Receive a certificate after reading the modules and passing a final assessment! Use this in your tenure and promotion (T&P) portfolio.
The following are just examples of what an open textbook may look like that were developed by Florida faculty:
Florida Open Academic Library (FOAL)
The Florida Open Academic Library (FOAL),, provides an online portal to Florida’s treasure of digital archives and collections housed at public colleges and universities, discovery of over 1.25 million digital collections and archives across the state. Over 150 repository sites searched in one location.
Canvas Course Shells
Faculty looking for Canvas Course Shells, in select subjects, please log-in to Canvas. Go to Canvas Commons in sidebar and search: CCC, OEI, OpenStax, OER. Note: your administrator must have Canvas Commons turned on for faculty to access.
PressBooks Directory
There area few active institutions in Florida using PressBooks. You can find Florida institution created content indexed on the PressBooks Directory.
Textbooks undergo national peer review by faculty, deans, industry members, and nursing students to ensure the content is accurate and relevant, written in clear language for pre-licensure nursing students, and based on current, evidence-based practices. All Open RN materials have CC-BY 4.0 Creative Commons licensing.
Research Update From Open RN
Data analyzed from the 2020-2021 academic year demonstrated that Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) course sections who reported adopting Open RN textbooks had a 5% better student success rate (i.e., students achieving a grade of “C” or better) as compared to WTCS course sections not using OER. Additionally, over $1 million in overall student savings resulted from the impact of the Open RN project on multidisciplinary OER adoption across WTCS colleges. Data will continue to be collected for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Nursing Pharmacology (Published Fall 2020)
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Nursing Skills (Published May 2021)
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Nursing Fundamentals (Published Fall 2021)
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Management & Professional Concepts (Published Summer 2022)
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Mental Health & Community Concepts (Published Fall 2022)
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Nursing Assistant (Published January 2023)
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Open RN Virtual Simulations Using H5P Branching Scenarios
New scenarios are added to this Google document as they are created by the Open RN team. These scenarios are free and open to use, adapt or modify. They have been created with free H5P software and are also located in Canvas Commons so they can easily be added to your LMS. Initial scenarios were created using media from the ARISE Project, with teaching plans and additional information available on Skills Commons. Open RN scenarios are licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 license. When using or modifying a scenario for use at your institution, please use an attribution such as, “(Title of scenario) by Chippewa Valley Technical College is licensed under CC BY
Here you will find a variety of topics and subject matter covered in open educational resources (OER). Please note that new content is being placed into the open everyday. Online collections of textbooks and educational materials are available to Sunshine State students and faculty for free! Find free, open textbooks for a range of courses from Algebra to English Composition to Precalculus to Oceanography to Zoology. Some colleges and universities also provide free textbooks and content to their students directly through the learning management system. These state and national repositories are filled with open educational resources for you to discover and explore.