Once an invoice has been created, it may have a number of different statuses:
As the invoice moves through creation, review, and approval, Alma will automatically update the status as needed.
To view existing invoices, use the search type Invoice and any available criteria. Note that if you use Invoice number, all invoices that share that exact invoice number will come up in the results, even from different vendors.
Column Sorting. The invoice results list is slightly different than other results list in Alma, because you can sort it by most of the headers at the top. If there’s just a down arrow, the column is sorted in descending order. An up arrow by itself would mean that it’s sorted in ascending order. If there’s both an up and a down arrow, that means that that column isn’t sorted at all.
To sort a column, click on the double arrows. To change the sort from ascending to descending or vice versa, click on the single arrow. You can only sort by one column at a time.
Use the Facets on the left to limit the list, and Export to send the list to Excel for offline work.
Additional views and actions. From the results list, you can click on the invoice number to see the invoice record, the vendor to see the vendor record, and the number in the Order Lines column to see all orders on that invoice.
Under the row action item list, you can Edit the invoice, change the status, and Generate Export XML to send to the ERP (part of invoice data loads).
The process for creating an invoice from a PO is the same as manual, except that you’ll skip the Invoice Details page and move straight to adding or editing Invoice lines.
Information from the POLs on that PO will be automatically added by Alma (including the correct Invoice Owner), but there are a few critical changes:
When you’re finished updating the invoice, click on Save and continue.
As with orders, invoicing Continuous orders is largely identical to invoicing One-Time orders. However, there are additional fields on Continuous Order Invoice lines:
Once you finish updating the information on the Invoice Lines tab, make sure to go back and check that it corresponds to the information on the Summary tab, and then proceed as you would for a manual invoice.
If you review and confirm invoices with an In Review status, you can do this from one of two places:
On the Invoices in Review page: