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Discovery and E-Resources Guide

This Libguide contains documentation, training, and configuration information on FLVC's PrimoVE Discovery tool.

Report to Ex Libris Feature

Reporting Problems with E-Resource Collections and Their Portfolios


Alma has a feature called “Report to Ex Libris” that can be used to report collection and title (portfolio) level issues for Alma electronic collections when they originate in the Community Zone (CZ). Library staff who can file tickets with ProQuest can use this feature once the CRM Contacts table in Alma is configured. This is an "opt-in" service, so FLVC will continue to report collection and portfolio issues to Ex Libris if a library choses not to use this feature. 

How It Works

When a collection or title (portfolio) is displayed in Alma, a menu will appear to the right of the item. Clicking on the elipsis (...) displays a menu which includes the Report to Ex Libris feature. See below:

When the Report to Ex Libris link is clicked, a form will appear:

Alma will automatically fill in the Contact or if there is more than one contact listed in the CRM Contacts table, names will be listed in a drop down menu. Other details about the collection or portfolio are also automatically filled in based on the collection or portfolio staff were viewing when the link was clicked. Staff submitting the reports must choose the most appropriate CRM Category (Title level issue or Collection level issue) and the most appropriate CRM SubCategory (Add title(s), Update title(s), Remove title(s), Update date(s), or Update linking). Staff should explain the problem in the description field with as much detail as possible and provide relevant links or URLs as needed to help Ex Libris resolve the problem.

When to Use This Feature

Please note that this feature is used to report issues about the collections and portfolios that originate in the Community Zone (CZ). Examples of problems that could be reported using the “Report to Ex Libris” feature are:

  • a title that is new to the collection
  • a title that is no longer part of the collection
  • an error in the title
  • a link that leads to the wrong title on the vendor’s platform
  • a collection that has moved to a different platform and has a different URL now

Please do not use this to report: :

  • Problems about the metadata in the Central Discovery Index (CDI)
  • Problems with bibliographic records that have been batch loaded into Alma
  • Open Athens or EZ Proxy specific linking problems/error messages

Problems with CDI metadata, batch loaded bibs, and Open Athens/EZ Proxy should continue to be reported to FLVC Help Desk at


How to Set Up This Feature

To set up the Report to Ex Libris feature, staff must already be able to submit support tickets to ProQuest's Salesforce system. To create an account, please refer to these instructions in the Ex Libris Knowledgebase.

  1. Contact the FLVC Help Desk requesting the service and provide the following information:
    • Name - The name that appears under "Contact Information" (usually your first and last name)
    • Salesforce ID - Your ProQuest Support Portal username, which is your email address
    • E-mail - The email address of the contact
  2. A case will be created for FLVC to add this information to the Alma CRM Contacts table.
  3. Once the staff person's information is added to the table, the institution's ProQuest Administrator must login to ProQuest's Salesforce system and go to the "Grant Permissions" section and associate that person's email to the institution's account.

If you have any questions, please contact the FLVC Help Desk.