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Discovery and E-Resources Guide

This Libguide contains documentation, training, and configuration information on FLVC's PrimoVE Discovery tool.

Selective/Aggregator Collections

CDI Type = Full text collection
Full Text Linking in CDI = Link Resolver  

How does it work?

CDI content is activated based on the portfolios you activate. Linking will use Link resolver. 

Example: JSTOR Books Language and Literature   

Best Practice: Generally, you will activate for full text with "We subscribe to only some titles in this collection" set to No - unless you are only activating SOME portfolios. In that case, you will activate with ""We subscribe to only some titles in this collection" set to Yes.


CDI Type = Full text collection
Full Text Linking in CDI = Link in Record 

How does it work? CDI content can be activated on the collection level or the title level. Linking is Link in record. When a collection uses this type of linking, the portfolios typically do not contain enough metadata to use Link Resolver linking. 

Example: Alexander Street Literature 

Best Practice: Activate for Full text with "We subscribe to only some titles in this collection" set to No.

Or: Activate for full text in CDI Only. 

screenshot of cdi settings with "we subscribe to only some titles in this collection" highlighted and checked "no"

screenshot of CDI settings with "CDI-only full-text activation" checked

CDI Type = Full text collection
Full Text Linking in CDI = Hybrid linking (a mix of link resolver and link in record)

How does it work? Part of the collection has good identifiers and use Link resolver. Part of the collection has no portfolios or don't have good identifiers and uses Link in Record. 

Example: ProQuest Central 

Best Practice: Activate for Full text with "We subscribe to only some titles in this collection" set to No. 

screenshot of cdi settings with we subscribe to only some titles in the collection set to no


NOTE: When activating database collections, do not suppress the collection-level bib record. For database collections the collection-level bib must be unsuppressed in order for CDI links to appear.

CDI Type = Full text collection 
Full Text Linking in CDI = Link in Record 

How does it work? CDI content is activated at the collection level and uses Link in Record. 

Note: For a small number of databases, the content is a mix of full text and A&I content and the CDI Type is set to Hybrid. Linking for all content in the database will be Link in Record. 

Example: Gale Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) 

Best Practice: Activate for Full Text or Activate for Full Text in CDI Only

CDI Type = Abstract & Index collection 
Full Text Linking in CDI = Link Resolver 

How does it work? This is an A&I Database so there is no full text. Records will appear as full text available when they match other Full text activations. Linking will use Link Resolver. 

Example: Scopus 

Best Practice: Activate for Full Text or Activate for Full Text in CDI Only. All types of activations have the same effect. However, depending on the needs of your institution, you may opt to turn off the CDI for A&I collections (using the setting "Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma," as the links will not provide access to the full text of the content.

screenshot of edit collection cdi tab with do not show as full text available checked

CDI Type = Mix of Abstract & Index and Full Text  
Full Text Linking in CDI = Hybrid linking 

How does it work? Part of the collection has direct links to full text on the provider platform, and part of the collection does not. Records with no link will work as regular A&I records (i.e., they will appear as full text available when they match full text activations through other collections). Linking will use Link Resolver. Records with direct links will show as available and use link in record. 

Example: ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) 

Best Practice: Activate for Full Text OR Activate for Full Text in CDI Only. 


NOTE: Some collections in the CZ may not match exactly to the types listed above. Ex Libris is working on adjusting all the collections to match one of the above types. If you would like assistance activating a collection or have general questions, please reach out to  

Ex Libris Documentation