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Alma Resource Management Guide

This guide explains all aspects of the cataloging process, including loading, editing, and deleting bibliographic records, holdings records, and item records in Alma.

Printing Spine Labels

Printing Spine Labels in Alma


Using SpineOMatic Software with Alma

The SpineOMatic label printing software is available as a Cloud App or a Windows PC App.  The Cloud App is available to be installed from the Cloud App Center which is available within the Alma interface and is the suggested method for printing call number labels per Ex Libris.  There is some functionality however that seems to be only available in the PC App, mainly configuring prefixes to display above the call number.  

The PC App can be downloaded from GitHub website here: (Look towards bottom of page for “Installation Instructions and spinelabeler.exe”)  The PC App requires obtaining an API key from FLVC (send request to


How to Install and use the Cloud App

  1. Open Cloud App Center in Alma.

  2. Click the column Available Apps.

  3. Click the SpineOMatic app icon.

  4. Click Install button.

  5. Click “Installed Apps” column and the SpineOMatic App should now be available.

  6. The app is installed and can be opened by clicking the SpineOMatic panel displayed.
  7. Open the Cloud App Center App whenever you want to use SpineOMatic.
  8. When the Cloud App Center is open it can be closed by clicking outside of the Cloud App Center pane (elsewhere in the displayed Alma interface) or by clicking the x at top right of the pane.


Using SpineOMatic to Print Call Number Labels by Scanning Barcodes

  1. Open SpineOMatic by clicking the Cloud App Center icon and then click the SpineOMatic panel.

  2. Scan in the barcode from the book, Scan Items radio button selected.

  3. Click the arrow to register the barcode and then click Next.

  4. Click Print 1 labels.

  5. The print preview should display.  Make sure the intended printer is selected.  Adjust settings as needed for the size labels you are printing.


Printing Call Number Labels from a Physical Items Search

  1. Select Physical Items in the search bar and then find items by performing a search.

  2. The Cloud App Center icon will have a green dot indicating that an installed cloud app can be used with the members of the search result.
  3. Click the Cloud Center Icon and open SpineOMatic.

  4. You can now select specific barcodes to print labels.   Click Next to initiate printing.

  5. Be sure a layout and template are selected.  If you have selected them on a prior use they will default to those last used values.

  6. When using this method to print be sure the multiple labels to print line up properly in the printer preview window.


Using the SpineOMatic PC App

If you need to configure prefixes to print above the call number, you will need to use the SpineOMatic PC App. Download the file from GitHub and follow the directions for installing it. Use the following link: Installation instructions are near the bottom of the page.

An API key and URL are required per the instructions. Open a case with the FLVC Help Desk to get an API key for the app. (