Welcome to the Resource Sharing Standing Committee Libguide. Access to some pages are limited to the members of the committee. If you are a member of the committee and need access, please contact the chair or the FLVC Liaison.
Committee Charge
- Develop a set of statewide resource sharing guidelines for colleges and universities.
- Establish principles to facilitate the integration of resource sharing (UBorrow service, Circulation, Recalls, Overdues, Joint-Use facilities, Reserves, Stack Maintenance, etc.) among both entities.
- Recommend services to enhance resource sharing.
- Coordinate with relevant FLVC staff and other committees, and report to the Executive Committee.
- Provide resource sharing focused training and facilitate opportunities for sharing best practices and expertise statewide.
In order to address the charge to develop a set of statewide resource sharing guidelines for colleges and universities, the FLVC Resource Sharing Standing Committee created the FLVC Resource Sharing Guidelines; it was approved on June 15, 2023 by the FLVC Member's Council on Library Services.