The following are Frequently Asked Questions that library staff have submitted to FLVC in various workshops, meetings, and office hours. More will be added to this section over time.
Do I need to sign in to use the catalog/discovery tool?
How do I get back to the catalog to search after I finish looking in my Library Card?
How do I search for a book, video, etc. by title?
How do I search for an Author?
How do I search by ISBN or Call number?
Can I search for a phrase or an exact match?
Can I use Boolean search options (AND, OR, NOT)?
Can I get citations in the discovery tool?
Can I save items while I try a different search?
How do I search for a book, video, etc. by title?
Can I use wildcards in a search?
When searching the catalog will the system provide alternate spelling suggestions?
Occasionally I see "Ghost Records" in my Primo VE brief results, what are they?
If there is a question that you feel needs to be added, please contact the FLVC Help Desk at
The following are Frequently Asked Questions that library staff have submitted to FLVC in various workshops, meetings, and office hours. More will be added to this section over time.
*NOTE: A few of the questions below are linked with the Acquisitions FAQs.
How can I customize the Task Status list?
Is it possible to get a Task Status report?
What are the steps to use the Notes Feature in the E-Resources Tasks?
What are the differences between done and delete in E-Resources Task?
How do I report problems with e-resources collections and their portfolios directly to Ex Libris?
How and when would I relink an order?
If there is a question that you feel needs to be added, please contact the FLVC Help Desk at