Deleting Bib Records in the MD Editor
Page Contents:
Deleting Institution Zone Records
Institution Zone (IZ) only records can be deleted in the MD Editor using:
- File>Delete Record (Ctrl+D) - Old MD Editor
- Record Actions>Delete Record (Ctrl+D) - New MD Editor
NZ linked bib records will need to be unlinked from the NZ before the IZ bib record can be deleted. To unlink an IZ record from the NZ:
- File>Copy to Catalog - Old MD Editor
- Record Actions>Copy to Catalog (Alt+Shft+C) - New MD Editor
Deleting IZ bib records in the MD Editor will delete:
Bibliographic record (by itself)
Bibliographic record with one or more holdings records
Bibliographic record, holdings record, and one or more of its items (as long as the items do not have a status of Loan)
Bibliographic records with PO lines (note that a message indicates that PO lines will be removed when deleting the attached bibliographic record)
Batch Deleting Records
If you have a large amount of records to delete, they can be deleted in a batch by doing the following:
Create a Set
You will need to place all of the records you wish to delete into a set.
Ways to Create a Set:
- Advanced Search and Save Set
- Search for the records you wish to place in your set using Alma's search feature found at the top left corner of the main Alma page. Click the Advanced Search icon and fill in the information according to the resources you wish to search for.

- After you find the records you want in your search results, click Save and Filter Query at the top right of the results page.

- Fill out the Set details by giving the set a
- Name - name it something you'll remember or that indicates what the set is for
- Description and note - optional - but can help describe what is in the set and why it was created
- Set Content Type - choose the appropriate content/material type of the records that are in this set. If it is a set of Physical titles then you'll choose physical titles, If the titles are a set of records with mixed material types, it is best to choose "All Titles"
- Save the set.
- This will make a "Logical" set, sometimes you'll need to turn the logical set into an "Itemized " set. To learn how to Itemize a set please refer to the instructions on the Alma Sets and Jobs page
- Create Set from Admin > Manage Sets
- Go to Admin > Manage Sets > "Create Itemized Set" button at top right of page
- Fill out Itemized Set Details page
- Name
- Description and Note - optional
- Check yes for both Private and Active
- Set Appropriate Content types depending on the type of resources you will be placing in this set (See #3 in section above)
- Add Items to set - this is where you will choose where to get the record information for the items you will place in this set.
- Add Items to Set: From Search: You will do an advanced search similar to the one described in the section above
- Add Items to Set: From File: If you have a file of marc records, or an excel sheet with MMSIDs or Barcodes, or ISBNs, or other indicators, you may upload that file here. Max. 10MB
- Add Items to Set: From Analytics: If you performed a query in Alma Analytics and saved the file of records you wish to delete from there, you can search your Analytics folders for the file you saved.

Delete the Batch - Now that you have your records in a set, you can run a job to delete them
Run the "Delete Bibliographic Records Job"
- Go to Admin > Run a Job.
- Search and select the Delete Bibliographic records job in the list of available jobs.
- Find and choose the set name you created in the previous steps.
- Enter Task Parameters - Choose whether you want to click each option
- Do not delete if related to other records - if you DO check this, the job will NOT DELETE a record if it is related to another record in the catalog (if there are duplicate matches, etc.)
- Delete all associated inventory resources - if you DO check this, the job WILL DELETE the bib record and all inventory associated with the records in this set.

- Click Next, Review the details and Click through to Submit.
Deleting Network Zone Records
Note to FLVC schools: DO NOT delete Network Zone (NZ) bib records!
Contact the FLVC Help Desk if you have NZ records that need to be deleted and we will start a ticket and the FLVC Data Quality team will remove the record for you.
Required Roles in Alma for Deleting Records:
- Cataloger
- Cataloger Extended (must be combined with Cataloger)
You will need these roles assigned to your user name in order to perform any deletion. If you do not have these roles, please discuss your permissions with you institution's ILS coordinator or your supervisor and send in a request to the FLVC Help Desk ( if you determine you need help adjusting your user roles.