Wednesday January 8, 2024 Agenda
FLVC Update (Rebel)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Rebel)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Islandora Metadata Subcommittee Update (Rebel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel & Elisabeth)
Reviewing Charge of DISC
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
Introduction Jennifer Nicholson, new Florida Statewide Digital Initiative Consultant at the Florida Department of State Division of Library and Information Services.
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Jeff or Richard and let us know!
Please register your attendance:
Meeting recording at:
Wednesday January 10, 2024 Agenda
FLVC Update (Rebel)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Rebel)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Islandora Metadata Subcommittee Update (Rebel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel & Elisabeth)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Statewide water data catalog
Florida Undergrad Research Journal
Pressbooks license
Recap of MCLS DISC Meeting (ALL)
Storing Electronic Documents (ALL)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
Join information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2427 786 5482
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You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
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+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 2427 786 5482
Host PIN: 1991
Global call-in numbers
Meeting Recording:
Webex meeting recording: Digital Initiatives Standing Committee (DISC) Monthly Meeting-20240110 1803-1
Password: 2PbMYuKh
Recording link:
DISC Agenda February 14, 2024 1pm
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
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Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2427 786 5482
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You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
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+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 2427 786 5482
Host PIN: 1991
Global call-in numbers
DISC Agenda March 13, 2024 1pm
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
Join information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2427 786 5482
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You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 2427 786 5482
Host PIN: 1991
Global call-in numbers
DISC Agenda April 10, 2024 1pm
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Join information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2427 786 5482
Host key:
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You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 2427 786 5482
Host PIN: 1991
Global call-in numbers
Meeting Recording
Webex meeting recording: Digital Initiatives Standing Committee (DISC) Monthly Meeting-20240410 1701-1
Password: NjiUJgg2
Recording link:
DISC Agenda May 8, 2024 1pm
FLVC Update (Rebel)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Rebel)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Islandora Metadata Subcommittee Update (Rebel)
Statewide Metadata Standards Guide for Florida Academic Libraries
Pressbooks license (Rebel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel, Elisabeth, Stephen, Simone, and Kestrel)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Statewide water data catalog
Call for Co-Chair for next year (Amber)
Reminder to reapply to be a DISC member by May 10th
SKIP June DISC Meeting- It coincides with the MCLS meeting (Amber)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Join information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2427 786 5482
Host key:
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 2427 786 5482
Host PIN: 1991
Global call-in numbers
No Meeting Held.
Meeting Leader
Co-Chair/Secretary for 2024-25 Nominations and Election
UISC Liaison - Volunteer Needed
Custom Resource Type Alma Metadata- Discussion
FLVC Updates (Rebel)
Citation Database move to FOAL
Statewide Metadata Standards Guide for Florida Academic Libraries
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
MCLS Liaison Agenda Items (Tracy)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
DISC Agenda August 14, 2024
FLVC Update (Rebel)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Rebel)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Islandora Metadata Subcommittee Update (Rebel)
Open Access Collection (Rebel)
The Electronic Resources Management Standing Committee recently put together a list of open access collections that can be added to your collections in Alma. It is online.
This list is a good start on finding quality open access collections for your ILS. Please feel free to download it and add to it. You can also provide us with some more titles that we can add to the list.
CLIR Digital Grant Opportunity (Kestrel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel, Elisabeth, Stephen, Simone, and Kestrel)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Jeff or Richard and let us know!
Join the meeting now<> Meeting ID: 267 507 453 164 Passcode: PTf2Xd
September 11, 2024 - Agenda
Please register your attendance at
Wednesday November 13, 2024 Agenda
FLVC Update (Rebel)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Rebel)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Islandora Metadata Subcommittee Update (Rebel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel & Elisabeth)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Jeff or Richard and let us know!
December 11, 2024 Agenda
FLVC Update (Rebel)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Rebel)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Islandora Metadata Subcommittee Update (Rebel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel & Elisabeth)
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation membership (Rebel)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Open Discussion (ALL)
January 11, 2023 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
February 8, 2023 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
March 8, 2023 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
April 12, 2023 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
May 10, 2023 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
June 14, 2023 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
July 12, 2023 Agenda
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
Wednesday August 9, 2023 Agenda
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
Note that there is no recording for the meeting this month. Apologies.
Wednesday September 13, 2023 Agenda
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
DISC Meeting Recording 9/13/23
Webex meeting recording: Digital Initiatives Standing Committee (DISC) Monthly Meeting-20230913 1701-1
Password: mTsNJpd8
Recording link:
Wednesday October 11, 2023 Agenda
FLVC Update (Elijah)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Elijah)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel & Elisabeth)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Statewide water data catalog
Florida Undergrad Research Journal
Pressbooks license
Storing Electronic Documents (ALL)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
Join information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2427 786 5482
Host key:
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 2427 786 5482
Host PIN: 1991
Global call-in numbers
10112023 DISC meeting Recording:
Webex meeting recording: Digital Initiatives Standing Committee (DISC) Monthly Meeting-20231011 1702-1
Password: aJW9BNBj
Recording link:
Wednesday November 8, 2023 Agenda
FLVC Update (Rebel)
Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) update (Rebel)
Islandora 2.0 update (Rebel)
Islandora Metadata Subcommittee Update (Rebel)
Additional FLVC Updates (Rebel & Elisabeth)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
CSUL Agenda Items (Tracy)
Statewide water data catalog
Florida Undergrad Research Journal
Pressbooks license
Storing Electronic Documents (ALL)
Open Discussion (ALL)
Guest speaker - Do you have a project, demo, topic you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email Amber or Jeff and let us know!
Please register your attendance at
Join information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2427 786 5482
Host key:
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 2427 786 5482
Host PIN: 1991
Global call-in numbers
Agenda 2022 January 12
Agenda 2022 February 9th
Agenda 2022 March 9
FLVC update (Elijah)
Review of CSUL meeting (Chelsea)
Digital Collections PRIMO mapping - update (Rebel)
Discussion on PURL Server service (Rebel)
Call for new members and new incoming chair
FLVC Update
New PURL system demo/discussion
Confirm IR experiences discussion for May meeting (Kaleena and Tracey)
FLVC Update (Elijah)
State Library Islandora Implementation Update (Dolly)
Feasibility Review Update (Rebel)
Creating a harvest set to curate the content being harvested from our IR into Primo VE: Demo (Lee Dotson)
Other Updates
Meeting Canceled
Passing of the (virtual) gavel
Please register your attendance at
August 10, 2022 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
Looking ahead... September's meeting will feature guest speaker Krystal Thomas! FSU is launching a portal to provide access to some of their minimally described born-digital materials. Come see the demo of PASS (public access server site) and hear about this exciting work from our colleagues at FSU.
DISC is looking for guest speaker for future meetings! If you have a project or update you'd like to share, please reach out to Lee.
September 14, 2022 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
Meeting link: Join Zoom meeting
October 12, 2022 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
Link to join this month's meeting:
November 9, 2022 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
December 14, 2022 Agenda
Please register your attendance at
Agenda 2021 January 13
Agenda 2021 January 26
Agenda 2021-02-10
FALSC Update (Elijah)
Continue conversation from last meeting about platform selection
Agenda 2021-02-23
Agenda August 11, 2021
FALSC Updates and Review of “Digital Initiative” services provided by FALSC
Review of current DISC Charge
Discussion of possible updates
Current status of subgroups
Statewide Metadata Standards
Digital Preservation Standards
Digital Collections Interface Working Group
Discussion of Digital Platform
Documentation to date
FLVC Updates
Review of current DISC Charge
Discussion of draft update: Serving as a source of expertise for statewide efforts in digital collection building, digital production, digital curation, and metadata in support of scholarship for the Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) Library Services Members Council, the committee provides the Members Council with reviews and recommended responses to proposals by FLVC for new services, and changes and updates to existing services.
Update on UFDC upgrades
Other projects and announcements
Agenda 10/13/21:
Agenda 11/10/21:
Please use UF Zoom Link to access, email for invite.
1. The FLVC Members Council on Library Services will meet on March 5-6, 2020 at the University of Florida.
2. Starting for our next meeting, we will have a short "spotlight sharing" session to give our members opportunities to share what they are working on lately.
Welcome and announcement:
Need volunteer to take meeting minutes
DISC Spotlight: DigitalFGCU
DISC subgroups update
Discussing the survey that was sent to the Deans
SSDN updates
Welcome and announcement:
Member spotlight: Cal Murgu (New College of Florida)
DS+OER Unit Review Steps:
Sub-Groups (you may still join if you are interested)
Charge: The purpose of the sub-groups are to review specific aspects of a content or digital management system and to discuss and make recommendations to DISC and TAOERSC for the features or specifications required in a statewide system for all FALSC members. The duration of the groups are expected from March – May. Members participating in the subgroups will virtually provide feedback on system aspects, discuss specific aspects of potential systems, and participate in tasks/activities to review or select desired system aspects. You do not have to be a member of DISC or TAOERSC to participate, these groups are open to any interested individual.
Welcome and announcement
Artefactual Systems Demo/Q&A session
FSU Islandora Project – Jean Phillips
Welcome and announcement
Digital Preservation Sub-group report – Krystal
Statewide Metadata Standards Guide for Florida Academic Libraries’ Digital Collections -- Rebel
SSDN updates -- Keila
Meeting agenda 6/10/2020
Welcome and announcement
Chair: Cal Murgu
Volunteer for the secretary position for next year
Migration of Central Florida Memory from CONTENTdm to Digital Commons -- Lee Dotson
DISC meeting 7/8/2020
Welcome and announcement
Hope everyone is doing great!
DISC 'essential services' for the BOG and Dept. of Educ.
Action items
Create a letter to voice the collective needs and send it to the Governor -- Malissa
Share spreadsheet with members -- Elijah
Doodle poll for a meeting next week --Xiying
Goggle group for meeting if needed -- Kaila
Agenda 18 November 2020
Digital Preservation WG update (Krystal)
Review action items from previous meeting
Survey Results:
Primo training was cancelled and will be rescheduled for sometime in February 2021
Digital collections in Alma/PrimoVE (Lee)
Creating standardized mapping (Cherie McGraw)
Do we want to pause subcommittees for now to focus on primary committee topics/tasks?
Meeting frequency (December meetings?)
09 December 2020
PRIMO mapping (Jamie Rogers)
Discuss survey and needs
What could you absolutely not lose?
What must you have?
What don’t we have?
DISC Agenda January 9th, 2019
February 13, 2019
1. Welcome and Announcements
a. Member's council meeting is March 7 & 8
2. Updates
a. FALSC – Rebel Cummings-Sauls
b. SSDN – Keila Zayas-Ruiz
c. MANGO subgroup – Lydia Motyka
3. Digital preservation concerns and needs (digital preservation vs. digital access)
4. Schedule 3rd meeting of Metadata subgroup
5. Next meeting: March 13th.
DISC Minutes
DISC Agenda March 13th, 2019
DISC Agenda July 10th, 2019
DISC Meeting agenda
August 14, 2019
Welcome and announcements
After internal reviews and site visits with over half of our members the DS+OER unit would like to recommend the following changes:
Can we get an update on the shared search portal for ArchivesSpace records on all sites contracted through FALSC? Is there a plan for other repositories, outside of ASpace, to be included in this search portal in the future?
Can we get an update on the Index of Digital Collections and Archives? What is the plan for including institutions who do not catalog their digital collections/archives in Mango?
What is the DS+OER unit’s organizational structure plan going forward after Lydia’s departure? How is the timeline for platform review going to be affected during upcoming staff leave and transition?
1. OJS and PKP discussion -- Laurie Taylor (UF)
2. Knowledge Unlatched (Rebel)
3. FLVC CrossRef membership
4. A Survey on Evaluating Accessibility and Usability Guidelines of Digital Libraries (Kelley)
The criteria are as follows:
· A scholar who has conducted research on accessibility, usability, and/or utility of information systems or digital libraries for at least three years.
· An expert who has conducted accessibility or usability tests to support the needs of blind and visually impaired users for at least three years.
· A screen reader developer with at least three years of development experience.
· A DL developer or DL manager with three years’ experience
The contact is Shengang Wang
DISC Meeting agenda 10/09/2019
Discussion and updates:
process and timeline:
Platform Options First List- Coming Soon (Planned by October 15th)- will be sent to DISC and TAOERSC. Committees may be asked if there are any platforms that are "bad apples" in HE that would make them ineligible or let us know if any platform was missed that they want to be sure is considered in this review.
Needs and Wants Being Consolidated- Will be pulled into Survey to be released this fall. Expected 3-4 hours to complete. May require multiple people to complete (or provide input) depending on local situation. Planned to leave open for 60 days and allow saving.- will be sent to all members (both Dean/Director and Librarian/Library Staff).
Platforms will be reviewed based on rankings and ratings of needs an wants (through survey above).- by internal staff and any interested FALSC members. Possible DISC and TAOERSC, if interested.
Top (Ten?) platforms with functionality that meets most needs will be selected for further review.- will be sent to DISC, TAOERSC, and any interested members. After committee review will be sent to all members (both Dean/Director and Librarian/Library Staff).
Members Favorite from Top Ten will be used in a SandBox environment for rigorous testing by staff, members, and any interested stakeholders.
If testing successful we move into making a recommendation.
Action Steps:
process and timeline:
Launch planned for Summer/Fall 2019. Looking like October 15th we will be able to conduct a soft launch with FALSC members. Before the new year we would like to begin promoting and marketing this live site. We are and will continue to accept ongoing feedback with this index.
Subcollection changed to Collection
Adjusted Heading
Removed holding text and proxy info
Collection facet moved under author
Added ability to limit by OER
Added ability to limit by institution
New Banner and Different Images in Homepage
Added OER Icon
Clear display of collection and institution in records
Brief Search display includes collection
Provided crosswalk for DC to MARC
FL-Islandora, Sobek, Digital Commons, and all other Digital Collections and Archives sites were included, where able.
Reported ArchivesSpace URL issue to Lyrasis-waiting on resolution to be implemented in their system.
Open Textbook Library and Orange Grove local records were also included
Added methods to reduce duplicates
PDF's are not marked as Books- they are marked as PDFs
FAU objects are not faceted as government documents and books
Orange Grove URLs are mapped to hyperlink now
PDFs should only be mapped as books is they are marked as books or manuscripts
FSU author and degree granting institution should be mapped correctly
FSU ETDs are no longer marked as books
ctype:text language removed from records
Subject:Genre adjusted to only Genre
FAU ArchivesSpace should now be pulled at collection level
UWF ArchivesSpace should now be pulled at item level (the only AS site this way)
Finding Aid now a facet for AS records
Still looking into putting dashes back into the display for AS site records.
2019-2020: Letter to Community,
Strategic Plan 2020-2025,
As always, I welcome your thoughts on our unit’s plans and encourage your suggestions as we develop and manage these ideas into reality.
Director- Liaison to DISC for FALSC.
Director does not have a vision set for DISC, although has and would encourage DISC to create a vision.
Understanding of the role of DISC comes from the committee charge.
The following major communication channels:
Digital Services Home Page-
Open FL Home Page-
FALSC Libguides-
FALSC Updates-
MCLS Meetings and Updates-
FALSC Discussion Lists-
Textbook Affordability and OER Standing Committee-
Digital Initiatives Standing Committee-
Monthly FALSC updates
DISC Meeting agenda 11/13/2019
Call for agenda items.
1. SSDN Updates
2. Bring to vote by DISC:
Good EAD and ETD Services/Server Recommendation:
The DISC would support the recommendations for the DS+OER unit to decommission the Good EAD service and the ETD Server. The DS+OER unit will work with existing members to move current ETD content and establish a new workflow for future ETD services and content in FL-Islandora. The Good EAD service should be decommissioned immediately. The ETD Server should be decommissioned after current members have confirmed their content transfer, with a goal of decommission by March 31, 2020. This recommendation comes with the understanding that we will not shut the ETD server off until after spring submissions have concluded.
The DISC would support the recommendations for the DS+OER unit to decommission the Good EAD service. The Good EAD service should be decommissioned immediately.
The DISC would support the recommendations for the DS+OER unit to decommission the ETD Server and ETD Service. The DS+OER unit will migrate existing members’ current ETD content stored on the ETD server as well as establish new workflows for future ETD services and ETD content in FL-Islandora. The ETD Service will accept submissions for Fall 2019 to give current users time to adjust to new workflows for Spring 2020 submissions. The ETD Server should be decommissioned after current members have confirmed their content transfer to FL-Islandora by FLVC staff, with a goal to decommission by Spring 2020 (May 07). This recommendation comes with the understanding that FLVC will not shut the ETD server off until after spring submissions have concluded.
3. FALSC - DS+OER Unit Update
Per Judy Russell "At the most recent MCLS Executive Committee meeting we discussed holding the standing committee meeting in June, immediately before the MCLS meeting. The proposed (but not confirmed dates) are June 3, 4 and 5. The location will probably be in Tampa or Orlando (or in that general area). "
DISC AGENDA, July 11th, 2018
2. Update
3. Member Discussion
4. Next Meeting: September 12th
2. Updates
3. Member Discussion
4. Next Meeting: October 10th
DISC AGENDA - November 14, 2018
1. Welcome & Announcements
a. Please help with migration of our wiki to the LibGuide:
- David Russell has been added as an editor and can start migrating content.
2. Updates
a. FALSC – Rebel Cummings-Sauls
b. Wilhemina Randtke
c. DPLA update?
3. Next Meeting: December 12th
DISC AGENDA December 12, 2018
Welcome and announcements:
Presentation from FAU (Joanne)
Presentation from FGCU (Melissa)
FLVC updates (Lydia)
ETD Survey (Melissa)
Presentations for April meeting?
New Business/Updates
Call adjourned 1:34 pm
In Attendance:
Joel Lavoie, Lee Dotson (UCF), Lydia Motyka (FLVC GNV), Courtenay (UNF), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Jeremy Norton (Lake Sumter), Katie (FSU), Lois Widmer (UF), Lucy, Mark (UF), Melissa (FGCU), Susan (PBSC)
FLVC updates - Lydia, Lucy
Members Council inquiry report - Lee, Katie
The Google doc for editing is at Additions, changes, and suggestions made to the report. Review of FLVC enhancement request queue. Will need to define a process to set quarterly priorities for Islandora development.
Quarterly report Due by the 24th.
Volunteers for FLVC regional meetings - Spring 2014
Below are the dates and venues for the Spring regional meetings. Here is what we discussed today:
Separately, there is a 45 minute slot on the agenda for an Islandora presentation. Now that it is up and running at more places, it would be great to have a presentation on how to get started – I think there is a lot of interest, but some people may not know the steps they need to take to become a part of Islandora and they would also like to hear from people who are using it now, especially if they have just recently come up on it. I know Lydia will be working on that with you. I look forward to seeing it.
In Attendance:
Lee Dotson (UCF)
Lydia Motyka (FLVC GNV)
Caitlin Nelson (FLVC GNV)
Courtenay (UNF)
Dean DeBolt (UWF)
Jamie Rogers (FIU)
Katie (FSU)
Rich Ackerman (BC)
Joanne Parandjuk (FAU)
FLVC Update - Lydia
Suite of services
Spring Regional meetings
Follow up on next steps from Members Council report
Katie shared the academic library portion of the survey results from the Statewide Digital Action Plan. A pdf version has been posted on the DISC wiki at
Discussion about the Finding Aids task force. Katie will be coordinating. She sent an email asking for volunteers and has had several responses. The group will meet outside of DISC and provide updates during our monthly calls.
Meeting adjourned at 2:06 pm
In Attendance:
Lee Dotson, Lydia Motyka, Chelsea, Cliff Richmond, Courtenay, Dean DeBolt, Jamie Rogers, Jan Rothhaar, Jean Phillips, Jeremy Norton, Joanne, Katie, Melissa, Rich Ackerman, Silvia Perez-Barraza
Introductions – Lee
FLVC Update - Lydia
Quarterly development priorities process - Lydia, Katie, Lee
Spring Regional meetings reminders
Spring Regional meetings takeaways - Lee
Small group discussions
New projects for DISC?
Region 1:The Region 1 meeting was pretty small overall, so our committee breakout session was just me and 1 other person (from the FSU Music Library). Other folks sat in on the small group discussions on Resource Sharing, Collections, Technical Services, and User Interface. From the small group discussion and the comments/questions during Mike’s presentation folks seemed to be most interested in understanding standards and best practices for digitization and metadata, in being sure collections were discoverable broadly (so in PALMM, in Mango, etc.), and with Digital Services generally.
Region 2: Four people, representing two state colleges, attend the small group discussion on DISC. They were most interested in where to find basic digitization information and grant support. We discussed equipment, metadata tagging and OCR, microform digitization, the NEDCC, the NHPRC for potential grant support, and how to join the DISC listserv. One attendee expressed the desire for DISC to provide something akin to a getting started with digitization page. Generally, the attendees were interested in participating in Islandora at some point but are still in the nascent stages of prioritizing materials and finding support for equipment.
Region 3:
Present: Lee Dotson (UCF) Lydia Motyka (FLVC) Melissa VandeBurgt (FGCU) Courtenay (UNF) Jamie Rogers (FIU) Joanne (FAU) Margaret M (FLVC) Mike (FLVC-GNV) Silvia Perez-Barraza (BC)
Welcome Kevin Arms, new DISC member!
DISC leadership
FLVC updates
MCLS committee report
State Library of Florida Digital Action Plan Working Group Report(s)
PALMM -future?
Round Robin
Present: Lee Dotson (UCF), Lydia Motyka (FLVC-GNV),Katie McCormick (FSU), Melissa (FGCU), Barbara (USF), Courtenay (UNF), Jamie (FIU), Susan (FAMU), Chelsea (UF), Jan Rothhaar (BC), Silvia Perez-Barraza (BC), Joanne (FAU), Dean DeBolt (UWF)
Meeting convened at 1:02 pm
Update from last week’s FLVC MCLS - Katie
FLVC Updates - Lydia
PALMM Discussion - Lydia
Round Robin
Meeting adjourned at 2:06 pm
FLVC updates - Lydia
PALMM Discussion - Lydia
Meeting adjourned at 2:02 pm
Discussion of future meetings idea:
Finding Aids / EAD advisory group
Lydia/FLVC updates
Call for volunteer organization presenters for our 2015 meetings:
Update from last week's FLVC MCLS meeting:
Islandora or other Digital Services updates from Lydia:
Discussion of charge for the finding aids working group:
In attendance: Lee Dotson (UCF), Lydia Motyka (FLVC), Barbara Lewis (USF), Bill Covey (FLVC), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Joanne Parandjuk (FAU), Katie McCormick (FSU), Linda McCarthy, Mark Sullivan (UF), Melissa VandeBurgt (FGCU), Nancy Spaid
Welcome and agreement on agenda (Lee)
FLVC-Gainesville office status update (Lydia, Bill)
Subgroup updates (Lee, Barbara)
In attendance: Lee Dotson (UCF), Barbara Lewis (USF), Caitlin Nelson (FLVC), Courtenay (UNF), Dean BeBolt (UWF), Derek Merleaux (Wolfsonian –FIU), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Jean Philips (FSU), Joanne (FAU), Katie (FSU), Lydia Motyka (FLVC), Mark Sullivan (UF), Melissa VandeBurgt (FGCU), Susan (FAMU)
Welcome and agreement on agenda (Lee)
Subgroup updates (Lydia, Barbara)
Possible additional Islandora subgroups (EAD? ETD? IR? Timeline?)
Islandora collection policies – new collections (Began with Seminole State question regarding process for new collection proposals)
No Minutes
In attendance: Lee Dotson (UCF), Lydia Motyka (FLVC), Linda McCarthy (FLVC), Courtenay (UNF), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Melissa VandeBurgt (FGCU), Susan (FAMU), Dean DeBolt
Welcome and agreement on agenda (Lee)
Update on transition of DISC from CSUL to FLVC Members Council (Lee)
FLVC User Meetings (Lee)
Request for change to ETD METS Recommendation (Mark)
In the specification PDF above, the METS dmdSEC has a MDTYPE tag of "OTHER", but does not include the recommended "OTHERMDTYPE" tag. Can we replace:
<METS:mdWrap MIMETYPE="text/xml" MDTYPE="OTHER" LABEL="PALMM Extensions">
A METS reader/writer should be able to utilize the MDTYPE/OTHERMDTYPE values to determine the appropriate reader for a METS section. Without the OTHERMDTYPE tag, this is not possible.
ISG update (Lydia)
Announcements (All)
Digital Platform Working Group report (Emily or Lee)
Sobek project report (Priscilla)
Pushed to next meeting [out of time]:
Attendance: Barbara Lewis (USF), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Bobby Parker (UF), Caitlin Nelson (FCLA), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Hilary Robbeloth (UNF), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Joanne Parandjuk (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF), Lois Widmer (UF), Mark Sullivan (UF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Shuchun Liang (FAMU), Emily Gore (FSU)
Digital Platform Working Group report (Emily Gore - FSU)
Sobek project report (Priscilla Caplan - FCLA)
Policy and procedure working group report (Barbara Lewis – USF)
ETD Working Group report (Caitlin Nelson – FCLA)
Attendance: Barbara Lewis (USF), Bobby Parker (UF), Caitlin Nelson (FCLA), Derek (Wolfsonian FIU), Emily Gore (FSU), Hilary Robbeloth (UNF), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Joanne Parandjuk (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF), Linda McCarthy (CCLA), Lois Widmer (UF), Mark Sullivan (UF), Melissa VandeBurgt (FGCU), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Susan Liang (FAMU)
Digital Platform Working Group report (Emily or Lee)
Sobek report (Priscilla)
DLU01 after Shared Bib (Priscilla)
Digital Platform policies and procedures (Barbara)
ETD Working Group report (Caitlin or Lee)
Attendance: Barbara Lewis (USF), Bobby Parker (UF), Caitlin Nelson (FCLA), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Dongqing (FCLA), Hilary Robbeloth (UNF), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Joanne Parandjuk (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF), Lois Widmer (UF), Mark Sullivan (UF), Melissa (FGCU),
Islandora Update (Caitlin)
DigiTool Update (Caitlin)
Interim solution/SobekCM Update (Mark)
CSUL request for information (Barbara)
Attendance: Barbara Lewis, USF, Derek, Wolfsonian-FIU, Emily Gore, FSU, Hilary Robbeloth, UNF, Jamie Rogers, FIU, Joanne Parandjuk, FAU, Lee Dotson, UCF, Lois Widmer, UF, Mark Sullivan, UF, Priscilla Caplan, FCLA, Caitlin Nelson, FCLA, Dean DeBolt, UWF, Laurie Taylor, UF, Melissa, FGCU
CSUL request for information (Barbara) - Due 5/17
Islandora Update (Priscilla) -
Interim Solution / SobekCM Update (Mark)
ETD Working Group Update (Lee)
Migration to MediaWiki (Priscilla)
Introduce Robin Donaldson from FLVC Distance Learning
Migration to MediaWiki (Barbara)
CSUL meeting report (Emily/Priscilla) Action items from meeting:
Islandora update (Priscilla)
ETD Working Group Update (Lee)
CSUL Action Items (Priscilla)
Islandora update (Priscilla)
No Minutes Available
No minutes available
Welcome and agreement on agenda (Lee)
Islandora update (Caitlin for Priscilla)
Policy Group (Lee for Barbara, Jamie, Katie, Derek),_2012_meeting_notes
Welcome and agreement on agenda (Barbara)
Islandora update (Priscilla)
Vice-Chair/Chair Elect (Barbara)
Meeting adjourned at 1:39 pm
In attendance: Barbara Lewis (USF), Caitlin Nelson (FLVC), Courtenay (UNF), Derek (Wolfsonian-FIU), Jamie (FIU), Joanne (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF), Lois Widmer (UF), Priscilla (FLVC), Robin (FLVC)
Welcome and agreement on agenda (Barbara)
Islandora update (Priscilla)
Interim (SOBEK/CM) solution update (Mark S.)
Policy Group (Barbara)
Meeting adjourned at 1:31 pm
ETDs (revisted)- i.e. platforms, work flows, status, preservation
Attending: FAMU: Shuchun Liang, FAU: Joanne Paranduke, FCLA: Priscilla Caplan, Lydia, Caitlin Nelson, FGCU:, FIU: Jamie Rogers and Zhong-Hua, NCF: Gail Novak, UCF: Lee Dotson, Laila, UF: Laurie Taylor, Dina Benson, Bobby Parker, Mark Sullivan, UNF: Eileen Brady, Vicki Stanton, UWF: Dean Debolt, USF: Barb Lewis, USF-St. Petersburg, Wolfsonian: Derek Melreaux
New DISC institutions representatives:
Special DISC call for GL12 presentation and discussion, January 19 from 1-2pm.
Vice-chair: Suggestions, recommendations, nominations
Follow-up on implementation of DISC report:
ETDs (revisted)- i.e. platforms, work flows, status, preservation
Data management plans (developing & researching)
Attendees: FAMU: Shuchun Liang, FAU: Joanne Paranduke, FCLA: Astrid, FIU: Jamie Rogers, FSU: Plato Smith, UF: Laurie Taylor, Bobby Parker, Dina Benson, UNF: Vicki Stanton, UM: Shilpa, USF: Barb Lewis
This call will be Plato Smith’s presentation from the Grey Literature 12 Conference, “Developing small worlds of e-science: using quantum mechanics, biological science, and oceanography for education and outreach strategies for engaging research communities within a university”. We’ll also have Q&A and discussion.
For more information, the presentation abstract is online ( and copied below. Please email questions to the list as well to start the discussion.
“Developing small worlds of e-science: using quantum mechanics, biological science, and oceanography for education and outreach strategies for engaging research communities within a university” Abstract: The paper will use text, diagrams, screenshots, models, and developing e-science digital collections at Florida State University (FSU) Libraries as an experimental approach in developing a digital preservation management policy strategy that promotes current and future use of FSU Libraries digital assets. Scientific research from quantum mechanics, biological science, and oceanography research disciplines will be used as digital collection development and preservation models for education and outreach strategies for engaging disciplinary research communities at FSU.
The project will explore the use of standards-based description and the ingest, access, data management, and preservation functional entities of the open archival information system (OAIS) reference model as they relate to digital collection development and preservation of early works on quantum mechanics by Paul A.M. Dirac such as his 1926 hand-writing dissertation and other keen insights from primary source materials on quantum mechanics, biological science images of biological silica, and oceanography technical reports. Select materials from these research disciplines will be digitized, cataloged, and made available online via libraries public access catalog (OPAC), OCLC WorldCat, and DigiTool institutional repository (IR) along with being preserved via the Florida Digital Archive (FDA) and/or MetaArchive.
The project will also explore the use of open-source software developed at the University of Florida used for the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLoc) for the creation of Metadata Encoding Transmission Standard (METS) files for ingest into FDA and DigiTool (digital content management system). The paper will reference Purdue's work on digital curation profile development for research discipline specific communities and propose a theory of metatriangulation that maps the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) CCSDS 650.0-P-1.1 (Pink Book) Issue 1.1 August 2009, The DCC Curation Lifecycle Model, and Boyers Model of Scholarship in the development of a digital preservation management policy strategy for interdisciplinary consideration and research community engagement.
The project will exhibit FSU Libraries’ local collaboration with the Department of Biological Science, Department of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Science, Special Collections and Dirac Science Library; regional collaboration with Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA); and national/international collaboration with MetaArchive Cooperative for data management and/or preservation.
Example NSF data management plans already in use
Attending: FAMU: Shuchun Liang, FAU: Joanne Paranduke, FCLA: Astrid, Caitlin Nelson (Priscilla Caplan out "Staying on TRAC"), FGCU:, FIU: Jamie Rogers and Zhong-Hua, FSU: Plato Smith, NCF:, UCF: Laila (Lee Dotson out for Data Management meeting), UF: Laurie Taylor, Dina Benson, Bobby Parker, Mark Sullivan, UM: Guest Shilpa Rele, UNF: Vicki Stanton, Eileen Brady, UWF: Dean Debolt, USF:, USF-St. Petersburg:, Wolfsonian: Derek Melreaux
Follow-up on implementation of DISC report:
Quarterly Report:
Bobby will send US ETD conference information. US ETD Association will be held May 18-20, 2011 in Orlando, Florida.
Jamie will send information on FIU+UM event.
Derek at the Wolfsonian is interested in seeing examples of MODS with VRAcore extensions. Caitlin will send contact information for Jesse Christen(sen) at the Ringling for a possible contact for museum metadata.
Is a consortial NDLTD membership an action item for CSUL? To be discussed further on the email list. What is the group's thought on a consortia or multi-campus university systems NDLTD membership? [Consortia or multi-campus university systems: for organizations that want to offer NDLTD Institutional Membership as a benefit to their own members. The annual membership dues for a consortium are $300 plus $150 per member of the consortium. For example, a consortium of ten libraries would pay: $300 + 10 x $150 = $1800.]
Special Collections Subcommittee request that DISC create technical guidelines/standards for handling born digital materials (emails, word, PDF, excel; websites that are still up but for groups that have ended).
ETDs (revisted)- i.e. platforms, work flows, status, preservation.
Discussion paper on increasing access to ETDs: Increasing access to SUS dissertations.docx
Data management plans (developing & researching)
Example NSF data management plans already in use: Resources like:
Attending: FAMU:, FAU: Joanne Paranduke, Bebe Chang, FCLA: Astrid Terman, Caitlin Nelson, Priscilla Caplan, Lydia Motyka, FGCU:, FIU: Jamie Rogers, FSU: Plato Smith, NCF:, UCF: Lee Dotson, Laila Miletic-Vejzovic, UF: Dina Benson, Bobby Parker, Mark Sullivan, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, UM:, UNF: Vicki Stanton, Eileen Brady, UWF:, USF: Barbara Lewis, USF-St. Petersburg:, Wolfsonian: Derek Melreaux
Review of CSUL discussion:
Special Collections Subcommittee
ETDs (revisited) - i.e. platforms, work flows, status, preservation:
Action items:
Attending: FAMU:, FAU: Joanne Parandjuk, FCLA: Caitlin Nelson, FGCU:, FIU: Jamie Rogers, Bryan Cooper, FSU: Plato Smith, Sammie Morris, NCF:, UCF: Lee Dotson, UF: Dina Benson, Bobby Parker, Mark Sullivan, Laurie Taylor, UM: Shilpa Rele, UNF:, UWF:, USF:, USF-St. Petersburg:, Wolfsonian: Derek Melreaux
Creating the subgroup
Current and planned projects by DISC members. Maybe adding 1 institution per time to give a short update on each call?
DigiTool question from Priscilla:
New Business:
No Minutes Available
No Minutes Available
Attendees: FCLA Priscilla Caplan, UCF Lee Dotson, UF Laurie Taylor, UF Mark Sullivan, UNF Vicki Stanton, USF Barbara Lewis, UWF Dean DeBolt, FIU-Wolf Derek Merleuax, FIU Jamie Rogers, FSU Plato Smith
DISC page on new CSUL website. (Priscilla) See
Using Elluminate.
Subgroup update.
Collaboration with Special Collections, next steps.
New agenda items:
Minutes by Vicki Stanton and Laurie Taylor.
Difficulties for some logging in; later corrected
Charge from CSUL in draft, non-official wording:
Attending: Astrid Terman (FCLA), Barbara Lewis (USF), Bobby Parker (UF), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Derek Merleaux (Wolfsonian, FIU), Jamie (FIU), Jim Schnur (USFSP), Joanne (FAU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Lee Dotson (UCF), Priscilla (FCLA), Shuchun Liang (FCLA), Smith (FSU), Vicki Stanton (UNF)
New DISC members and new digital initiative folks at DISC institutions
ETD subgroup and FLETDA
Nomination and election process for Vice Chair for 2012
Implementation plan
General Discussion
Attending: Vicki Stanton, UNF, Brian Falato, USF, Barbara Lewis, USF, Bobby Parker, UF, Caitlin Nelson, FCLA, Derek Merleaux, Wolfsonian-FIU, Dina Benson, UF / Dean Debolt, UWF, Emily Gore, FSU, Hilary Robbeloth, UNF, Jamie, FIU, Joanne, FAU, Lee Dotson, UCF, Margarita, FIU, Plato Smith, FSU / Astrid Terman, FCLA, Laurie Taylor, UF,
Welcome to new members:
ETD working group.
Update on the Digital Public Library of America by Emily Gore
Discussion based on policies/procedures/documentation for FDA
Quarterly report due 11/21
Attending: Vicki Stanton, UNF, Barbara Lewis, USF, Astrid Terman, FCLA, Lois Widmer, UF, Bobby Parker, UF, Caitlin Nelson, FCLA, Derek Merleaux, Wolfsonian-FIU, Lee Dotson, UCF, Plato Smith, FSU, Mark Sullivan, UF, Priscilla Caplan, FCLA, Jamie, FIU, Joanne, FAU, Dean Debolt, UWF
New indexes in DigiTool PALMM
Update from call for planning ETD Working Group
Discussion of policy and procedure documents to support common digital library system
Call for DISC input on Sobek planning issues
Attendance: Lee Dotson (UCF), Selma J. (UCF), Joel L. (UCF), Laurie Taylor (UF), Bobby Parker (UF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Caitlin Nelson (FCLA), Vicky Stanton (UNF), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Ray Uzwyshyn (UWF), Eileen Brady (UNF), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Salwa Patel (FAU), Plato Smith (FSU), Jack Tyndall (FSU)
Lee - Not all ETD are managed the same; varied organization, hierarchy, services, vendor relations; ProQuest administrator environmental scan; ETD survey was developed as baseline information gathering across institution; studying statewide repositories and preservation standards particularly those institutions not submitting to ProQuest; need more information prior to ProQuest ETD administrator consideration; paperwork concerns; policies; financial issues.
Salwa – Q # 3 – 5 FL institutions do not require ProQuest ETD submission according to survey responses; previously under impression all FL institutions required ProQuest ETD submission; discussed opinions of moving away from Proquest required ETD submission; not using ETD administrator; planned for Fall 2010; the graduate college leaning towards as some departments require print copies; official university copies will be electronic whereas the graduate college does not want to manage print copies; developing workflows for graduate college and various departments; paperwork/financial workflows issues need to be clearly defined.
Ray – Do not submit to ProQuest; has not; peer institution do not require ProQuest; MIT does not require ProQuest submission; vendor services are not required, voluntary services; archived at FCLA not ProQuest.
P – Q # 6 on archiving; everyone said both ProQuest and FDA; ETD survey response 6 for ProQuest and 6 for FDA; someone must archive ProQuest and not FDA; good question – FSU; Lydia will contact FSU; FAMU do not have an ETD program but are interested in starting one; Dean contacted and major stakeholders involved were involved in ProQuest ETD administrator consideration; P (FCLA) discussed various options and hybrid to FAMU graduate school for ETD program development consideration; requested an ETD fact sheet from all FL universities with ETD programs discussing experiences with various ETD programs as respective FL institutions.
Jack Tyndall (FSU) – Considered looking into ProQuest ETD administrator site but will not purchase due to local hosting and Proquest print capabilities; leaning towards not using administrator; developing workflows (pending).
Vicky – strongly endorses ETD program position document as initiated on call by P (FCLA) for FAMU consideration; reduce redundancy and wheel reinvention.
Anjana – Need to talk to Becky; no known rules/regulations for ETD; need further discussion
Attendance: Laurie Taylor (UF), DeanBolt (UWF), Lee Dotson (UCF), George (UF), Salwa Patel (FAU), Ray Uzwyshyn (UWF), Eileen Brady (UNF), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Plato Smith (FSU)
Dean DeBolt – Special Collections conference call is in favor of Digital Open Stacks Proposal; smaller university receiving digitization requests, keeping digital images (orphans) which are collection agnostic, catalog interests need collection home (i.e. civil war letters) w/o full-fledge project to scan/funding/staffing limited, thought Open Stacks could allow collection home with independent collection evolvement in future (100 anniversary); more Spec Coll demand in 5 yrs; born digital items (genealogy) copies to possibly add to Open Stack; like the idea; how-to-process concerns, Spec Coll turnover may require refresher digitization courses; intermittent training; Open Stacks more of an e-book category (multiple category assignment is an option); printed book 700 pages genealogy problem with i.e. p 298-300 listed Florida family Pensacola should be in Open Stacks and not Florida Heritage; may have to go back/review and reassign some collections categories in PALMM; pretty welcome to the proposal; Spec Coll audio/digital/oral history/digital music/photographs /digital copies of slides/various digital formats do not need to be broken out and can be identified in descriptions; access to digital content is paramount; if no question/or concerns then Open Stacks proposal will be sent to FCLA by end of week/next week; submit/include possible collection titles to Lee/SUS list for addition to proposal; Spec Coll excited about no longer wondering about digital file placement; proposal facilitator is Lee may difficult for us scattered folks to coordinate open stack; 10 yrs ago had a sandbox region to view/review scanned/digital content; buffered duplication of records (provisional records); unique submission; copyright & issues are not problems; archival records of provenance procured;
Lee – orphan digital objects in Open Stacks which are subject specific can eventually form their own collections in the future contingent on developing critical mass of like digital content; deadline is 2/19/2010 to allow Special Collections and Salwa to response to call for collection titles addition; ILL loan dept has been sending SC request via digitization services for ILL request; public domain digital copy could go into Open Stacks; revised and send to FCLA; any civil war materials talk to Laurie.
An example of born digital genealogy example question: If monograph from FL family go in Florida heritage vs Open Stacks? Dean answered yes and collection can be coded into two separate collections (i.e. Open Stacks and other categorical subject heading); different format (musicians) recording consideration?;
Laurie – Civil War letters UFDC includes FL CW collections, as Lee finds out content/collection list, coordinated more easily from Open Stack to reduce duplication of content/collection separate for Open Stacks; do not want members scanning content and residing on PCs which are not available in Open Stack; will contact general council cease and desist for repurpose UF ETD PDFs from
Lee - Theses and dissertations – opinions posted ETD ProQuest admin; interested in others; UCF considering but not sure; call yesterday; openthesis has been OAI harvesting from many places metadata/PDF and repurposing (i.e. UF, Laurie was not aware), working on take down ETD PDFs, put in a link which is legal, students contact why their ETDs are available, visit, got hammered on call, Priscilla sent a note on aggregating all ETDs via catalog/search page/page in Mango possibly is doable with everyone putting in a sub-library code in the field 852b (can everybody do this or is there a better way?), Do you want to include paper as well electronic?, UF page, UCF catalog not a super consistent field, will need more time to coordinate and implement, has others taken a look at their records, cataloging agreed to UF consistency ETD page.
Priscilla sent email involving Ex Libris DigiTool enhancement request (sent to list for response/feedback).
Salwa – requested early next week for proposal additional title submission consideration (Lee agreed); been trying to contact David Mendez (will resign position); unable to contact a ProQuest personnel and get more information; off-hand and unable to get more information on ProQuest admin; red flags before purchase/use; impressed with UF pages, very explicit, good example, do not have a consistent field but are interested in recommendation for ETD records field consistency
Plato – FSU still under consideration for Proquest admin (FSU Libraries and The Graduate School talks in future); high turnover in staff in ability to contact ProQuest staff; others agree
Astrid – can set up an Open Stack collection and test.
No Minutes Available
Attendance: Plato Smith, FSU, Priscilla Caplan, FCLA, Astrid Terman, FCLA, Ray U, UWF, Laurie Taylor, UF, Lee Dotson, UCF, Vicki, FAU, Eileen Brady, UNF, Jamie Rogers and Brian Cooper, FIU, Anjana Bhatt, FGCU
Update on the DigiTool migration schedule (
Upgrade process for equipment and software - shared standards, information on work in process
Discussion of how to share information SUL-wide on items in process of being digitized
PALMM vs. non-PALMM discussion (i.e. DigiTool/DLXS systems, PALMM branding and/or admin unit, technical support)
Retrospective ETD workflow
Miscellaneous: conferences, presentations, publications, training, etc. (open)
Attendance: FAU: Salwa, FCLA: Kaitlin; Priscilla Caplan; Astrid; Jean, FIU: Jamie Rogers, UCF: Lee Dotson, UF: Laurie Taylor, UNF: Eileen Brady, UWF: Ray U., USF: Barbara Lewis
Welcome USF (Barbara Lewis) to DISC membership
Open discussion on non-CSUL (Univ of Miami) membership consideration and impact factors on DISC charge
Discussing the CAGER group's work
PALMM vs. non-PALMM discussion continued from last month(i.e. DigiTool/DLXS systems, PALMM branding and/or admin unit, technical support); MANGO is the aggregator for digital collections, so what makes it PALMM - old guidelines don't apply anymore
METS/XML export feature interface to FCLA's ETD hosting service and/or the Florida Digital Archive, explanation of Rutgers' RUcore for ETDs
SUS-wide digitization decisions (planned, in process, etc.)
Quarterly report for CSUL due next month
Attendance: FAU: Salwa Ismail, FCLA: Caitlyn Nelson, Astrid Terman, Priscilla Caplan, FSU: Plato Smith, UCF: Lee Dotson, USF: Barbara Lewis, UF: Laurie Taylor, Mark Sullivan, UWF: Ray U
CSUL TAG DISC action item update (pending responses from CSUL & TAG chair)
New statement on PALMM/non-PALMM discussion (draft)
Aggregation and collection definition clarification across SUL institution discussion
CAGER Revision Group proposed Dublin Core element descriptions discussion
UF METS Viewer/Editor (6/14 FDA Affiliates meeting demo)
SUS-wide digitization decisions (planned, in process, etc.)
Institution projects, collections updates, future plans
Attending: FAU: Salwa, FCLA: Lydia Moytka, Caitlin, Priscilla, Astrid, FGCU: Anjana, FIU: Jamie Rogers, NCF: Gail Novack, UF: Laurie Taylor; Mark Sullivan, UNF: Vicki Stanton (for Eileen), USF: Barbara, UWF: Ray, Guest, University of Miami: Anthony Smith
Updates from CSUL:
Next meeting date confirmation (1st vs. 2nd Wednesday of the month)
METS Editor released and available
CAGER Revision Group proposed Dublin Core element descriptions discussion
DigiTool items:
ETD administration discussion revisited (i.e. ProQuest admin GUI, etd-db, varied platforms; out of the box instance of OpenETD,
SUS-wide digitization decisions (planned, in process, etc.)
Institution projects, collections updates, future plans (ie. ASERL Civil War, etc.)
Future Agenda items:
Attending: Lee Dotson (UCF), Salwa Patel (FAU), Gail Novak (New College), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Lydia Motyka (FCLA), Jamie Rogers (FIU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Mark Sullivan (UF), Ray Uzwyshyn (UWF), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Vicki Stanton (UNF), Eileen Brady (UNF)
DISC survey analysis for CSUL
Discussion of current and upcoming projects; sharing these on the next call to discuss working towards a shared inventory of digital collections/projects UNF – Exploring ETD program with Graduate School.
Feedback on METS Editor Mentioned above in institution’s comments. See FIU, UF, UCF, FAU, FCLA.
Variations 3/ 4
SUS-wide digitization decisions (planned, in process, etc.); Institution projects, collections updates, future plans (ie. ASERL Civil War, etc.) If you have OJS request, contact Caitlin Nelson at FCLA.
Call adjourned at 2:05 pm
Attending for TAG: Selma, UCF, Mark Stoffan, FSU, Michael C, UNF,
Attending for DISC: Plato Smith, FSU, Lee Dotson, UCF, Jamie Rogers, FIU, Chantal, FIU, Zhonghua Du, FIU, Laurie Taylor, UF, Caitlin Nelson, FCLA, Anjana, FGCU, Bobby Parker, UF, Mark Sullivan, UF, Barb Lewis, USF, Vicki Stanton, UNF, Lydia Motyka, FCLA, Eileen Brady, UNF, Ray Uzwyshyn , UWF, Gail Novak, NC
TAG attending this call for a discussion on the report due to CSUL in December
Discussion of feedback on digital library requirements document
Discussion of ETDs in light of new ProQuest rules
Discussion and vote on approval of CAGER Metadata Guidelines
Discussion of collection codes for record feeds and display in statewide catalog (Mango)
CAGER has started to address (via email) DISC's suggestions for the guidelines. Laurie's suggestion regarding PALMM proposals brought up the bigger issue regarding the lack of a formal process for new collections in PALMM.
Recommended changing this:
To this:
Priscilla responded that she didn't believe it is within DISC's current scope. She went back through DSPC, DPPC and DDAC materials and none of our predecessors actually approved or disapproved collections, although PALMM had quite a long form to fill out to propose a new collection. If we want to make this change, we should recommend this at a DISC meeting, have CSUL approve it, and modify our charge to explicitly include this responsibility. "I agree that the process should be formalized and I believe we have discussed this in CAGER, but not sure but DISC. I recall the conversation a while back but can't remember the participants or the context. It may just be that we have addressed the issue internally but never asked CSUL to include it in our charge. The more clarification and documentation, the better."
Attendees: FAMU: Shuchun Liang, FGCU: Anjana Bhatt, FCLA: Priscilla Caplan and Caitlin Nelson, FSU: Plato Smith, UF: Laurie Taylor, Mark Sullivan, and Bobby Parker, FAU: Salwa Patel, UCF: Lee Dotson and Selma Jaskowski, UNF: Eileen Brady and Vicki Stanton, FIU: Jamie Rogers, NC: Gail Novak, USF: (Barbara Lewis notified schedule conflict), UWF:, UM:
Today’s call focused significantly on discussion and feedback surrounding Priscilla’s following statement on decreasing diversity of systems within SULs and the DISC analysis working draft report (due to TAG in November). The recommendation on decreasing the diversity of systems within SULs was expressed as:
Though several DISC institutions are in favor on one central, Fedora-based platform DL system, there was discussion for the need to conduct an analysis of the current DL systems landscape. The environment analysis of DL systems should include Fedora, DigiTool, ContentDM, UFDC, BePress Digital Commons, Omeka, Invenio, and all DL systems currently in use and/or proposed future use by SULs. Some concerns involved:
The analysis of various DL systems will be completed by several SULs institutions by October 25 for incorporation into final DISC report for TAG for CSUL directors. Review DAMS/Meta-analysis documents posted to the wiki by Laurie.
The DISC analysis working draft report developed by Laurie with revisions made by Priscilla, Lee, and Salwa, and comments included by other DISC institutions was expressed by all on today’s call as a good working document. However, the introduction should include reference to CSUL charge. The draft will be revised to increase readability, conciseness, and sectional headings for New Services and Roles along with clarifying scholarly communication/open journal systems significance without overstatement to reduce the possibility of opposition for consideration.
Discussion on whether to include other system functionality directly (archon, EAD, other supports) or should those be supported in aggregation system. Consensus that the support should be via aggregation system.
Background on revising the charge
CAGER has started to address (via email) DISC's suggestions for the guidelines. Laurie's suggestion regarding PALMM proposals brought up the bigger issue regarding the lack of a formal process for new collections in PALMM.
Recommended changing this:
"Proposals for new PALMM collections should be submitted to the Digital Initiatives Subcommittee for discussion. This alerts the other libraries who may want to contribute to the collection, or influence the scope."
To this:
"Proposals for new PALMM collections must be submitted to the Digital Initiatives Subcommittee (DISC) for discussion , and they must be approved by DISC before the new PALMM collection can be created. A PALMM collection must involve at least one state university. This alerts the other libraries who may want to contribute to the collection, or influence the scope." (The added sentence "A PALMM collection must involve at least one state university" is from the existing information page about PALMM:
Priscilla responded that she didn't believe it is within DISC's current scope. She went back through DSPC, DPPC and DDAC materials and none of our predecessors actually approved or disapproved collections, although PALMM had quite a long form to fill out to propose a new collection. If we want to make this change, we should recommend this at a DISC meeting, have CSUL approve it, and modify our charge to explicitly include this responsibility. "I agree that the process should be formalized and I believe we have discussed this in CAGER, but not sure but DISC. I recall the conversation a while back but can't remember the participants or the context. It may just be that we have addressed the issue internally but never asked CSUL to include it in our charge. The more clarification and documentation, the better."
The following agenda items will be discussed on next month's call in November:
Attending: FAMU: Shuchun Liang, FCLA: Priscilla Caplan, Caitlin Nelson, and Astrid Terman, UF: Laurie Taylor, Mark Sullivan, and Bobby Parker, FAU: Salwa Patel, UCF: Lee Dotson, UNF: Eileen Brady and Vicki Stanton, FIU: Jamie Rogers and Zhong-Hua
Discussion and finalization of report, due to TAG by November 10.
Discussion/review of quarterly report, also due to TAG by November 10
Bobbie Parker covered the statewide ETD conference, to be held in May in Orlando.
DISC is looking forward to CSUL feedback from the report.
DISC wants to use Elluminate for future calls.
Confusing agenda items removed from agenda, but can be clarified and re-added if needed.
"Expressing access constraints in a data repository of mixed openness"
Upcoming events
Attending: FAMU: Shuchun Liang, FAU: Salwa Patel and the new digital initiatives librarian, Joanne Paranduke, FCLA: Priscilla Caplan, Caitlin Nelson, and Astrid Terman, FGCU:, FIU: Jamie Rogers and Zhong-Hua, NCF: Gail Novak, UCF: Lee Dotson, might be able to join, UF: Laurie Taylor and Mark Sullivan, UNF: Eileen Brady and Vicki Stanton, UWF: Dean Debolt, USF: Barbara Lewis
Updates from report from CSUL meeting from Priscilla Caplan
Expressing access constraints in a data repository of mixed openness.
SUS-wide task force for open access:
Data management plans
Collection codes and consolidating collections:
We should look into being able to display only the collections that have holdings by an institution - institutional highlights - above the collection, on the digital collection tab in MANGO.
Present: Lee Dotson, UCF, Laurie Taylor, UF (notetaker), Jorge Gonzalez, UF, Dean DeBolt, UWF, Priscilla, FCLA, Plato Smith, FSU, Jean, FAMU, Anjana, FGCU, Cathy Martyniak, UF, Naomi Young, UF, Gail Clement, FIU, Lu Ai, FCLA, Lydia Motyka, FDA, Eileen Brady, UNF, Mark Froehlich, FSU
Introduction/Opening Discussion
CAGER Revision guidelines and wiki update
DigiTool updates
FDA (Florida Digital Archives)
Any other updates or questions related to digital projects
Conference call for February Next month the call will be on Feb. 11, 2009 at 1pm. If you have any agenda items, please send them.
Present: Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Dean DeBolt (UWF), Eileen Brady (UNF), George Gonzalez (UF), Gail Clement (FIU), Mark Froehlich (FSU), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Jean Adams (FAMU), Shuschun Liang (FAMU), Naomi Young (UF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Cathy Martyniak (UF), Lydia Motyka (FCLA), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU)
Due to technical difficulties with the conference call system, the call did not begin at 1:00 pm as planned. Members were present and the call began at 1:20 pm.
Chair/Vice-Chair election as DISC completes its one year
DigiTool listing of Collections.
Call adjourned at 2:04 pm
Next call. Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 1:05 pm.
Present: Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Lydia Motyka (FCLA), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Lu Ai (FCLA), Mark Froelich (FSU), George Gonzalez (UFL), Gail Clement (FIU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Dean Debolt (UWF), Salwa Patel (FAU), Cathy Martyniak (UF), Eileen Brady (UNF)
Agenda item #1 (ETD policies of SUS universities—as requested by UNF)
Agenda item #2 (Presentation of the Current PALMM Architecture –Priscilla Caplan)
The call ended at 2:05pm.
Present: Lee Dotson (UCF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Lydia Motyka (FCLA), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Mark Froelich (FSU), George Gonzalez (UFL), Gail Clement (FIU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Dean Debolt (UWF), Salwa Patel (FAU), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Cathy Martyniak (UF), Eileen Brady (UNF), Plato Smith (FSU)
Agenda topic #2
Agenda Item 3
Agenda Item 4 CAGER revision update:
Wrapping Up
The call ended at 2:03pm.
Participants: Cathy Martyniak (UF), Lee Dotson (UCF), Naomi Young (UF), George Froelich (UF), Mark (FSU), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Lu Ai (FCLA), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Salwa Ismail (FAU)
Tentative Agenda:
The meeting started with Lee mentioning that since the group had a few members missing, items 2-3-4 could be tabled to the next call.
Item 2-3-4 Tabled for next call
Lee asked for any other items that needed discussion.
Random Item 1 : Google book logos
Random Item 2: Another alternative for LTQF?
Random item 3: JANUS report from Recon and Vendors
The call ended with the following items for agreed upon for next call:
Discussion for the DL SYSTEM requirements document.
Call ended at 1:53pm.
Present: Priscilla, Salwa, Lee, Astrid, Eileen, Laurie, Lu, and Plato
What is the best way to aggregate all institutions' DISC survey responses into a group narrative? There was discussion about DISC survey responses which request averages whereas volume is cyclical and not representative across institutions (disparity and diversity of digital inputs/outputs vs. volume).
Synthesis 1st, 2nd, and 3rd drafts into a comprehensive narrative and distilling varied open-ended questions proposed for final DISC survey in addition to discussion of requested DISC survey information specifics (DISC specific -centric vs. CSUL-specific questions).
Discussion of audio, reel-to-reel, annotations and exact work flows of audio/video digital project; Current state of libraries general broad scope then distill national, local digital collections/initiatives; Specifically FTE/staffing levels across institutions.
Teaching with primary source grant and how PALMM applies or LOC specific; grant renewable each year like a contract; request PALMM letter of support and highlight Florida's strength of primary source materials used in teaching K-12; conference presentations; examples sent to list; heavy GA & Texas competition may impact grant's acceptance; LC vs. local collections
Mid-August; PALMM draft letter; discussion of project's requirement and endorsement without proper senior-level vetting (concerns of individual institution support).
Discussion of Sun Link and K-12 primary sources catalog integration into varied constituencies' collections; strong legislative and state support with strong PALMM support; UF questions individual institutional support via PALMM rather PALMM on behalf of PALMM institutions (get individual institutional support).
Local letters support include local and PALMM collections that support K-12 primary source materials.
Export DigiTool record to Mango; What is "Mango"? (name recognition/identity of OPAC interfaces; DLU01 ends up in everyone Mangos (increased visibility/usage stats to appear in everyone Mangos/catalogs); ETDs in DLU01 (local); setting up export from non-DLU01 into Mango.
MARC/Endeca records (UF) in Mango vs. local (discussion of when to ingest locally or Mango (statewide)); DigiTool export will have thumbnails (working on DLU01 thumbnail); only MARC records from DigiTool are ingested in Mango not Dublin Core (must opt in); DigiTool to everyone's catalog vs. PALMM; everything in DigiTool either has DC or MARC in PALMM; local admin must opt-in for everyone's Mango vs. PALMM whereas you must opt-out); individual
Mango (restrictive) vs. everyone's Mango (asked by Salwa) - good question with answer needing further research (policy changes) CSUL will decide after DISC survey is completed/vetted via CSUL.
FAU dept of music IR recording recital digital collection (UF and FSU are interested in learning more about project).
Present: Lee Dotson – UCF, Caitlin Nelson – FCLA, Cathy Martyniak – UF, Anjana Bhatt – FGCU, Eileen Brady – UNF, Salwa Patel – FAU, Laurie Taylor – UF, Astrid Terman - FCLA, Plato Smith – FSU
PRB issue – FCLA sys admin believes all with email access can access PRB queue. If you need a password, send a request to Astrid/FCLA
FCLA- Caitlin – FCLA can provide OAI sets for DigiTool catalog.
UCF – serial type collection (DigiTool with 1-to-1); reduce potential duplication across institutions; DLU01 extract DC and send to MANGO; UF page with useful ETD information will be sent to DISC list
New DISC swiki issue – upload and edit on hold until verification from FCLA that the wiki is in place and ready to be used.
Final CSUL Survey comments - UF and UNF sent comments that were added to the survey. The final version will be uploaded to the wiki. A working draft (work-in-progress offline) will also be uploaded to the wiki so members can edit as necessary.
FCLA asked if there was a mechanism for correcting errors regarding comments made by individual institutions. Editing/proofing of comments is needed. FDA and digital collections references context clarification is needed. P and Astrid will consult with Lee on document editing/clarification. CSUL informed report will be ready before CSUL meeting and are aware of development final survey.
Action item for CSUL (tabled from May 2009’s request): FCLA wanted DISC's opinion on these policies, particularly the first, but the subcommittee felt that issues related to digital collections in Mango needed involvement by public services, technical services, and special collections staff as well, and that there was no existing group with such broad representation. It was recommended that the question be transferred to the TSPC and PSPC committees. CSUL has referred the item to the OPAC subcommittee.
Lee mentioned that some had expressed concern over confusion over opt-in/opt-out options. If you want to opt in/out, send a message to DigiTool in PRB (no current clear guidelines).
CAGER revision – Working group discussing Dublin Core elements. Matrix and element definition discussion and developments. Why DC specific? DigiTool is DC compliant and DigiTool in statewide use. FCLA has provided extensive DigiTool training and gets asked about creating DC during training. RDA, MARC, CDP guidelines also discussed and not just focusing on DC. Send CAGER inquiries to CAGER list; next meeting 1/14/2010.
Digital Open Stacks project sent to DISC list for review with UCF possible titles. Please review and provide additional information and/or titles to strengthen proposal. Need representative titles from DISC institutions.
Kim Montgomery elected new metadata chair. There is a need to continue improving communications among CSUL subcommittee groups where commonalities and overlap exist such as between DISC & CAGER, Metadata and Special Collections.
Next DISC call tentatively scheduled for 1/13/2010 at 1:00pm. Please invite ETD library staff/personnel. Send ETD topics/concerns to DISC list for discussion during January’s call.
Present: Jean Williams Adams (FAMU), Lu Ai (FCLA), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Eileen Brady (UNF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA) notetaker, Gail Clement (FIU), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Lee Dotson (UCF), Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Plato Smith (FSU), Laurie Taylor (UF)
Retiring NOTIS.
Round-robin. Members gave updates on where their institutions were with digital initiatives:
Present: Lu Ai (FCLA), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Eileen Brady (UNF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Gail Clement (FIU), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Plato Smith (FSU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Chuck Thomas (FCLA)
Announcement about the Digital Directions Conference.
Email from Dan North, TSPC Chair.
Reports to TAG.
DigiTool JP2 viewer.
Dublin Core mapping and DigiTool.
Janus RECON task force.
More space.
DISC on TAG Action Plan.
Action Items:
Review branding
Add individual digital library initiatives at member institutions to the DISC wiki
Next call. Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Call adjourned at 2:05 pm
Present: Lu Ai (FCLA), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Eileen Brady (UNF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Gail Clement (FIU), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Plato Smith (FSU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Astrid Terman (FCLA)
Discussion of the common Digital Projects (as noted from what the libraries have posted on the DISC wiki under digital initiatives by library).
Action item for next call is for all to review print collections for candidates for digitization for Children’s Lit collection and determine level of interest.
Review of Branding (as discussed in the last call)
Action item for next call is for FCLA to provide several options with regards to branding.
Mapping DC / MARC for DigiTool. Several items to note:
Action Items:
Next call. Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Call adjourned at 2:07 pm
Present: Lu Ai (FCLA), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Eileen Brady (UNF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Gail Clement (FIU), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Plato Smith (FSU), Laurie Taylor (UF), George Gonzalez (UF), Mark Froelich (FSU)
Introduction of new members
Review of Action item from last call to review print collections for candidates for digitization for Children’s Lit collection and determine level of interest.
Discuss digital project collaboration as stated in our charge.
Quarterly Report for TAG due May 19.
FCLA and options with regards to branding.
Categories on PALMM DigiTool (from Priscilla's email on 5/13)
Guest blogging on Open Students
Next call. Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Call adjourned at 2:05 pm
Present: Lu Ai (FCLA), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Dean DeBolt (UWF),Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU),Plato Smith (FSU), Laurie Taylor (UF),George Gonzalez (UF),Mark Froelich (FSU), Astrid Terman (FCLA),Tennille Herron (FCLA)
Branding. Check example from Astrid's email on 6/10
Collections/Categories in DigiTool
This is very flexible. Collections can appear under one or more categories, e.g. Coral Gables Memory could be (and is) under both Florida and Visual Material. They can also appear under subcategories, e.g. if we wanted to we could put subcategories under a main category, like we could put "Books" "Maps" "Oral Histories" under the larger category "Florida".
Update on Report to TAG
Survey from Janus RECON TF (Lee)
Ideas/ways/practices on how to digitize pop-up and other kind of 3D books
Open discussion / New topics
Call adjourned at 2:00 pm
Next call. Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Present: Dean DeBolt (UWF), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Plato Smith (FSU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Gail Clement (FIU), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Eileen Brady (UNF)
More on Branding. Example of logo from FCLA.
Collections/Categories in DigiTool
What happens now that we have no more LTQF? How do we minimize duplication of digitization efforts in Florida?
Open discussion
Call adjourned at 2:10 pm
Next call. Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Present: Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Dean DeBolt (UWF), Plato Smith (FSU), Laurie Taylor (UF), Gail Clement (FIU), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Eileen Brady (UNF), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Lu Ai (FCLA), Mark Froehlich (FSU), Lydia Motyka (FCLA),
Emmett’s email:
Categories in DigiTool
Open discussion
Call adjourned at 2:00 pm
Next call. Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Present: Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Dean DeBolt (UWF), Laurie Taylor (UF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Eileen Brady (UNF), Lu Ai (FCLA), George (UF), Jean Adams (FAMU), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU)
CAGER Guidelines
Categories in DigiTool
Open discussion
Call adjourned at 2:00 pm
Next call. Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Present: Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU) notetaker, Victoria Thur (FAU), Dean DeBolt (UWF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Lu Ai (FCLA), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Anjana Bhatt (FGCU), Eileen Brady (UNF)
DigiTool Collections Mock-up
Working with Metadata SC to revise CAGER guidelines
Other updates
Call adjourned at 2:00 pm
Next call. Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Present: Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Dean DeBolt (UWF), Laurie Taylor (UF), Priscilla Caplan (FCLA), Eileen Brady (UNF), Lu Ai (FCLA), George (UF), Gail Clement (FIU), Mark Sullivan (UF), Mark Froehlich (FSU), Astrid Terman (FCLA)
CAGER Guidelines
Collections in DigiTool
Quarterly Report/CSUL meeting
Future calls
Call adjourned at 1:55 pm
Next call. Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
Present: Salwa Ismail Patel (FAU), Lee Dotson (UCF) notetaker, Dean DeBolt (UWF), Laurie Taylor (UF), Eileen Brady (UNF), Lu Ai (FCLA), George (UF), Gail Clement (FIU), Mark Froehlich (FSU), Astrid Terman (FCLA), Jean Adams (FAMU)
CAGER Revision Guidelines and wiki
Possible internet conferencing solutions for future calls
January call
Call adjourned at 1:55 pm
Next call. Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 1:05 pm.