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Professional Development Alliance


FLVC has partnered with several library consortia across the U.S. in sharing free, online, professional development workshops to all FLVC libraries. The Professional Development Alliance began as a pilot program in the fall of 2020 and is dedicated to sharing library related as well as personal and professional development opportunities with other alliance members. 

Through the Professional Development Alliance (PDA), library staff will have access to over 80 online professional development sessions per year at no cost. The sessions cover a broad array of topics of interests related to library professionals. This program allows our members the opportunity to enhance their skill set through collaborations with other library affiliated organizations. 

PDA offerings includes registration information and will direct participants to the host consortium to register. Events will be held using the host’s preferred delivery platform.

If you have a topic you would like to see and or is interested in presenting, please contact Melissa Sykes-Silvers at


Participating Consortia








