Cleaning up Course Reserves
Removing Personal Copies
When it is time to permanently remove an instructor's personal copy from course reserves you will need to withdraw the item - to remove the record from Alma - and then delete the citation if the title is no longer on reserves (there are no library copies).
To withdraw the item:
- Perform a "Physical Item" repository search using the title or the barcode
- Click the ellipses next to the title of the item being withdrawn
- Click Withdraw from the ellipses of the item being withdrawn
- Click Confirm when the Confirmation Messages appears asking if you want to withdraw the item
NOTE: If this is not the last item on the holdings record you are done
- If this is the last item for the holding record a pop-up will appear asking "The last item of this holdings record was deleted or moved. What do you want to do with the holdings record?" select “Delete Bibliographic Record (unless other holdings present)”
- Click Go
To delete the citation:
If the instructor's personal copy was the only item attached to a citation record you should delete the citation. Deleting a citation will remove it from all Reading Lists.
Citation with no items attached
- Click on Fulfillment --> Citations
- Search for the citation
- Click the ellipse and choose Remove then click confirm