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Alma Acquisitions Resource Guide

This guide covers all aspects of the Acquisitions process, which includes setting up funds, ordering, receiving physical items, activating e-resources, and invoicing. This guide also covers Serials patterns and arrival/check-in.

Changing a PO Line's Bib Reference

Changing a PO Line's Bib Reference

The PO line description is an entity that is created at the time of the PO line creation and is not connected to, or influenced by, the bibliographic information of the related record. This means, for example, that if a PO line is created for a title Introduction to Chemistry, the PO line description title will be Introduction to Chemistry. If, at a later point in time, the title changes to Introduction to Organic Chemistry, the PO line description title will not automatically change.

If you want to have the PO line description title updated as a result of a changed bibliographic record title, you may do so using the PO line's Change Bib Reference link or selecting the Reload Bib Data button.


Change Bib Reference

In this scenario, the bib record for the title " Miami in the 1980's" looks like this: 

While the PO line looks like this:

To get the PO line description to match the Bib record: 

  1. Click Change Bib Reference > Confirm (the message is telling you that you will only be updating the PO line description, and not amending the inventory attached to the PO line)
  2. A Repository Search window will appear, and list the bib records that match the title and ISBN of your PO line title. Click on the bib record in the institution zone tab. 
  3. A green alert box will appear, stating that the PO line description is now linking to a different Bib record. 


Reload Bib Data

Another way to change the PO line description is to "Reload Bib Data". If you do not need to change the PO line description to another MMSID, "Reload Bib Data" might be slightly faster in that you do not need to wait for a "Repository Search" window to load and generate a results list of bib records. "Reload Bib Data" will overwrite the PO line description to match the inventory's bibliographic record. 

To "Reload Bib Data":

  1. Search for your PO line > Edit 
  2. In Description tab > Reload Bib Data
  3. An alert will pop up stating that the "PO Line has updated with its bib record", meaning that it has inherited the updated record information > Save