Is there work in Alma I shouldn’t do during the fiscal year rollover process?
Yes. Ex Libris advises you to refrain from editing holding records linked to open PO lines when running the PO line rollover job as it can cause errors during the rollover process. Errors will be reported in the Rollover job report.
How long does the fiscal year rollover take in Alma?
There are two jobs that can be run for fiscal year rollover, Rollover Ledgers and Rollover PO Lines (optional, if you do not want to rollover existing PO lines so that the encumbrance shifts to the new fiscal year’s funds, you do not need to run this job). The jobs can take 5-30 minutes to run, depending on how many ledgers, funds and PO lines you are processing.
What is the suggested order of processes for the fiscal year rollover?
Do the fund transaction rules transfer over when you rollover ledgers?
Yes. Rules set in previous ledgers will rollover when you run the rollover ledgers job.
My PO line has been invoiced, but the invoice is still in review. Since the invoice hasn’t been paid or closed, will the PO line be a candidate for rollover?
Once an invoice has been created, and the PO line added as an invoice line, the one-time PO line will not rollover. Continuous and Subscription type PO lines will roll over if they have been invoiced if they are not “closed” or “cancelled”.
Can a one-time order be received in the current FY but paid in the next fiscal year?
Yes it can. As long as the PO Line is not invoiced, it can be rolled over and then paid as part of the new Fiscal Year.
What is the FPC Factor in the Rollover PO lines and Rollover Ledgers job?
FPC factor stands for Fiscal Period Closure factor. It is the increase/decrease percentage of the new allocated funds (Rollover Ledgers job) or encumbrances (Rollover PO lines job). The value entered can be a negative value if you are anticipating a decrease in cost or budget allocation. The value can also contain decimals (example: 2.5% increase). If you are not expecting a change to encumbrance or allocation, you can leave the field blank, which defaults to 0%.
Can I make changes to allocations in draft and then activate or is draft read only?
I believe allocation changes can only be made after activating the draft.
Do the funds and ledgers have to be active before you rollover PO lines?
Yes. The rollover PO lines job will yield an error if your funds are not active.
Do the funds have to have an allocation before you rollover PO lines?
No. If the funds are active, they can have no allocation ($0 available balance) and you can rollover PO lines. In Rollover PO lines job, you will have to uncheck the “Check Over Encumbrance” box to rollover PO lines to a fund with $0.
What is the benefit to rolling over the ledger as a draft?
If you’d like to open the new fiscal period but are not ready for staff to start using the funds to order yet, rolling over your ledger in draft mode will prevent the funds from being available to use. Rolling over in draft mode is also helpful if you’re wanting to restructure your funds and ledgers.
Does the date you run the rollover jobs begin the fiscal year? For example, if you rollover on July 6, does that start the new fiscal year?
No, it will begin from the end of the previous fiscal year, so you'll keep the same set of dates year after year regardless of when you run rollover.
I don’t create invoices in Alma, how do I ensure that PO lines do not rollover?
You can opt not to roll over PO lines, or you can create a set of PO lines that you do not want to roll over, and run the “Update PO Lines Information” Job to update the Invoice Status to “Fully Invoiced”.
If we are planning to completely revise our fund structure, would it be best to do this before or after an impending rollover?
This is generally done after the rollover process - so primarily after running the jobs. If you are planning on deleting existing funds, change the funds in your PO lines first before you rollover PO lines.
I’ve rolled over my ledger in draft mode, how do I activate it?
In Funds and Ledgers
Can I continue to create invoices or orders in the closing fiscal period if I need to?
Yes, to continue working in a closing/closed fiscal period, you must: