These are the Digital Services and Open Educational Resources Unit's Digital Services. For more information on each service, click the appropriate tab of this box.
Digital Services:
Through collaboration with our member libraries we are pleased to announce the launch of the Florida Open Academic Library. Developed to include multiple platforms across our members, this index provides "a statewide searchable database that includes an inventory of digital archives and collections held by public postsecondary education institutions" (ยง F.S. 1006.73 (2)(a)4). The Digital Services and OER team worked with stakeholders across FLVC Library Services member institutions to review a sampling of digital collection display records and gather recommendations for improvements to the index within the discovery layer provided by FLVC Library Services. The features and functionality of the first phase of index was based off of the recommendations included within the Digital Services and OER March MCLS Digital Collections Index Recommendations Report and feedback gathered on the demo site. Platforms harvested for the live site will include all collections contained in the Inventory of Digital Libraries and Collections Held by Florida Public Universities and State Colleges 2018 Update, all collections within FLVC Library Services hosted platforms (i.e. FL-Islandora, Florida OJ, Orange Grove), and identified statewide OER collections (i.e. Open Textbook Library, Open Stax). Additional feedback is always welcomed and can be provided to
The Florida Online Journals (Florida OJ) program can work with your library to publish and produce open access journals. If you need a publishing system for your journal, Florida OJ can provide a free platform and technical support. Editors using Florida OJ may use the platform to have journal authors submit and edit manuscripts and publish their journal issues to the world wide web. Florida OJ, like journal publishing platforms you may be familiar with, supports basic search and browse features for hosted journals. In addition, editors may use the platform to facilitate national indexing (i.e. with the Directory of Open Access Journals), provide RSS feeds for integrating your content into other sites, generate automatic email notifications for users, and several other features. If you want to know more about these available features or you wish to request a new journal site hosted with Florida OJ please:
In June 2019, Florida OJ was upgraded to Open Journal Systems (OJS) version 3, which resulted in a more modern interface. Information on the upgrade process and training information for the new OJS version can be found on the OJS 2 to 3 Upgrade page. Current Florida OJ Editors and Administrators may find it helpful to join our Florida OJ Listserv.
A digital library platform, Florida Islandora (FL-Islandora), enables users to create digital collections and make them accessible to the public. FL-Islandora sites are available free of charge to public universities and community colleges in Florida. If you would like a FL-Islandora site for your institution, contact to request more information. Libraries using the FL-Islandora platform can find detailed instructions on the Florida Islandora Guides (FIG) LibGuide and can stay up to date with news about the system shared through the Florida Islandora listserv. Islandora SubGroup (ISG) meetings are held monthly between Florida Library Services and libraries using FL-Islandora; Agendas and links to these meetings are posted on the Islandora SubGroup (ISG) LibGuide page. FL-Islandora was recently enhanced and updated to improve user experiences.
Excel to MODS Transformer was created to assist FL-Islandora administrators in creating MODS descriptive metadata for their materials. This service allows administrators to catalog using Excel spreadsheet templates which are then transformed into MODS XML files that can then be loaded directly into FL-Islandora.
The PURL toolkit was strongly influenced by the active participation of OCLC's Office of Research in the early Internet Engineering Task Force Uniform Resource Identifier working groups and Zepheira's participation at W3C in defining a web architecture for identifying and managing decentralized resources for supporting a variety of business and information management needs.
PURLs (Persistent Uniform Resource Locators) are web addresses that act as permanent identifiers in the face of a dynamic and changing web infrastructure. Instead of resolving directly to web resources, PURLs provide a level of indirection that allows the underlying web addresses of resources to change over time without negatively affecting systems that depend on them. This capability provides continuity of references to network resources that may migrate from machine to machine for business, social or technical reasons. PURL Instructions
Publication of Archival, Library and Museum Materials (PALMM) supports the cooperative building of shared collections using common standards and a shared infrastructure by providing digital access to important source materials for research and scholarship. Projects may involve a single university or college or may be involve collaborative efforts between a university or college and partners within or outside of the state university or college system. PALMM projects create high-quality virtual collections relevant to the students, research community, and citizens of Florida. Detailed PALMM documentation is available. Click here to visit the PALMM collections homepage
FLVC Library Services provides limited support for the long-term preservation of digital content. Please see the Digital Preservation Libguide for a brief overview of long-term digital preservation topics, standards, and services.
DAITSS (Dark Archives In The Sunshine State) is an open source digital preservation software application developed for the Florida Digital Archive and is available to any other repository. DAITSS provides automated support for the functions of submission, ingest, archival storage, access, withdrawal, and repository management, and is particularly well suited for materials in text, document, image, audio, and video formats. The DAITSS software is OAIS and PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) conformant. For more information on DAITSS please see the METS DAITSS SIP Profile and the Table of Recommended Data Formats for Preservation Purposes.
The Florida Digital Archive was the first fully OAIS (Open Archival Information System ISO 14721:2003) conformant repository in production in the United States. During the December 2018 meeting of the Members Council of Library Services (MCLS), a motion was passed to sunset the Florida Digital Archive and return archival packages to affiliates. In accordance with this motion in 2019 FLVC Library Services took steps to ensure removal and safe transfer of this content.
Note: Each institution will be responsible for paying for their ArchivesSpace hosting fee at a deeply discounted rate negotiated by FLVC Library Services (Savings of ~$39,000 statewide). Please note that this arrangement is available to *all* FLVC Library Services member libraries; new institutions may join in June or January of each year.
The ArchivesSpace Training center can be accessed at: Announcements will be sent, and workflows will be shared between institutions using the listserv FLVC-ARCHIVES-MIGRATION@LISTSERV.FLVC.ORG, which any interested parties may subscribe to by sending a request to
With the migration to ArchivesSpace Lyrasis is providing a central search portal for Florida Archival Finding Aids.
Databases available through this server include:
Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research:
London Times Index (1906-1980):
Independent Florida Alligator Index 1984-1991:
Florida Times Union Index (1986-1997):
Florida Documents Index (1967 - ):
Citrus Greening Bibliography:
These are the Digital Services and Open Educational Resources Unit's Open Education Resources Services. For more information on each service, click the appropriate tab of this box.
Open Education Resources Services:
Join the Community
Explore SOAR
Advocate or Educate
Events and Webinars
Student Survey Data
All are welcome!
Connect with fellow open education resources (OER) advocates, take advantage of free resources, or attend a monthly meeting.
The primary goal of OPEN FL is to provide and promote quality and affordable access to Florida higher education by creating a consortium of Florida colleges and universities to collaborate on developing, implementing, and providing discovery to open educational resources (OER) throughout high impact degree pathways. Secondary, central efforts will 1) facilitate systematic identification and updates of OER, 2) address barriers to adoption, 3) support OER programs and implementation efforts, and 4) lay the foundation for a sustainable OER state network. Coordinating OER efforts across Florida public institutions of higher education enables us to curate, modify, develop, review, and disseminate OER that meet quality, accessibility, licensing, technical, and student learning outcomes (SLO) in a unified structure that allows for inclusion and growth. The sustainable goal will be to create an OER community and infrastructure that perpetuates OER development, proliferation, and research through the state.
The Student Open Access Resources (SOAR) Repository was created to align open education resources (OER) with our statewide course numbering system for easy discovery by faculty and students.
A statewide, internet-based, searchable database of Open Education Resources (OER) curated by the students, librarians, faculty, and staff from the Florida College System (FCS) and State University System (SUS) institutions.
The OPEN FL community hosts an annual summer FL OER Summit, as well as spring and fall webinars on topics central to open education resources (OER).
Purchasing textbooks can significantly increase the cost of students' post secondary education. Check out our student survey data to see why institutions should work to reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks.