Importing Records in Alma can be done in a few different ways and depending on the type of record and where the records come from, importing may require you to reach out to FLVC to discuss a custom set up.
When you receive a set of MARC records (or other types of files) from a vendor, you'll need a way to get them into your Alma catalog. Creating an Import Profile will provide:
a way to get your vendor records into Alma,
into a collection
decide whether to load records manually, or schedule your records to FTP.
You can use the Import Profile's settings to:
customize how you want the records to match with previously existing records,
adjust fields and subfields using a normalization rule,
set up how the records will show in Primo
and more
Import profiles can load records into the Institution Zone or the Network Zone
In order for an import profile to accept multiple holding record fields (e.g. 949 fields, depending on your configuration) and create multiple holding records, the Multiple Portfolios radio button must be activated in the Inventory Information tab. If the Single Portfolio radio button is activated, you will get an error on importing a record with multiple holding record fields and no holding records will be created.
If after troubleshooting with a member of the Data Quality team at FLVC, you find that none of the straight-forward importing methods works for your records, then we may need to set up a meeting to discuss a custom import workflow.