This site is a resource for the Library Accessibility Alliance Standing Committee of the FLVC Members Council on Library Services. Through FLVC’s participation in the Library Accessibility Alliance, will help us to improve the accessibility of library resources for students across all of Florida and across the entire country.
Committee Charge
This committee will represent FLVC and all FCS and SUS libraries on the Library Accessibility Alliance (https://www.libraryaccessibility.org/) to advocate for improving library e-resources accessibility. The work of the LAA includes supporting independent accessibility evaluations of e-resources; creating toolkits with resources for library accessibility; and crafting model language for contracts and licensing to support accessibility objectives.
Current Leadership for 2024-2025
We recommend signing up for the free BTAA training:
The self-paced course enables participants to move through the content at their own pace, but they can expect to take up to five hours to complete it. Create an account and enroll in the self-paced course today!
The facilitated course runs from May 6 through June 21, 2024. Create an account and enroll in the facilitated course today! (Seats are limited; enroll by May 1; includes 3 Zoom sessions with facilitators on Tuesdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. CDT May 21, June 4, and Jun 18) If you have any questions, feel free to contact the course team. We hope for broad participation, so feel free to share this information with your colleagues