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Alma Analytics Resource Guide

This guide covers how to use the Alma Analytics platform to produce robust reports. Included are instructions on accessing the Oracle-based service as well as how to use its menu driven service to build custom reports.

An Alma Analytics dashboard designed for reports on physical items provides a comprehensive overview of a library's tangible physical collection. It typically features a range of reports displaying current statistics on inventory, physical item counts, and condition status. Users can interact with the dashboard to drill down into specific categories, enabling librarians to make informed decisions about acquisitions, weeding, and maintenance. This tool is invaluable for managing a dynamic collection and ensuring the library's resources are utilized effectively.

Login to Alma Analytics and go to /shared/Network 01FALSC_NETWORK/Dashboards/ and open Physical Items.

Physical Items Dashboard Details


This page has four subpages:

Shelf list

An Alma Analytics shelf list report is a tool used by libraries to manage their physical inventory. Here's a description of what the report entails: 

  1. Inventory Management: It helps in tracking whether items are correctly shelved, misplaced, or missing.

  2. Report Details: The report provides data on items in place, items not in place, misshelved items, and missing items.

  3. Criteria Specification: Users can specify library location, inventory range (by call number), or inventory set (by set name) for targeted reporting. 

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Institution Name The name of the institution. Call Number Permanent Call Number is the code used to file the items on the shelf
Library Name (Permanent) The library name. Call Number Prefix The call number prefix.
Location Name (Permanent) Stores the name of the location of the physical item. Call Number Suffix The call number suffix.
Temporary Library Name The temporary library Call Number Type The call number type. Possible values are: Dewey Decimal classification; Library of Congress classification; National Library of Medicine classification; No information provided; None; Other scheme; Shelved separately; Shelving control number; Source specified in subfield $2; Superintendent of Documents classification; Title; Unknown
Temporary Location Name Items moved from a permanent location to a temporary location LC Classification Code Stores the letters that the LC class number start with such as BF, QA, etc.
Base Status Indicates the availability of the item in its permanent location (in place/not in place) Start Range Number (Holdings) >= The numbers that come after the letter(s) in the start range.
Process Type The type of process for the physical item.  End Range Number (Holdings) <= The numbers that come after the letter(s) in the end range.
Item Material Type These are process types defined by Alma. Possible values are:  Acquisition; Claimed Returned; Hold; Shelf; In Process; In Transit to Remote Storage
Loan; Lost; Lost Resource Sharing Item; Lost and Paid; Missing; Requested; Resource Sharing Request; Technical - Migration; Transit.
Item Creation Date  Stores the item creation date in a date format such as 2/29/2014.
Resource Type Constructed based on existing bibliographic fields such as the LDR and 008. For more information, see The Resource Type Field. Item Modification Date  Stores the item modification date in a date format such as 2/29/2014.
IPEDS material type Based on customized material types. Possible values are: 3D artifact - Digital; Books; Media; Mixed materials; Serials Last Loan Date  The last time the item was loaned
    Inventory Number (case sensitive)  The inventory number
    Lifecycle (item) Indicates whether the item is active or deleted.
    Lifecycle (Holding) Indicates if the holdings record is active or deleted.
    Is US Gov Doc The name of the top level (parent) U.S. government agency.
    MMS Id The MMS ID of the inventory item (physical, electronic, or digital).


This page contains two reports; one is a summary report, and the other is a detailed report.


The summary report shows the following columns

Bibliographic records count (titles) Holdings record count Items count Num of Loans (Not In House)


The detailed report shows the following columns:

  • Library Name (Permanent)
  • Location Name (Permanent)
  • Temporary Library Name
  • Temporary Location Name
  • MMS Id
  • Network Id
  • Holding Id
  • Physical Item Id
  • Title (Complete)
  • Series
  • Author
  • Author (contributor)
  • Publication Place
  • Publication Date
  • Series Statement
  • Description
  • Summary Holding
  • Barcode
  • IPEDS Material Type
  • Resource Type
  • Material Type--Bibliographic Details
  • Item Material Type
  • Base Status
  • Process Type
  • Item Policy
  • Temporary Item Policy
  • Num of Loans (In House)
  • Num of Loans (Not In House)
  • Last Loan Date
  • Call Number Prefix
  • Permanent Call Number
  • LC Classification Code
  • Group1 (Holdings)
  • Group2 (Holdings)
  • Group3 (Holdings)
  • Group4 (Holdings)
  • Group5 (Holdings)
  • Item Modification Date
  • ISSN (Normalized)
  • ISBN (Normalized)
  • OCLC Control Number (035a)
  • PO Line Reference
  • Inventory Number
  • U.S. SuDoc Agency
  • U.S. SuDoc SubAgency
  • Is US Gov Doc
  • Creation Date (Physical Item Details)
  • Creator
  • Modification Date (Physical Item Details)
  • Modified By (Physical Item Details)
  • Holdings Record Modification Date
  • Holdings Record Modified By
  • Creation Date (Calendar)--Bibliographic Details
  • Creator (Bibliographic Details)
  • Modification Date (Calendar)--Bibliographic Details
  • Modified By (Bibliographic Details)
  • Form of Item
  • Holding Lifecycle
  • Lifecycle (item)
  • Start Range Number (Holdings)
  • End Range Number (Holdings)

Item Usage for Weeding

The Alma Analytics report on Item Usage for Weeding is designed to help libraries identify physical items for deselection or weeding:

  1. Libraries can use this report to make informed decisions about which items to retain or remove from their collections.

  2. The report includes several metrics: such as the number of times each item was loaned and the date of the last loan.

  3. Users can customize the report by selecting or deselecting values in the Material Type field to focus on specific categories of items.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Item Creation Date <= Stores the item creation date in a date format such as 2/29/2014. Library Name (Active) The active, not deleted, library name. Title Search for keywords in the normalized titles dimension.
Last Loan Date <= The last time the item was loaned. Location Name Stores the name of the location of the physical item. Subject Search for keywords in the Subjects dimension.
    Material Type These are process types defined by Alma. Possible values are:  Acquisition; Claimed Returned; Hold; Shelf; In Process; In Transit to Remote Storage
Loan; Lost; Lost Resource Sharing Item; Lost and Paid; Missing; Requested; Resource Sharing Request; Technical - Migration; Transit.
LC Classification Code Stores the letters that the LC class number start with such as BF, QA, etc.
        Dewey Number Store the first 3 digits of the Dewey Classification


This page contains one report.

Purchase requests-summary:

The summary report shows the following columns:

Physical Item Usage for Weeding
Barcode MMS Id Title Material
Num of
(In House
Not In House)


Items Committed to Retain

The Alma Analytics report on Physical Items Committed to Retain provides valuable insights into the inventory of a library's physical items that are marked for retention.

  1. Libraries can utilize this report to ensure compliance with shared print retention programs and to make informed decisions about their physical collections.

  2. The report is instrumental in decision-making processes related to weeding, preservation, and long-term storage of physical library resources.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!

There are no prompts for this report.


This page contains one report.

Physical Items Committed to Retain:

The summary report shows the following columns

Physical Items Committed to Retain
MMS Id Title Author Description Barcode Has
To Retain


Missing Items

The purpose of this report is to track and analyze the status of physical items that are categorized as missing within a library's inventory.

  1. Number of missing items per library or location.

  2. Date for which items have been missing.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Library Name The library name.
Location Name Stores the name of the location of the physical item.


This page contains one report

Missing Items:

The summary report shows the following columns

Missing Items
Title Author MMS
Barcode Process



Physical Items Counts

This page has six subpages:

Bib Counts

An Alma Analytics report designed to show the physical items count by library name, location, and material type would typically include:

  1. Library Name: The name of the library where the items are housed.

  2. Material Type: Classification of items such as books, journals, DVDs, or electronic resources.

  3. Item Count: The total number of physical items available in each category. 

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Library Name (Active) The library name of active (not deleted) libraries.


This page contains one report.

Bib Counts by Material Types:

The summary report shows the following columns

Bib Counts by Material Types
Location Name Library Name Location Name Resource Type Material Type Bib Count


Libraries and Locations

To provide a comprehensive overview of the physical inventory across different libraries and their specific locations.

  1. Library Name: The name of the library holding the physical items.

  2. Location: Specific area within the library where the items are stored.

  3. Item Count: The total number of physical items available at each location.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!

This report has no prompts.


This page contains one report.

Libraries and locations with item counts:

The summary report shows the following columns:

Libraries and locations with item counts
Library Name Location Name Num of Items (In Repository)


Number of discoverable physical items

This report provides a comprehensive overview of physical items within the library's collection that are not suppressed from discovery.

  1. Resource Type: The format or type of the physical item (e.g., book, DVD).

  2. Suppressed from Discovery: Indicates whether an item is suppressed from being discovered in search results.

  3. Quantitative data on the number of items visible in search results. 

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


This report has no prompts.


This page contains one report.

Libraries and locations with item counts:

The summary report shows the following columns:

Libraries and locations with item counts
Resource Type Num of Items (In Repository)


LC Class Per Library & Material Type

Displays the total number of physical items within each library. Breaks down the count of items by their material type, providing insights into the collection's composition.

  1. Organizes the physical items according to the LC classification, allowing for an analysis of the subject matter distribution.

  2. Material Type: Categorizes the items based on their physical format, such as books, DVDs, or journals.

  3. Library Name: Identifies the specific library within an institution that holds the physical items. 

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!

This report has no prompts.


This page contains two reports: Count by LC and Library-Filter by Material Types and Count by LC and Material Types-Filter by Library. Use the selector to switch between the two tables.

Count LC Class Per Library & Material Type:

The summary report shows the following columns

Count LC Class Per Library & Material Type
  Select Report (Filter)  
IPEDS Material Type (Filter)   Institution Name (Filter)
Classification Code (Holdings) Libraries' Names Grand Total

Count by LC and Material Types-Filter by Library:

The summary report shows the following columns

Count by LC and Material Types-Filter by Library
  Select Report (Filter)  
Library Name (Filter)   Institution Name (Filter)
Classification Code (Holdings) IPEDS Material Types Grand Total

Physical Items Detailed

Physical Item Details report includes information about each item, such as MMS ID, title, material type, and library name.

  1. Library Name: Identifies the owning library of the physical items.

  2. Resource Type: Categorizes items into material types such as books, journals, etc.

  3. Titles: The name of the work associated with the physical item. 

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Library Name (Active) The library name of active (not deleted) libraries. Location Name Stores the name of the location of the physical item.
Item Creation Date Stores the item creation date in a date format such as 2/25/2024.  


This page contains one report.

Physical Items detailed:

The summary report shows the following columns

Physical Items detailed
Library Name
Title Author
Combined and Normalized
Description Num of
(In Repository)


Process Type

This report is particularly useful for library management to monitor and analyze the status and location of physical items, which can aid in decision-making regarding resource allocation and inventory management.

  1. Process Type: Items are also sorted according to their process type, which includes various stages of an item's lifecycle such as available, checked out, in transit, missing, etc.

  2. Library Name and Location: The report categorizes physical items based on the library they belong to and their specific location within the library, providing a clear and organized view of the distribution of items.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Library Name (Active) The library name of active (not deleted) libraries.
Location Name Stores the name of the location of the physical item.
Item Creation Date Filter Used to filter the item creation date. The default value is "Previous Fiscal Year".


This page contains one report.

Physical Item Count by Process Type:

The summary report shows the following columns.

Physical Item Count by Process Type
Library Name
Location Name Material Type Process Type Num of Items
(In Repository)




This page has two subpages:

Age of Collection

An Alma Analytics report on the Age of Physical Collection typically provides insights into the distribution of publication dates within a library's physical holdings.

  1. The report may include various metrics: such as the average age of the collection, the numbers of the collection within certain date ranges, or the age distribution across different material types.

  2. Libraries might use this data to inform collection management decisions, such as weeding outdated materials or acquiring new items to fill in historical periods that are underrepresented.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!

There are no prompts for this report. However, you can use the view selector to switch from "Counts by decades" to "Counts by year"


This page contains two reports; one is a summary report, and the other is a detailed report.

Age of collection (physical items by creation date of item record):

The summary report shows the following columns:

Age of collection (physical items by creation date of item record)
Library Name Material Type Yeras or Decades Grand Total



An Alma Analytics report on withdrawn physical items provides a historical record of items that have been deleted from the library's catalog. Withdrawn items are marked with a Lifecycle status of 'Deleted' within the Analytics reports.

  1. The report can help in managing physical resources efficiently by tracking the items that have been removed from the collection for various reasons.

  2. Purchase Requests with a PO Line: This report would show the number of purchase requests that have a Purchase Order Line (PO Line).

  3. Withdrawn items by library name, location, and material type.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Item Modification Date Stores the item modification date in a date format such as 2/20/2024. This will filter the report according to withdrawn date range.


This page contains one report.

Withdrawn Items:

The summary report shows the following columns

Withdrawn Items
Material Type (inline filter)
Num of
Barcode MMS Id Physical
Item Id



Data Cleanup

This page has four subpages:

Duplicate Holdings

The Alma Analytics report for duplicate holdings in a library's physical items collection is designed to help libraries identify and manage multiple copies of the same item within their inventory. This report can be particularly useful for:

  1. Identification of duplicate items by counting the duplicate holding IDs.

  2. Identifying the library and location names of duplicate holding IDs.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Item Creation Date Stores the item creation date in a date format such as 2/10/2024.


This page contains one report.

Duplicate Holdings:

The report shows the following columns:

Duplicate Holdings
Library Name Location Name MMS Duplicate Holdings ID Count Holding Call Number Suppressed from Discovery


Items without Valid Location Code

The Alma Analytics report for physical items without a valid location code is designed to help libraries identify and manage inventory discrepancies. This report typically includes:

  1. A list of all physical items that are currently lacking a valid location code within the library's database.

  2. Detailed information about each item, such as title, barcode, material type, and current process status.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Library Name The library name.
Item Creation Date Stores the item creation date in a date format such as 2/10/2024.


This page contains one report.

Items without Valid Location Code:

Items without Valid Location Code
Library Name Location Name Material Type MMS Id Barcode Title Author Combined and Normalized


OCLC Duplicate Numbers by Title

Alma Analytics provides a report for identifying duplicate OCLC numbers in bibliographic records in a library's collection. Duplicates are detected based on matching data in key parameters such as System Control Number (035 field).

  1. The report can be customized to detect duplication based on different criteria, including the presence of a prefix like (OCLC) in the System Control Number.

  2. This analytical tool is essential for maintaining an accurate and streamlined library catalog by merging or removing duplicate entries.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!


Title Creation Date Stores the title creation date in a date format such as 2/20/2024.


This page contains one report.

OCLC Duplicate Numbers:

The summary report shows the following columns

OCLC Duplicate Numbers
OCLC Control Number (035a) Number of Titles (Active)


Electronic cataloged as physical (Summary)

An Alma Analytics report highlighting electronic items cataloged as physical can provide valuable insights into cataloging accuracy and inventory management.

  1. This report can help identify discrepancies where items that are available electronically are mistakenly cataloged as physical copies, which may affect user access and library statistics.

  2. By analyzing the data, librarians can correct these errors, ensuring that electronic resources are correctly categorized and accessible for digital lending.

  3. Such a report is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the library's catalog and can be used to audit the entire collection or specific sections.

If you need help with that, feel free to ask!



This page contains one summary report and a link to the detailed report.

Electronic cataloged as physical:

The summary report shows the following columns

Electronic cataloged as physical
Institution Name (inline filter)
Library Code Library Name Location Code Location Name Num of items
(In Repository)