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Alma Acquisitions Resource Guide

This guide covers all aspects of the Acquisitions process, which includes setting up funds, ordering, receiving physical items, activating e-resources, and invoicing. This guide also covers Serials patterns and arrival/check-in.

EDI Invoicing

EDI Invoicing

EDI = Electronic Data Interchange. EDI allows for a way to electronically exchange order and invoice information between an institution and vendor. EDI Communication in Alma is done via FTP server where the files are kept (EDI file can also be manually imported into Alma). Alma uses the UN/EDIFACT standard for electronic communications for EDI order and invoice information.

The vendor EDI account information is stored in the vendor’s record in Alma, which allows for EDI orders and/or invoicing. EDI order and invoice files are linked to the vendor’s record and available to view from the “Attachments” tab.

Required information for EDI Communication (should be set up with the vendor prior to integration):

  • Vendor EDI code
  • Vendor EDI type
  • S/FTP connection details
  • EDI code for your institution- in institution level or in library level    

EDI communication in Alma uses the PO or PO line numbers as match points when creating EDI invoicing:

  • PO or PO Line numbers are the match points for EDI orders or API new orders
  • GOBI EOCR-Plus uses the Gobi Order Key as the match point for EDI invoicing
  • PO Line must contain the GOBI order key to match
    The PO or PO Line number search is case-insensitive 

Note: Report changes to PO and PO Line numbers to vendors if the vendor matches on the PO or PO Line numbers so they can be updated  on the vendor side when e-ordering or API New Orders is not being used.


Configuring EDI Invoicing in Alma

One of the following roles are required to configure EDIs in Alma:

  • Vendor Manager
  • Vendor Account Manager

To Configure EDI Invoicing:

  1. Go to Acquisitions >>Acquisitions Infrastructure >>Vendors
  2. Search for the Vendor
  3. Click Edit from the ellipses of the vendor
  4. Click on the EDI Information Tab
  5. Vendor EDI Attributes:
    • EDI Code – [Type in the unique code for the vendor]
    • EDI Type -  [Select the type the vendor uses from the predefined list]
    • 014 – EAN-13
    • 091 – ID assigned by supplier
    • 092 – ID assigned by customer
    • 31B – US-SAN
    • EDI naming convention – [Choose the predefined naming convention for the file]
    • Standard - edi.YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.XXXXXX (XXXXXX = first six numbers from the vendor code)
    • EDI vendor format – [Select “Other” if the vendor format is not listed]
    • Incoming – [Check incoming]
    • Outgoing- [Leave unchecked for EDI invoicing]
  6. Input Job Parameters – Job Scheduling
    • Status – [Defaults to Active even if not used]
    • Schedule – [Select a scheduled time or use “Run Now” to import the file]
      • Scheduling is only used for receiving invoices from a vendor
      • “Run Now” – allows the job to run immediately
    • Email Notification – [Click on this to configure who will be notified when the job runs]
  7. Input Job Parameters – Job Parameters
    • Upload EDI – [Click Add and Execute to upload an EDI file]
    • Use VAT expended from fund – [Uncheck]    
      • VAT = Value Added Tax (US does not use VAT)
    • Use VAT code – [Keep unchecked]
    • VAT type – [Leave default]
    • Do no prorate – [Check or uncheck depending on Institution’s policy]
      • When "Do not prorate" is unchecked it will prorate overhead and discounts alone the invoice lines
      • When "Do not prorate" is selected, it will create separate invoice lines for overhead and discounts. A fund must be selected when "Do not prorate" is selected
  8. S/FTP Connection – S/FTP server Alma and the vendor will be using:
    • Description - [Type in a description]
    • Max. Number of Files - [Not in use – use default value]
    • Max. file size - [Not in use – use default value]
    • Server – [Type in the IP address of the FTP server receiving the EDI files]
    • Port – [Type in the port to use if the FTP server is not secure, typically 21]
      • Use port 22 if port 21 does not work
    • Input directory – [Type in the subdirectory in which the incoming EDI files are stored
      Output directory – [No used for EDI invoices –name of the file where outgoing EDI files are stored]
      • Alma’s  default is “orders” 
      • If this field is left empty, Alma will place the EDI files in the root directory
    • Max. file size - [Not in use – use default value]
    • Allow Navigation – [Uncheck if you do not want to allow access to other areas of the FTP server]
  9. S/FTP Connection – S/FTP server Alma and the vendor will be using:
    • FTP mode – [Check this box as login credentials will be necessary to access the FTP server]
    • Send command – [Select the command type]
      • Append - Does not overwrite a file on the FTP server if the existing file has the same name as the new file
      • Put - Overwrites a file on the FTP server if the existing file has the same name as the new file
    • FTP Passive mode – [Keep unchecked]
    • Ftp Server Secured – [Check this box]
    • Authentication Method – [Select username/password]
    • Username – [Type in the name for the FTP server]
    • Password – [Type in the password to access the FTP server]
    • Click Test FTP
  10. Per Organization Unit EDI – [Select your institution and define the EDI code and type used by the vendor for the institution]
    • Alternatively, select libraries served by the institution and define the EDI code and type used by the vendor for the library
    1. Click Add Organizational Unit
      1. Organization Unit - [Select Institution or library]
      2. EDI code – [Type in the code used by the vendor of the institutional unit]
      3. EDI type – [Select the EDI type]
      4. Click Add
  11. EAN per Account Code (Envelope Address Note Code) - [only affects out-going POs from Alma to the vendor]
    1. Click Add EAN
      • Account code - [Select the appropriate account code]
      • EAN Code – [Type in the EAN code to be associated with the account code]
      • Click Add EAN
  12. Click Save

Creating EDI Invoices

EDI Invoices can be created using the following processes:

File Transfer Protocol (FTP):

  1. Go to Acquisitions>Acquisitions Infrastructure>Vendors
  2. Search for the Vendor
  3. Click Edit from the ellipses
  4. Click on the “EDI Information” tab
  5. Configure Job Scheduling
    1. Status – [Select Active]
    2. Schedule – [Select time job will run]
      NOTE: Run Now can be selected to run the job at any time
    3. Email Notification – [Optional]
  6. Click Save


Uploading an EDI File:

  1. Go to Acquisitions>Acquisitions Infrastructure>Vendors
  2.  Search for the Vendor
  3. Click Edit from the ellipses
  4. Click on the “EDI Information” tab
  5. Go to Job Parameters
  6. Click Add and Execute
    • The .edi file will be uploaded if there are files waiting to be uploaded to Alma


Creating an Invoice:

  1. Go to Acquisitions>Receiving and Invoicing>Create Invoice
  2. Invoice Creation – [Select From File]
  3. Requires “Incoming” on the “EDI Information” tab to be selected
  4. Click Next
  5. Vendor – [Select the Vendor]
  6. File type – [Select EDI]
  7. Click on the File icon to upload the .edi file
  8. Click Upload and Run Invoice Creation Job

Viewing EDI File Reports

To view EDI files:

  1. Go to Acquisitions>Acquisitions Infrastructure>Vendors
  2.  Search for the Vendor
  3. Click one of the options:
    1. View Edi Files
      • Takes you to the "Attachments" tab
    2. Edit from the ellipses
      • Click on the “Attachments” tab
  4. Click Report from the ellipses of the EDI file