This dashboard will allow you to find all fines and fees created by date as well as all cash transactions created by date depending on which link you follow. The cash transaction date refers to when a fine or fee was paid, waived or sent to the bursar. You can also filter the report by owning library and fine/fee type.
Important Note: For institutions that export their cash transactions to a bursar, closed fines and fees were not migrated to Alma so those transactions before 7/13/2021 will not show up in these reports.
To find this report:
Alternatively, you can contact the help desk to have the dashboard made available to staff in Alma by clicking Analytics --> and looking under Reports. Reports accessed this way are made available by role so you will need to let us know which role/roles you want to be be able to access it. For example, you may only want staff members with the "Circulation Desk Manager" role to be able to see this dashboard or you may want to also allow staff members with the "Circulation Desk Operator".
Below is what the form look like. You should select:
The report will have ten columns:
If you scroll to the bottom of the report you can click the little blue up/down arrow to view more rows if your report is longer than 500 rows. You can also click Return to return to the form. Click Export to export the report to your choice of formats.