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Discovery and E-Resources Guide

This Libguide contains documentation, training, and configuration information on FLVC's PrimoVE Discovery tool.

Discovery Administrator Training Parts 1 and 2

Highlights / Rules of Thumb

  • When looking at Ex Libris documentation, make sure the content is for Primo VE and not Primo Back Office.
  • Discovery Views - DO NOT delete the baseline backup   List of Primo files - Baseline backup is highlighted
  • Understand which settings affect a view, which are institution-wide, and which are set by the consortia.
    • Settings that affect a view: search configurations, record display, customization package, facets, dedup/FRBR
    • Settings that are institution-wide: Display logic rules, ranking
    • Settings that are set by FLVC: UBorrow, some local fields
  • The areas highlighted below can be edited with the Discovery Admin role (accessing the Config area not required):  List of Primo Configurations
  • Some areas require additional role/permissions. Examples include:
    • bX Recommendations  requires General Systems Admin roles (PPT 1 - slide 16)
    • Collections Discovery - requires Collection Inventory Operator, Collection Inventory Operator Extended together with Collection Inventory Operator, or Digital Inventory Operator​ (PPT 1 - slide 22)
    • Profiles for publishing electronic records to CDI and Google require Catalog Administrator, Repository Administrator, or General System Administrator (PPT 2 - slide 19)
    • Display Logic Rules - requires Fulfilment Administrator or General System Administrator (PPT 2 - slide 23)
  • When editing your Primo customization package, you can work with software such as Dreamweaver or Notepad++ or you can use Primo Studio. You must choose ONE method; you can't switch between programs.
  • Local Fields
    • We can only customize 100 local fields.
    • 51-100 are for consortial use - approved by UISC
    • 1-24 are for Dublin Core fields and must be the same across all institutions. Approved by DISC, coordinated with UISC
    • 25-50 for local needs
    • Limited to 10 fields that can be used in search/facet. 
    • See Discovery Primo guide for details
  • Local Resource Types (not the same as material type):
    • We can define maximum of 50 (as of May 2023) local resource types. Coordinated thru DISC and UISC
    • All 40 institutions must use the same resource types.
  • A login, such as Alma or Other, is required so FLVC can login to troubleshoot.
  •  SSO Login   Authentication Login list
  • Indexing
    • Semi-annual indexing. Some edits don't take effect until complete re-indexing (fields for search/facet and some resource types)
    • 48-72 hours for CDI changes (Ex Libris is working to reduce this amount of time).


PowerPoint slides - July 2023:

Managing Customization Package

Follow the link for important information about downloading and uploading files in the Manage Customization Package area.