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Discovery and E-Resources Guide

This Libguide contains documentation, training, and configuration information on FLVC's PrimoVE Discovery tool.

Local Fields

Local Fields

  • We can only customize 100 local fields.
  • 51-100 are for consortial use - approved by UISC
  • 1-24 are for Dublin Core fields and must be the same across all institutions. Approved by DISC, coordinated with UISC
  • 25-50 for local needs
  • Limited to 10 fields that can be used in search/facet. Here are our 10: As of summer 2023, this may be flexible. Expansion to this limit was an item for the enhancement voting. Ex Libris took it off the table saying "We will add this request to the roadmap in a way that we will examine each use case coming from the community and think together how to solve it in the best way for Primo VE customers."

Other Local Fields

Local Field Name Display Name    
02 Scale    
03 Coordinates    
04 Finding Aid