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Resource Sharing Standing Committee

This guide supports the work of the Resource Sharing Standing Committee, a part of the FLVC Members Council for Library Services. Included here are a list of current members, meeting information, and any support documents for the committee.


RapidILL for College Libraries (To begin mid-Jan 2024)

Add Media to UBorrow (DONE)

  • Proposal added to June 2022 MCLS packet. 
  • FLVC researching mechanics, testing in Sandbox:
    • How to identify media - which items will get the UBorrow link in Primo
    • how to setup TOUs for Borrowing library so that correct loan period  & other TOUs is used
  • Outstanding issue:  Waiting on location "Exclusion" functionality to be fixed. (Fixed)   
    • Most items in media locations have been excluded. 

Add New Brokers to UBorrow

  • FLINShareIT - (Lending Complete, Borrowing Partially complete)
    • Lending:  Added FlinShareit to Alma so that lending requests are sent to Alma for processing.  When shipped, the request is updated and the item moved to a temporary location.  When returned in FlinShareit, the request is closed and item is put in transit to owning location.
    • Borrowing:  Requests need to originate in FlinShareit system.  If borrowed, Alma automatically creates a temp item record for Received items from FlinShareit. 
  • RapidILL (Complete) 
    • Borrowing: Local requests for articles & book chapters via Primo VE go through Alma and directly in RapidILL to be filled.  
    • Lending: Requests from RapidILL sent to Alma and can be fulfilled directly.
  • Articles for UBorrow - RSSC subcommittee to research and Advise (Investigating)
CDL (Investigating)
  • FLVC researching: looking at white papers, other documentation
    • What can be done with current Alma/Primo 
  • Most options require add-on products (Alma-D, Rapido)
    • No $$ in FLVC budget to purchase for the consortia
    • There is an Alma-D "lite" version - without the all of the digital harvesting features -  which can be purchased for less
      • Libs might want to chip individually & try to negotiate a group purchase