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Discovery and E-Resources Guide

This Libguide contains documentation, training, and configuration information on FLVC's PrimoVE Discovery tool.

Linking Templates for Custom Thumbnails in Primo VE

You can set up linking templates for records from certain vendors such as Kanopy and Films on Demand or for a set of items you want to have customized images. If you set this up, your records will pull a thumbnail image from an outside source. 

In this example, we'll set up a linking template for image files stored in the Customization Package. These are for a set of 200 records. UF would like to add custom photos as thumbnails for each of these records that show what the item is.

Go to Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Thumbnail Configuration. 

Choose "Add a New Template." 

Under Thumbnail Details, add a template name and your linking template. The linking template will be the link where your images can be found and will include a $$LinkingParameter1, which you will define in the next step. In this case, we are storing these images in UF's Customization package in a specific subfolder called "equipment." Our linking template will show Primo the path where they can find the images:


Under LinkingParameter Configuration, select the field and subfield where the file name will be stored. In this example, UF opted to add the file name to the 956 $a field. 

screen capture of "Define Thumbnail link" page showing template name, template URL, and linking parameter configuration

Next, you'll want to add your images. UF opted to store the images in their Customization Package. For full instructions on editing the Customization Package, see We uploaded around 200 images to the folder in their Customization Package img > equipment.

Next, the file name will need to be added to the relevant records. There is no batch process to add 200 distinct file names to records, so it needs to be done manually. Ensure there are no extra spaces and the file type is included. This part of the process is filling in the LinkingParameter we specified in the Linking Template. UF added the 956 $a to each record and placed the file name in each field: 

screenshot of the 956 $a field. Field contains: MSL Dissecting microscope.jpg





Once the file name is added to the record, the linking template will complete as follows to locate the specific image file we are referring to:$$LinkingParameter1MSL Dissecting microscope.jpg

Note: These 3 processes (creating the linking template, uploading the images, and adding the file name to the record) can be done in any order. Changes may not reflect immediately in Primo VE - it may take a few minutes for the system to reindex. 

Now, the custom image displays in Primo VE:

screenshot of primo record showing the MLS dissecting microscope with a custom image of the item