What are Holdings Records?
What Do Holdings Records Look Like
Holdings records have the following required fields:
Holdings records contain the following information:
To view a holdings record:
What are they?
MARC 852 indicators are used to tell the holdings record what call number schema should be used.
If the following indicators are not currently mapped in Alma to populate $$h and $$i based on the first and second indicators go to Configuration>Resources>General>Call Number Mapping.
First Indicator/Shelving Schema |
Second Indicator/Shelving Order |
# - No information provided | # - No information provided |
0 - Library of Congress classification | 0 - Not enumeration |
1 - Dewey Decimal classification | 1 - Primary enumeration |
2 - National Library of Medicine classification | 2 - Alternative enumeration |
3 - Superintendent of Documents classification | |
4 - Shelving control number | |
5 - Title | |
6 - Shelved separately | |
7 - Source specified in subfield $2 | |
8 - Other scheme |
Holdings records can be created and edited:
Holdings records are automatically created when creating a POL (Purchase Order Line) for:
Standing order holdings records are created in the MD Editor (insert link to Acquisitions that explains what a standing order is)
*Important Reminder & Clarification!
Important information about NOT EDITING the original "BOOKS" holdings template in Alma.
Alma must have a holdings template for your institution that has never been edited.
If you want to create additional holdings records' templates, you must right click on the gray Books icon and select "Duplicate" as in the picture below
Please see instructions:
Holdings Subgroup Alma Holdings Templates - Google Docs
Ex Libris Documentation