The DISC Digital Preservation Working Group was formed in March 2019. The following is the initial call for members, charge, and initial membership list:
Standing meeting: The second Tuesday of every month, 1-2pm
The Digital Preservation Working Group will:
Timeline: To be determined by the working group
Working documents (access currently limited to Working Group):
New leader? - Kelley and Krystal will support each other
3. Update from Rebel: added information about PURL to the Digital Services page, Preservation page refresh and a link to the Archives Florida site was also added to the FALSC page.
[Note: Agenda carried forward from February and March as those meetings were canceled]
Agenda Items:
1. How are we all doing?
2. Spreadsheet:
3. Revisit the Criteria for Preservation Systems tab on the spreadsheet
4. This group's involvement with the digital platform review process
Agenda Items:
No meeting held this month.
Agenda - 7/21/20
Agenda - 8/18/20
Agenda for September 15, 2020
Agenda for Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Next meeting will be Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 1pm
Agenda for December 15, 2020
DISC Digital Preservation Working Group Agenda May 1, 2019, 3pm
Recording of this meeting:
A formal initial meeting of the new DISC Digital Preservation Working Group.
Tentative Agenda:
Meeting number (access code): 805 863 420
Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-240-454-0887 United States Toll (San Jose)
+1-240-454-0887 United States Toll (San Jose)
The action item from the last meeting was for each group member to prepare a paragraph or two describing his or her institution’s current preservation needs. These will be reviewed at tomorrow’s meeting. You may send ahead of time or bring them to the meeting.
Here are the Action/Agenda Items for tomorrow’s (July 16) Meeting:
• The next focus of the group’s work will be the Working Group’s first goal: “To produce a guide with specific criteria required in a digital preservation platform, reviewed on an annual or biannual basis”.
• Members were asked to thing about this goal and to jot down ideas. The group’s internal Google spreadsheet now includes a tab for this purpose: /edit#gid=1989084886
If you have additional discussion items, feel free to suggest.
Homework for this meeting:
Meetings notes: