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Discovery and E-Resources Guide

This Libguide contains documentation, training, and configuration information on FLVC's PrimoVE Discovery tool.

Patron Tools

My Library Card

Primo VE's My Library Card area lets patrons do the following:

  • Check loans and renew where possible
  • Review account messages and blocks
  • See requests, loans, fines, and so forth for other institutions that are part of a fulfillment network (walk-in borrowing)
  • Check the status of their requests
  • Update their account information if you allow them to do this


Ex Libris Documentation:

Personalization and My Favorites

Patrons can personalize their search so that results associated with their preferred topics will be boosted in the results list. This won't change the results that come up, but it will change their sort order.

Patrons can also pin search results and save them for later, using labels to create folders for specific searches.

Patrons can also set up search alerts to let them know when new content is added related to a specific search term.

Ex Libris Documentation: