora users.


Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)

For all content in Islandora, the way each item is described is using MODS. When MODS was developed, the goal was to be able to carry all the same information as MARC. Think about how a MARC record can potentially have many fields to store information in. MODS is similar, and has many fields. Any one item in Islandora won't use all the fields, but there are many, many potential fields for storing metadata about that item. In the wider world of library metadata, Dublin Core is one of the simplest schemas, and MODS is one of the most complex schemas.  MODS is used because the complexity can better meet specialized needs of a given collection, and can better hold metadata mapped from MARC records which is helpful for digitized versions of older books where a catalog record was available. At this time, MODS 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 are in use in Florida Islandora sites.  There are a few local extension elements and special rules for using MODS in FL-Islandora.

NOTE: New Islandora users should read the this section before preparing metadata for FL-Islandora!

Florida Library Services' MODS Requirement for Everyone: Identifier (IID)

In the FL-Islandora implementation, one and only one identifier with type “IID” (Item Identifier) is required for every item loaded to Islandora. The value of the IID identifier must be unique in the system. The IID is intended to be an identifier meaningful to the institution. You should assign IIDs in a way that helps you to organize your files and digital objects. It could be an accession number, processing control number, or other-system number with some link to library records.  To ensure that IIDs are unique, it is recommended that they begin with a short character string used only by one institution, e.g. “FS” for Florida State University. Libraries should be careful not to use a prefix already claimed by another institution using FL-Islandora. It is the responsibility of the owning institution to keep track of the IIDs that they assign and ensure their uniqueness.

There are two ways to export a list of existing IIDs in a site. From the homepage, or any collection, you can click to "View All Items in this Collection", then click the icon for Excel in the top right corner, and that makes a .csv report for you to download. You can also go to "Advanced Search", and in the box for "Metadata Browse" enter mods.identifier.iid.

If the metadata is being entered online and the IID is not present or not unique, or if there are more than one IID in the metadata form, the metadata cannot be saved until corrected. If a faulty MODS file is included in a zip file submitted via batch import (zip file importer) a warning may be issued and a stub metadata record will be created containing only a title. If a faulty MODS record is included in a package for offline ingest, the package will not be ingested.

The value of the IID is used to create a PURL automatically for new content in the system.

Florida Library Services' MODS forms

The same MODS forms are installed on all Florida Library Services hosted Islandora sites. Florida Library Services is not able to customize on a site-by-site basis, because of the administrative overhead in testing each form and in troubleshooting numerous forms. The Islandora SubGroup (ISG) of the Digital Initiatives Standing Committee (DISC) of the Members Council on Library Services makes decisions about form fields.

There are three forms in use on all Islandora sites:

1) MODS Simple Entry

  • The MODS Simple Entry form has a small subset of MODS fields. This form should be used for most work in Islandora, and especially for adding new items to Islandora.
  • Click here to see a screenshot of the full length MODS Simple Entry form.  (ctrl and + sign to zoom in)  Note that the MODS Simple Entry is "simple" but still fairly long.  A good way to use this form is to make a checklist of which fields you want to add for each project, use the MODS Simple Entry form to upload, and upload using your checklist to fill out only the relevant fields in the MODS Simple Entry form.  Different collections will have different relevant fields.  For example, a collection of academic articles will have a different core set of relevant fields than will a postcard collection.  For any given collection, you will leave many form fields blank, but the fields are there because which to leave blank will be different from collection to collection.

2) Full MODS form

  • The Full MODS form is intended to be able to touch up any metadata in use on any site in the entire Florida Islandora system. Across all the sites, many collections have migrated onto Islandora from other platforms, many items have metadata mapped from MARC, and there is a wide variety of metadata. The Full MODS form is not intended for general use in adding new items to Islandora, because it has so many fields that someone will have to scroll down through several screens to find a few fields.
  • Click here to see a screenshot of the full length Full MODS form.  (ctrl and + sign to zoom in)  Note that the Full MODS form is extremely long.  It is intended for being able to touch up any metadata anywhere in any record, and not intended for data entry.

3) Full MODS: Newspaper

  • For Newspaper Issues (as opposed to the parent newspaper object), you don't have a choice of which form to use. You have to use the Full MODS form, with one small modification - dateIssued is required in this form, because the dateIssued information powers the accordion style display that lets someone browse to a specific issue by date.

There are two ways to request a change to a form. First, if the form has a bug, you can directly report that to . The kinds of odd behavior you might notice are things like you type a change and press "Save" but your change doesn't show up, something saves wrong either to an unintended field or with a wrong attribute, labels on form fields are confusing and could be worded better, or the Full MODS form can't get to metadata that you have on your site. Second, for any other changes, for example, if you would like a field added to a form, then attend an ISG meeting and request the change there. Each ISG meeting has an open call for announcements, and you can suggest a change then, or you can email ahead of time and have your request added to the agenda. It's fine to email with all requests, and Florida Library Services staff will write back and tell you to bring it to ISG if the change should be reviewed by ISG.

Florida Library Services does offer limited services in custom forms, like a custom form that is a shortened version of MODS Simple Entry. For example, if you are cleaning up author names, it is in the realm of possibility that Florida Library Services will make a form that opens only author names, so that when you edit metadata you see only that field and don't have to scroll up and down to find the field. Custom forms are intended to be used for a limited time only and to be used for targeted metadata clean up projects. Florida Library Services will not provide a custom form for purposes of creating metadata as you upload objects.

Prefilling Metadata in the MODS Forms

Starting with a MARC record

Anytime you go to upload a single item, Islandora will ask you whether you have a MARCXML record. If you do, then you can upload it, and Islandora will convert that MARC record to MODS and prefill the Islandora form.

This is useful if you have digitized print materials from your collection. In that case, you can get the MARC record for the print item from your catalog, and use that to prefill metadata when you upload to Islandora.

This is also useful if you have a collection with many repeated fields. You can make a template MODS file with the repetitive fields, use MARCEdit to convert that to MARCXML, and use that template to prefill metadata. Be careful with this, and make sure that you are prefilling exactly the fields you want and not prefilling additional fields.

Metadata templates

If you have a collection or project with many repeated fields, Florida Library Services can install a version of the MODS Simple Entry or Full MODS form that prefills with that repeated information. For example, if you had a newspaper, The Observer, where every issue had an identical uniform title, and identical publisher, and identical copyright statement, etc., the you can request a form "Full MODS: The Observer" that will prefill with those required fields. That "Full MODS: The Observer" form will show up as an option on your site wherever forms show up, and when adding an issue to the newspaper, you can choose that form. To make the request, make a sample record with all the repeated information, and contact with "Islandora" in the subject line and a request to set up a template.

This request for prefilled information in a MODS form is straightforward for Florida Library Services to set up, and Florida Library Services encourages you to ask for this service if it is useful in completing a project.

Other metadata in use in Islandora

Florida Library Services' Local MODS Profile

The local MODS profile is technical information for librarians working directly with MODS. It is likely not of general interest.

For regular librarians just wanting to upload a variety of content, the time you might use this page is if you want to do a metadata clean up project. If so, then skim this page, and see whether there's a specific way of handling the metadata you want to add. For example, there is a specific way institutions should enter in Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), so you want to be aware of that before you start clean up to add hundreds of DOIs to your material or before you begin a collection where the items have DOIs.

Core Requirements (local MODS profile):

  • <identifier type="IID">
    • Required
    • non-repeatable
    • Each IID must be unique from all other IIDs used across institutions.
    • Requirements: The only characters allowed are A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, underscore, dash, period, left- and right-parenthesis. (This requirement is because the IIDs are used to make PURLs.)
    • Requirements: No spaces allowed in an IID. (This requirement is because the IIDs are used to make PURLs.)
  • <titleInfo><title>
    • Required (This is a required field in all forms.)
  • <originInfo><dateIssued>
    • The dateIssued is required for Newspaper Issues in order to show up in the tree browse from the top level newspaper element.
    • A dateIssued is also required by the Excel to MODS Transformer service. The Excel to MODS Transformer will not process MODS unless a dateIssued is included.
  • Local fields: These are <extension><flvc:flvc><flvc:owningInstitution></flvc:owningInstitution><flvc:submittingInstitution></flvc:submittingInstitution><flvc:otherLogo></flvc:otherLogo><flvc:objectHistory></flvc:objectHistory></flvc:flvc></extension>
    • <flvc:owningInstitution>
      • Required
      • non-repeatable
      • "The home FL-Islandora repository." (text Florida Library Services displays in the MODS forms)
      • Pulls from a controlled vocabulary (because it is used for creating a PURL based on Florida Library Services' code for the owning institution and IID). This is implemented with a drop down menu in forms.
    • <flvc:submittingInstitution>
      • optional field
      • non-repeatable
      • "The institution submitting the digital object for ingest." (text Florida Library Services displays in the MODS forms)
      • Pulls from the same controlled vocabulary as <flvc:owningInstitution>. 
    • <flvc:otherLogo>
      • optional field
      • repeatable
      • "The name of a logo to display with the object in addition to the logo of the owning institution." (text Florida Library Services displays in the MODS forms)
      • Maximum of 25 characters (alphanumeric plus underscores). Case insensitive.
    • <flvc:objectHistory source="digitool">
      • optional field
      • Used to store provenance information about Digitool.
    • Required that one and only one Florida Library Services extension exists.
    • The Florida Library Services extension is for internal use only, and should not be used for meeting requirements of any harvesting projects. As of summer 2018, Florida Library Services uses the Florida Library Services extension for internal quality control and reports, and to display one or more institutional logos in the bottom right corner of each object's web display.

Metadata rules in Fl-Islandora


Standard Version      Schema Info
MODS 3.4

Also found in FL-Islandora

  • Each object has one master metadata stream. In FL-Islandora, the master metadata record is MODS format and stored in objects as the MODS datastream. MODS is a standard maintained by the Library of Congress (see MODS records submitted to Islandora should validate using the MODS schema provided by the Library of Congress.
  • A MARCXML record uploaded to online ingest or submitted to batch ingest will be converted to MODS. MARCXML can be regenerated from the MODS for viewing or download. MARCXML is not indexed by FL-Islandora but can be generated for loading to Mango or OAI-PMH harvesters.
  • Fedora requires that all objects have a Dublin Core datastream. Dublin Core derivative records are made from master MODS records and stored with the object. The derived DC terms are indexed but are only found hit by expanding a search to all metadata (catch_all_fields). The Dublin Core records can also be used in OAI (Open Archives Initiative) metadata harvesting.

Excel to MODS

These instructions cover transforming an Excel spreadsheet of metadata to MODS so the records can be imported into Islandora.  Files created through this process can be ingested into FL-Islandora using the Zip File Importer.

The outline of steps is:

a) Prepare your Excel spreadsheet of metadata
b) Use the ExcelToMODS Transformer to convert your Excel spreadsheet to MODS

a) Prepare your Excel spreadsheet of metadata

Download the template Excel spreadsheet from . Download this and type in your filenames and your metadata values. Only the first three columns (filename, identifier-IID, title, and date issued + issuance) are required. If you leave "issuance" blank it throws a validation error. These are the elements that you can choose from for issuance: (continuing, monographic, single unit, multipart monograph, serial, integrating resource). The validation error is: [VALIDATION ERROR :: Element '{}originInfo': Missing child element(s). Expected is one of ( {}place, {}publisher, {}dateIssued, {}dateCreated, {}dateCaptured, {}dateValid, {}dateModified, {}copyrightDate, {}dateOther, {}edition )].  Other fields are optional, however, good complete metadata will help researchers and site visitors to find your items and is recommended.

Some extra instructions on which column header matches to which MODS field can be found here .

One content model per spreadsheet! (ie. Large Image .tifs go in a spreadsheet together, and the Basic Image .jpegs go in a different spreadsheet, and PDF content model .pdf files go in another, and so on.) When you use the ZIP File Importer to add MODS and content to Islandora, you can only zip load one kind of content model at a time. So all of the rows of your worksheet should be for the same type of file -- don’t mix up your PDFs and JP2s!

Tip: All columns in your Excel spreadsheet should be of the format “Text” (not “General”) before you begin data entry. This helps to prevent Excel from reformatting your metadata as you type. If you notice that Excel is reformatting your dates, select the whole column, right click, select "Format" in the dropdown menu, and make sure that "Text" format is selected.
b) Use Florida Library Services' ExcelToMODS Transformer to convert your Excel spreadsheet to MODS
NOTE: do NOT use Internet Explorer with as it doesn't properly display transformation errors.
  1. Log into the Excel to MODS Transformer at For a login, contact
  2. After logging in, you will see a place to upload an Excel file. Browse your computer to find the prepared Excel file of metadata.
  3. To the right of the upload slot, you will see a blank for “Output Filename”. There you can fill out the name you would like the ExcelToMODS Transformer to assign to your package of MODS files. If you leave it blank, then the transformer will assign a random name.
  4. To convert the Excel file to MODS, click the “transform” button.

After you click the “transform” button, a green bar with the text “Submitted” will appear. In a few moments, in the “Downloads” area, either a list of error messages or a link to your package of MODS files will appear.

When you download the package, it will be a .zip file containing a MODS file in xml for each line in your original spreadsheet. You can then save the .zip file to your local drive. (When you click the link in your browser, the zip file may open automatically in Internet Explorer, and then you'll see a list of .xml file, which you can click and drag to a folder on your computer.)

If you see error messages in the “Transformation Errors” section, open your Excel file on your desktop and work through the errors. When you have corrected an error, you may click in the ExcelToMODS Transformer to clear the error messages, and try uploading and transforming again. It’s a good idea to click to clear the error messages between uploads, because then you won’t see and revisit older errors that you have now fixed. If you do not click to clear older error messages, they will remain on the screen even after you upload a new file.

When you have worked through error messages. Click the “download” button to download your package of MODS files.

Quality Control: Manually Review the MODS

The Excel to MODS Transformer validates the MODS files it creates. However, there are cases where although the MODS XML file is valid the contents of individual MODS elements may not be what you expect to see. This is usually caused by irregularities of data entry into the Excel file, or by Excel "helpfully" reformatting something.

Click to open a few samples of MODS XML records and skim them to confirm that the contents of elements is what you expect. Common element content problems and solutions are described below.

Problem: Dates are formatted as yyyy.0 . Ex. 2015.0 Ex. 1988.0

  • Cause: This has likely been caused when dates are input into an Excel column that has not been pre-formatted as "text".
  • Solution: In the Excel file: Cut and paste just the column of problematic numbers into Notepad. Then in Excel, format the column as text: Select the whole column, right click and "Format Cells", then choose Category "Text". Now cut and paste from Notepad back into Excel. When the date is correctly formatted as text, I see a tiny green corner in the top left of each of the Excel cells holding a yyyy date. The green arrow is an error message. You can then click the cell with the green arrow, and an exclamation point appears to the left of the cell. Click the exclamation point to see the error message, and it says “Number stored as text”. For you this is not an error, but instead exactly what you wanted to do!

Problem: Dates show random numbers

  • Cause: Excel has formatted your date field as a "Date" and not as "Text". It seems counterintuitive, but you want your date info to be stored as "Text" in Excel. Microsoft Excel stores dates as sequential numbers that are called serial values. For example, in Microsoft Excel for Windows, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, and January 1, 2008 is serial number 39448 because it is 39,448 days after January 1, 1900.
  • Solution: Type all your dates into the spreadsheet as yyyy-mm-dd, and if you realize that Excel is reformatting these to mm/dd/yyyy, nip it in the bud. Select your whole column, right click and "Format Cells", then choose the "Text" format.
  • Solution: If Excel has already converted a whole bunch of dates to yyyy/mm/dd format, you can convert to yyyy-mm-dd by selecting those and formatting as date with a locale of "English (U.K.) and a Type of yyyy-mm-dd. Then you can can copy and paste all those to Notepad. Then in Excel, format the column as text: Select the whole column, right click and "Format Cells", then choose Category "Text". Now cut and paste from Notepad back into Excel. When the date is correctly formatted as text, I see a tiny green corner in the top left of each of the Excel cells holding a yyyy date. The green arrow is an error message. You can then click the cell with the green arrow, and an exclamation point appears to the left of the cell. Click the exclamation point to see the error message, and it says “Number stored as text”. For you this is not an error, but instead exactly what you wanted to do!

Problem: Line breaks within individual Excel cells cause unintended repeated MODS elements

  • Cause: This is caused by line breaks in Excel cells, possibly introduced via a cut and paste operation. An example of a resulting repeated MODS element will look something like this:
    <note>Part of the sentence that came before the line break,</note>
    <note> and the rest of the sentence that came after the line break.</note>
  • If the above is loaded into Islandora two <note> elements will display to the public.
  • Solution: To remove line breaks in Excel cells, do find/replace. For find you will enter the line break which looks invisible. To enter the line break, have the cursor in the “Find” part of find/replace, hold down Alt and type 010. Then for replace enter a single space. That find/replace should remove all the line breaks in cells and add spaces instead.

NOTE: Prior to 2015, FSU library had circulated an Excel template, an XSLT template, and instructions for converting from Excel to MODS using Microsoft Excel on the desktop. That process is no longer supported by Florida Library Services.  As of Summer 2018, no additional fields will be added to the Excel to MODS Transformer. The service will not be sunset, but all development work will instead be spent on Islandora.  The Excel to MODS Transformer is periodically updated, for example to have a header referencing a more recent version of MODS. Updates are backwards compatible, and it's OK to reprocess older Excel files made from a previous template.

Make a .zip file with the MODS XML and corresponding content files

Follow instructions at in the section "Preparing the zip file" to make a .zip load file and batch load to Islandora.  The ExcelToMODS Transformer will have made the MODS XML .xml files and the names should be correctly formatted for zip loading based on the column you filled out with file name.  Put the MODS XML and the content files together in a folder on your desktop.  On Windows, right click on the folder, and "Send to" a "Compressed (zipped) folder".

Validate Metadata

Please Validate All Metadata Files Before Zip Loading or replacing MODS files!

Validation resources:

MODS records should validate against the MODS schema and begin with this declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mods xmlns=""

MARCXML records should validate against the MARCXML schema and begin with:

<record xmlns="" 

Field inventory


All descriptive metadata in FL-Islandora is stored in XML format using the MODS bibliographic standard. To the end user (students, faculty, the general public) the terms and structure used by MODS may be difficult to interpret. FL-Islandora is customized to index and sort the metadata under labels to improve the user experience. This includes labels at the object record level, in search results, and in search facets. This may create a challenge to FL-Islandora staff users working directly with the MODS records. Refined lists of records can be retrieved in Advanced Search by selecting Solr search fields. To aide staff users in using this function, an inventory has been created to map fields of the MODS to that of these Solr search fields. The inventory also maps MODS fields to display fields found in the Full Description tab at the object record level. By using this tables below staff users will have access to a reference that will provide detail of how their metadata will appear in Islandora as well as create queries to maintain granular control over the metadata. See the screenshots in the documentation below for guidance.

Field Inventory

The rows of these tables document the associations between solr, metadata, and display fields. The principal purpose is to allow end users to reference the elements and their corresponding Search, Sort, and Record fields. This list is not exhaustive as solr fields are dynamically generated.  Navigate between the sheets using the tabs at the bottom of the document to see each table. Main document:

ltm suggestion: at least an introductory sentence at the top of the page that indicates that the Solr fields of individual MODS metadata elements can be used in Advanced Search to retrieve lists of records. Give an example. Also: give a brief explanation of each dataset below. Assume that the reader has no idea what this is for or how it is to be used.

MODS Element/Attribute

In each dataset there is a MODS Element/Attribute column. Similar to X-Path, the data in the cells of this column are presented in a format that will allow a staff user to trace elements down through the MODS XML parent-child structure to the MODS element of which a value is contained. The string begins at the top-level MODS element and precedes through this elements children indicated by /. An element not followed by / is the XML element that contains the metadata value. Ex: relatedItem/titleInfo/subTitle - the MODS element containing the value is subTitle. Say the value of the subtitle is A New Hope. It would be expressed in MODS XML in the following way:

   <title>Star Wars Episode IV</title>
   <subTitle>A New Hope</subTitle>

Here you see how relatedItem/titleInfo/subTitle is followed down from MODS Top Level Element relatedItem to subTitle.

Attributes are also included in these strings. Please see this tutorial for an explanation of XML attributes. Attributes are represented in the strings by @ followed by the name of the attribute (most commonly type) followed by = and the value of the attribute itself in quotations "...". Ex: name/namePart@type="family" - the MODS element containing the value is namePart type="family" or in XML <namePart type="family>. Say the value of namePart is Skywalker. It would be expressed in MODS XML in the following way:

<namePart type="family">Skywalker</namePart>

This element without the type="family" attribute would simply be expressed as name/namePart.

Datasets and Description

Data sets covered (click to view placement in Islandora):

  • Full Description Display - This dataset refers to fields found on the Full Description tab of FL-Islandora Objects. The table provides:

  1. (Full Description Display) - the label of a metadata field printed on Full Description.

  2. (MODS Element/Attribute) - the corresponding element path the wraps the data in the MODS XML w/without brackets - see above.

  3. (MODS Top Level Element) the name of the MODS top-level element from which the field is descended.

  4. (Solr Field) - the solr field which can be entered in metadata search/browse of the advanced search page - see below.

  • Search labels - This dataset refers to the fields found in FL-Islandora search results. The table provides:

  1. (Search Label)- the label of a metadata field printed in search results.

  2. (MODS Element/Attribute) - the corresponding element path the wraps the data in the MODS XML w/without brackets - see above.

  3. (MODS Top Level Element) the name of the MODS top-level element from which the field is descended.

  4. (Solr Field) - the solr field which can be entered in metadata search/browse of the advanced search page - see below.

  • Search Facets- This dataset refers to the fields found in FL-Islandora search facets. Facets are links generated from the metadata of the returned query that allow you to narrow search results by excluding objects with that data from results or limiting results to objects containing that data. The table provides:

  1. (Facet Label)- the label of a metadata field printed in the Facets found in search results.

  2. (MODS Element/Attribute) - the corresponding element path the wraps the data in the MODS XML w/without brackets - see above.

  3. (MODS Top Level Element) the name of the MODS top-level element from which the field is descended.

  4. (Solr Field) - the solr field which can be entered in metadata search/browse of the advanced search page - see below.

  • Search Sort- This dataset refers to the fields found in FL-Islandora search sort. Sort allows you to arrange search results in either ascending or descending order as applied to the selected field. The table provides:

  1. (Sort Label)- the label of a metadata field printed in the sort block in search results.

  2. (MODS Element/Attribute) - the corresponding element path the wraps the data in the MODS XML w/without brackets - see above.

  3. (MODS Top Level Element) the name of the MODS top-level element from which the field is descended.

  4. (Solr Field) - the solr field which can be entered in metadata search/browse of the advanced search page - see below.

  • Advanced Search labels- This dataset refers to the fields found in the Field drop-down of the Advanced Search menu. Selecting a field limits an executed query to values found in the selected field. The table provides:

  1. (Advanced Search Label)- the label of a metadata field printed in the Field drop-down of the Advanced Search menu on the Advanced Search page.

  2. (MODS Element/Attribute) - the corresponding element path the wraps the data in the MODS XML w/without brackets - see above.

  3. (MODS Top Level Element) the name of the MODS top-level element from which the field is descended.

  4. (Solr Field) - the solr field which can be entered in metadata search/browse of the advanced search page - see below.

  • MODS - Solr mapping- This dataset is a list of MODS elements and their corresponding Solr value. The table provides:

  1. (MODS Element/Attribute) - the element path the wraps the data in the MODS XML w/without brackets - see above.

  2. (Solr Field) - the solr field which can be entered in metadata search/browse of the advanced search page - see below.

Using Solr fields

Users can make further use of the solr values found in the table by visiting their institutions Advanced Search page. Entering the solr values into the Islandora Metadata Search and Islandora Metadata Browse feature will generate lists of records indexed by these values, thus providing library staff a tool for rigorous control of their records, their relation to one another, and their discovery through FL-Islandora.

Metadata Search

Example: Say you want to locate all objects with the value "Telegram" input within top-level element 'genre', <genre>Telegram</genre>, in the MODS datastreams of your library. Executing a simple search for "Telegram" will retrieve these objects but it may also retrieve the value from other fields as well. To perform a search isolated to the MODS genre element locate the corresponding Solr Field from one of the tables within the inventory.

Copy the Solr Field and enter it into 'Search Solr field' in the metadata search box on the advanced search page. Refine the query by entering "Telegram" in the adjacent field. Date fields and a Collection drop-down are available if you wish to limit the search.

Execute the search to retrieve all objects with the Solr field mods.genre indexed with the value "Telegram". These objects will contain <genre>Telegram</genre> in the MODS.

Metadata Browse

Example: If you were looking for the most commonly used subjects you could simply View All Items and browse the facets. However, not all metadata fields are not available in the facets. Now say you want to locate the most commonly used publishers in your library - it's not in the facets AND you are unsure of how it is expressed in the MODS. You can use the datasets in the inventory to locate your fields based on what you are familiar with. For example, locate the 'Publisher' label from the Full Description Display. From this point you will be able to locate both the MODS Element (originInfo/publisher) and the Solr Field (mods.originInfo.publisher).

Take the Solr Field and enter it into the Islandora Metadata Browse. Sort by 'Count' to see the most frequently used Publisher.

The resulting search will provide a list of Publishers along with the amount of objects the term is found in. Select a value to retrieve a search containing each of the objects with this value.

Institutions can ese the csv export from these final search results to create a spreadsheet of these records to share with stakeholders.


How to Store Digital Object Identifiers in the MODS

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) should be stored in MODS in the identifier element with a type="doi".


<identifier type="doi">10.1007/BF02126356</identifier>

and you enter it in the MODS form like this:

Screenshot of a DOI entered into the MODS form.  Under the header "Identifiers", for "Type" enter "doi" (all lowercase), and for "Identifier" enter the DOI only and not any URL made from the DOI.  For example, enter "10.1007/BF02126356" as the "Identifier".

The DOI encoding is used to pull any altmetrics information available for the publication in the service. For this to work, the DOI has to be stored exactly as described above.

FLVC Extension

There are three elements local to FL-Islandora:

Owning institution: The institution code of the institution that owns the digital object. This is a required field.

A list of existing institution codes can be found in the table below.

Institution Name Institution Code
Broward College Broward
Florida A&M University FAMU
Florida Atlantic University FAU
Florida Gateway College FGC
Florida Gulf Coast University FGCU
Florida International University FIU
Florida State College at Jacksonville FSCJ
Florida State University FSU
Florida Virtual Campus FLVC
Gulf Coast State College GCSC
Hillsborough Community College HCCFL
Indian River State College IRSC
Lake-Sumter State College LSSC
New College of Florida NCF
Northwest Florida State College NWFSC
Polk State College POLK
State College of Florida SCF
St. Petersburg College SPC
University of Central Florida UCF
University of Florida UF
University of North Florida UNF
University of South Florida USF
University of West Florida UWF
Valencia College VALENCIA

Submitting institution: The code of the institution that submitted the object for ingest. If not provided, this is assumed to be the same as the owning institution.

Other logo: The name/code of an image to display in the logo area beneath an object, in addition to the institution’s logo, for secondary branding purposes. The name/code must be predefined in the system through the manual addition of an image and/or link. See Site Administration: Object Branding for details.

In the MODS record, these elements are stored in an flvc extension:




How to Store ORCIDs in the MODS?

ORCIDs should be stored in <name><nameIdentifier type="ORCID">.

The ORCID is always the URI version, and should always be expressed with "https" and NOT "http". ORCID's guidance document of the ORCID Identifier states, "The ORCID iD is expressed as an https URI, i.e. the 16-digit identifier is preceded by "". A hyphen is inserted every 4 digits of the identifier to aid readability."
For example:


<namePart type="given">Wilhelmina</namePart>

<namePart type="family">Randtke</namePart>

<nameIdentifier type="orcid"></nameIdentifier>


As of summer 2018, Islandora is not interacting with the ORCID API, and adding interaction with the ORCID API is not planned or scheduled.

Importing and Exporting citation metadata in Islandora Scholar

Importing Metadata from Crossref DOIs, PMID, RIS, etc.

When you create a new content object (of any kind; Citation, Thesis, PDF, Large Image, etc.), Islandora Scholar allows you to prepopulate the MODS form with metadata imported from:

  • PMID (Pubmed)
  • DOI
  • An RIS file
  • An Endnote XML export

This works similar to importing with MARCXML.

Note: At this time, for production installs, this will not automatically be part of the roll out. This is because, similar to the MARCXML upload, the option to import metadata from DOI, MID, etc. will show up on upload across the site. So, for the majority of objects, it's an extra step to click through. On request, FLVC can enable it for one content model at a time (ie. DOI import can be enabled for Citation and PDF items on your site.

Batch DOI Import

Batch import by DOI has to be turned on for your site in order for it to work. If it’s turned on, then when you go to a Collection, then to the “Manage” tab, then to the “Collection” tab, then to “Batch Import Objects”, there will be another option besides “zip loader” and that option will be “DOI Importer”. Batch import by DOI will only work for the Citation content model, but the option will show up for other content models – don’t use DOI Importer for batch loading anything other than Citation or strange things will be created and might cause trouble. If you see that option to batch import using “DOI Importer”, then you can use a load file with DOIs each separated by a single space.

While starting out, try importing small batches, and check each batch carefully. Report any problems or any DOIs which won’t import, so that FLVC can keep track of these.

There is no way to import a PDF along with the batch load by DOI. Instead the batch load by DOI will create metadata only objects, then you would have to manually add the PDF later after load.

Exporting Citation Lists

One aspect of the software which is not enabled on FLVC sites is the ability to make a list of items and then export a list of citations as PDF, XML, or test. This will also allow export of list of publications by a faculty member.

By default, the software formats all cites to publications as if it is a scholarly article. So, some manual clean up is needed.

As of Fall 2017, there wasn't a decision to not enable this on the Islandora sites. Instead, it hasn't gotten much interest. If you are interested in it feel free to ask and Creative Commons

How to Store values in the MODS? was released in 2016. values should be entered into the MODS in the accessCondition element with a type="use and reproduction" and with a displayLabel="". The URI should be entered with no other information in the same field (ie. do not mix in human readable information along with the URI - the URI should be by itself).

Significantly, URIs use "http" and NOT "https".


<accessCondition type="use and reproduction" displayLabel=""></accessCondition>

and you enter it in the MODS form like this:

Batch Ingest

In Spring 2019, Florida Library Services coordinated a batch insert of values to Islandora sites.  Institutions are able to submit a spreadsheet of PIDs and desired value, and Florida Library Services will insert those centrally.  If you want to add values, updated reports of items on your Islandora site, showing existing copyright statements, may be pulled by anyone working in Florida Library Services' Digital Services and OER unit (ie. an updated spreadsheet similar to the ones that went out in August 2018 and January/February 2019).  With a completed spreadsheet you are able to request a batch insert for some or all of your materials at any time.  Turn around time should be less than a week for either request.  At this time there is not a process to batch update the values. and the Excel to MODS Transformer

As of summer 2018, the Excel to MODS Transformer cannot create values encoded to Florida Library Services' requirements. There are no plans to add this functionality. If you wish to use the Excel to MODS Transformer to create metadata, then enter the URIs in the column labeled "access condition" (just a single URI for each file with no other info in that "access condition" column). Then contact with "Islandora" in the subject line, send the Excel file, and request Florida Library Services to send you back a .zip file of the MODS records with the encoding.

Digital Public Library of America's (DPLA's) MODS requirements

These copyright statements help meet metadata guidelines for Florida's Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) hub.  Florida's DPLA hub is the Sunshine State Digital Network (SSDN).  Florida Library Services is providing services to help libraries who wish to participate, but Florida Library Services is not affiliated and adding these is optional and is the library’s choice.  An exception to that is the PALMM Islandora site ( ) .  This site consists of materials shared in from other sites, and is managed by the Digital Initiatives Sub-Committee (DISC) of the Members Council on Library Services (MCLS).  From inception, the PALMM project had guidelines for copyright statements.  PALMM began in 1999 with the Millennium Project to digitize 2000 books by the year 2000.  As of March 2019, more than 80% of PALMM materials have had the value added through initiative of libraries participating in the batch insert. 

The DPLA has examples of how to encode in this guidance document Standardized Rights Statements Implementation Guidelines. DPLA requires that a or Creative Commons value be included with every item going into DPLA. And, DPLA requires that this or Creative Commons value be the only value stored in <accessCondition type="use and reproduction"> and that local rights statements using uncontrolled language be stored using another type, type="local rights statement". However, this is incompatible with the MODS schema. The examples in the User Guidelines clearly show uncontrolled rights statements in type="use and reproduction". Because the Library of Congress maintains the MODS standard, Florida Library Services will follow the published standard. DPLA is one of many projects using the MODS standard and is not authoritative.

Islandora shares out records via OAI-PMH. One of the settings on the OAI-PMH configuration in Islandora is an option to transform records as they go out. It is possible to install a transformation on the Islandora site's OAI-PMH feed which would remove uncontrolled <accessCondition type="use and reproduction"> statements and send out only the and Creative Commons values by taking <accessCondition type="use and reproduction" displayLabel=""> and converting it to <accessCondition type="use and reproduction">.

How to Store Creative Commons values in the MODS?

Creative Commons values should be entered into the MODS in the accessCondition element with a type="use and reproduction" and with a displayLabel="Creative Commons". The URI should be entered with no other information in the same field (ie. do not mix in human readable information along with the URI - the URI should be by itself).

Encoding is identical to that used for values, except that for Creative Commons values, the displayLabel attribute is different. diplayLabel="Creative Commons" should be used.

Significantly, Creative Commons URIs use "http" and NOT "https".

How and Creative Commons values are used in Islandora?

The and Creative Commons values are matched to one of 3 categories:

  • Free Re-use
  • Limited Re-use
  • No Re-use

These are the facets on search results that allow researchers on an Islandora site to quickly limit search results by copyright status.  You can view these facets by visiting PALMM Islandora, running a search, and looking along the lefthand side of search results for the label "Can I Use It? Rights Status".  Three options are available for someone to facet to:  Free Re-use, No Re-use, and Limited Re-use.  The facets are powered by the values in the metadata.  When a value is added according to the FLVC/Florida Library Services MODS Profile, that will also populate the facet.

Breakdowns of which value go to which facet were determined in a series of meetings in Fall 2018 between scholarly communications librarians and other interested parties at member institutions using Islandora, and at the Islandora SubGroup (ISG).  The breakdown follows facets on Europeana, and is as follows:

Special note on encoding as an xlink: Florida Library Services is aware that FSU will encode the values as an xlink