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Alma Resource Management Guide

This guide explains all aspects of the cataloging process, including loading, editing, and deleting bibliographic records, holdings records, and item records in Alma.

Relinking Holdings Records

Relinking Holdings Records


About Relinking Holdings

  • Think of relinking a holdings record as moving the holding from one record to another.
  • Holdings records can be relinked (moved) from one bin record to another bib record.
  • When you relink a holdings record to another bib record it will move the associated items as well.
  • The "original" bib record will remain in the Institution Zone (IZ) and linked to the Network Zone (NZ) after the holdings record(s) have been relinked to another bib record.
  • The "original" bib record will need:
    • To be unlinked from the NZ prior to deleting the bib record in the MD Editor if it is linked to the NZ
    • To be deleted in the MD Editor if no other holdings are associated with it

NOTE: Bib records without holdings records associated with it can only be retrieved from a repository search in the IZ by performing an All Titles search.

How to Relink Holdings Records to Another Bib Record

  1. Perform a All Titles repository search
  2. Click Holdings
  3. Click Relink from the top of the screen or the ellipses of the holdings record
  4. The Search screen opens on the right-hand side of the split screen editor
  5. Click the Zone to be searched (Institution, Network, or Community)
    • The active zone will be blue
  6. Type in search parameters (use the MMS ID, ISBN, OCLC #, etc.)   
    • The OCLC number is "System Number"                                                         
  7. Click Search     
  8. Click Relink from the record on the right-hand side of the split screen editor
    • The Holdings record is now relinked to the new record
  9.  Click Save>Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R)

NOTE: The "original" bib record still exists even if the last holdings record was moved. The "original" bib record will need to be deleted if there are no other holdings associated with the bib record.


  • Bib record without a holdings record can only be found by doing an All Titles search in the IZ
  • Delete the bib record the Holdings record it was previously on if it was the last holdings on the record.