Event/Presenter/Date | Description | Links |
Alma Fiscal Period Closure (Budget Rollover) Jay Wiese |
The fiscal year ends each year on June 30th; In order to continue using Alma acquisitions functions, institutions will need to run the Alma Fiscal Period Closure process to update the active fiscal year in Alma, create new funds for the fiscal year, set allocations for those funds, and encumber open PO lines on the new fiscal year funds. |
Video Recording |
Rialto Q&A with UCF, UF and FGCU Sara Duff, UCF Jason Heckathorn, UF Jeremy Brown, FGCU Anjana Bhatt, FGCU Joslyn Pendenque, FGCU Steve Rokusek, FGCU Danielle Rosenthal, FGCU April 26, 2023
Is your institution considering implementing Rialto in Alma? Have you recently started using Rialto and have lingering questions about day-to-day workflows and functionality? In this virtual Q&A session, attendees asked the librarians from UCF, UF, and FGCU about their experience implementing and using Rialto to order library materials. |
(1 hour and 4 minutes) Rialto Q&A's and panelist contact information
Alma Fiscal Period Closure (Budget Rollover) Sakuna Saengow |
The fiscal year ends each year on June 30th; In order to continue using Alma acquisitions functions, institutions will need to run the Alma Fiscal Period Closure process to update the active fiscal year in Alma, create new funds for the fiscal year, set allocations for those funds, and encumber open PO lines on the new fiscal year funds. |
(58 minutes) |
Rialto Update for FLVC Members Webinar Rialto representatives, Clarivate July 25, 2024 |
Clarivate invites all FLVC libraries currently using Rialto to an exclusive webinar to discuss what's new with Rialto. Rialto is a marketplace platform built on Alma used by many libraries to simplify selection and acquisition. This one-hour session will demo the enhancements to the platform, show the new collaboration tools, and discuss the new publisher-direct ebook platforms that have been recently added to the marketplace. The webinar will lead by two representatives from Clarivate: Amy Copeland, Rialto Product Manager, and Pam Matthews, Content and Workflow Strategy Consultant. Amy and Pam will provide an overview of all the new features as well as allow plenty of time for any questions you may have about the product. |
(58 minutes)
Rialto Introduction for FLVC Members Webinar Rialto representatives, Clarivate October 15, 2024 |
Pam Matthews from Rialto provides an introduction to Rialto Market. Rialto is a marketplace built on the Alma library services platform designed to streamline selection and acquisition. During this session, Pam provided an overview of the Rialto workflow and covered key functionality, including search, selection and ordering, creating shared title lists, and collection development tools. If your institution is interested in Rialto, please contact Pam Matthews at Clarivate: pamela.matthews@clarivate.com |
(56 minutes)
Event/Presenter/Date | Description | Links |
Spring Workshop - Introduction Session (Ex Libris) April 5, 2021 |
Workshop Overview Inventory Model, Searching User Roles and Tasks |
Video Recording (1hr 1min) |
Spring Workshop - Session 1 Technical Services Overview (Ex Libris) April 5, 2021 |
Fund Structures Vendors, Accounts, Interfaces, EDI |
Video Recording (50min) |
Spring Workshop - Session 2 Ordering, Receiving, Activating (Ex Libris) April 5, 2021 |
Ordering Receiving, Activating |
Video Recording Video Recording |
Spring Workshop - Session 3 Invoicing (Ex Libris) April 6, 2021 |
Invoicing --Invoicing Lifecycle & Integration Options --Creating and Editing Invoices --Taxes |
Video Recording (33min) |
Simplified Acquisitions in Alma (Ex Libris) April 15, 2021 |
Video Recording (1hr 4min) |
Serials Prediction Patterns in Alma (Ex Libris) May 10, 2021 |
Video Recording |
Using Embedded Order Data (EOD) in Alma (FLVC) September 8, 2021 |
Configuring EOD Orders and MARC Records |
Video Recording |
Fall Workshop - Managing Physical Resources Session 1 - Alma Overview (Ex Libris) Sept. 21, 2021 |
User Roles and Menus IZ / NZ / CZ Overview Data Structures (Physical vs Electronic) Advanced Searching |
Video Recording (1hr 31min) Slides |
Fall Workshop - Managing Physical Resources Session 2 - Ordering and Receiving Physical Resource (Ex Libris) Sept. 22, 2021 |
Ordering Receiving and Invoicing |
Video Recording Video Recording |