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Alma Acquisitions Resource Guide

This guide covers all aspects of the Acquisitions process, which includes setting up funds, ordering, receiving physical items, activating e-resources, and invoicing. This guide also covers Serials patterns and arrival/check-in.

Alma Acquisition Workflow Overview

Acquisitions Workflow Guides

Overview and Acquisitions Infrastructure Videos: 

The following videos are an overview of the acquisitions workflow tutorials available in this series, as well as the Acquisitions Infrastructure Components, including Vendors, Ledgers, Funds, and Transferring Funds.

Topic Video Link Printed Information
Acquisitions Overview Video Handout
Creating a Vendor and Vendor Account Video Handout
Creating a Ledger Video Handout
Creating a Fund Video Handout
Transferring Funds Video Handout

Acquisitions Roadmap

Acquisitions RoadmapAlma Acquisitions supports the full end-to-end workflows required for various types of acquisition methods from the point of order to the point of usage harvesting and analysis. 

Purchasing - Ex Libris

Purchasing Workflow ( Note: Harvard)

  • Orders can be created either manually, or via an order load (called EOD: Embedded Order data)
  • Orders can be either One-time (monographs) or Continuous (serials and standing orders)
  • Purchase order lines (POLs) contain the order information, vendor, budget, renewal period for ongoing orders, etc
  • Inventory (meaning: items and holdings) can be created automatically or manually during the POL creation 
  • Purchase order lines go through a validation phase to check for mandatory information and an additional review phase (if there is inaccurate or missing data) 
  • Once the POL passes review and validation it is "packaged" into a Purchase order (PO) and sent to the vendor (if applicable), either by EDI or email


Purchasing Workflow General Explanation

Best Practice Toolkit: Conducting a Purchasing Workflow Review: Directions on conducting a purchasing workflow review.

Purchasing Workflows Videos: Purchasing workflows for manual physical items and bibliographic record uploads with embedded order data (EOD).

Invoicing - Ex-Libris

Invoicing Workflow (Note Harvard)

  • Invoices can be created manually (either from scratch or from a POL or PO), from an Excel file uploaded into Alma, or loaded as EDI
  • Invoices go through a system validation and review (if there is any missing or inaccurate data) process after creation
  • Invoice approval is the final step


Invoicing Workflow Explanation

Invoicing Workflows Videos: Invoice creation workflows that show how to create invoices manually, using a purchase order, and using a file upload.  Also includes a a tutorial showing how to handle invoices waiting for payment.

Receiving - Ex Libris

Receiving Workflow (Note Harvard)

  • Receipt of Physical material is indicated via a Receiving process on the item records
  • Items can be marked as Received as a separate process or during the invoicing process
  • After receipt, the titles can be assigned to another section for cataloging, binding etc, or marked In transit to be sent to their final destination
  • One-Time orders close when fully invoiced and received
  • Continuous orders remain in the status "Waiting for Renewal" once an item has been received and the invoice paid: these orders are closed manually


Receiving WorkflowReceiving workflows for physical one-time and serial items, and how to manage post-receiving processing and claims.

Acquisitions Jobs

Acquisitions JobsThis session allows you to choose from the five available Acquisitions Jobs and walks you through the steps of using that job to update PO lines.

Update PO Lines via Acquisitions Jobs