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Alma Fulfillment Resource Guide

This guide covers all aspects of the fulfillment process. This includes maintaining all patron records, loaning materials, returning/renewing loaned materials, managing lost items dealing with fines and fees as well as course reserves.

Manually Creating a Local Request

There are a few options for creating a local request in Alma. The one outlined below allows for designated staff roles to override the on-shelf policy if one exists at the institution. By default, this role is Fulfillment Serves Managers only, but this permission can be expanded to Fulfillment Services Operator or Circulation Desk Operator if requested. 

*This workflow will only work for items that have policies that allow for local requests.

  1. Navigate to "Manage Patron Services"
    Fulfillment menu with Manage patron services selected

  2. Scan the patrons ID or find the patron via look-upPatron name displayed in Patron ID page
  3. Select "Submit Request"Patron Services Page with submit request highlighted
  4. Look up or select the item the patron is requesting and then select "Patron Physical"
  5. On the create request screen select the pickup location desired by the patron. If your institution has rules where requests cannot be made for items on the shelf this can be overridden by staff staff with appropriate rolesCreate request with Pickup at location displayed
  6. Select submit to process the request, you will be returned to the patron screen displaying the requested itemScreen showing selected request