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Technical Services Standing Committee

Web site support for the Technical Services Standing Committee, a part of the FLVC Members Council for Library Services.


Training Subcommittee Documents & Recordings 

Documents, Recordings and infographics offered by the TSSC Training subcommittee for common questions or specific workflows for cataloging, tech services

 Please feel free to print or save for future reference.


Graphics and Other Training Documents

Alma - General

Relinking Holdings and Items

A brief overview of how to relink resources in Alma. December 2022

Batch Updating Item Records in Alma

A quick guide explaining how to use Excel and the cloud app "Item updater by Excel" to update item records in Alma.

SpineOMatic Instructions

Instructions on how to install and use SpineOMatic


Alma - Metadata Editor

MDE Shortcuts

July 2022

Adding Local Notes

Visual Aid for adding local notes fields in Alma January 2023


Import Tips 

Problems loading records from OCLC? Here is what you should do. September 2022


Foreign Months Chart

Foreign month abbreviations for cataloging use complete with diacritics. Excel worksheet allows for ease of copy and paste.

Cataloging Series, Sets, and Serials

A quick guide explaining the differences between the three and how to proceed.

Tracking Cataloging Activities in Alma

The Cataloging Activities Statistics Task Force (CASTF) prepared this document on how best to track cataloging activities statistics in Alma.

Training Session Recordings

Recordings of all training sessions brought to you by the Training Subcommittee 

Cataloging Training Solutions

Panel discussion of an effective strategy employed by Pasco-Hernando State College Library to train new librarians. Presented by Ingrid Purrenhage, Cassandra Baker, Mary Beth Isaacson, Cynthia Mogel, Janet Schalk, and Eridan Thompson.

Document: PowerPoint to accompany presentation

Map Cataloging

Music Cataloging

MarcEdit & Alma Integration

Bilingual Spanish/English Subject Headings Training

Creating Thumbnail Templates for Streaming Video


Have Training Topic Suggestions?

Please add any suggestions of topics you think TSSC members and library staff would find helpful to have training on using the Google form below:

Alma Training Topics form