This Widget allows an institution to create the code for a customized Search Box for their Primo VE interface. Libraries will want to use this tool to put a search box on their website or within a Libguide page.
UPDATED: August 31, 2022 - now accommodates institutions that have renamed their 'type of search'
To create a box:
If you have renamed your “type of search” or are using other “search scopes”, you will need to manually enter the correct name or search scope in the respective field. You can find this information by doing your selected type of search in Primo and looking at the URL, such as this URL:
A search box will appear along with the corresponding code.
Use the search box to test the code. If it works as expected, just copy the code listed in the light green box and insert it into your website or LibGuides.
If your institution is using more than one Primo view, you will need to change the view code in the area that appears after clicking “Construct”. See yellow highlight in Construct image. You can find this information by doing a search in Primo and looking at the URL, such as this URL:
If you have any questions, please contact the FLVC Help Desk at