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UBorrow Guide

This guide is the beginnings of comprehensive information about UBorrow and the AlephILL client.


UBorrow requests placed via Mango can be renewed by the patron by clicking on the Renew button in their account - under UBorrow Requests.

The request should be automated:

  • Renewal Requests can only be placed if requests are within 7 days of the due date.
    • This was a request made by the SUS UBorrow committee prior to 2013.  It is intended to prevent patrons who are hoping to keep an item longer by renewing immediately after the loan, from not getting the full 30 day renewal period.
  • Once the Renewal request is placed in Mango, it will:
    • Check the Lending library to ensure that there are no local holds for the items.
    • Automatically change the Lending Library expected return date and the patron's due date.


  • If the UBorrow request was manually placed via AlephILL for the patron, the renewal will not be automated.
  • Also, if staff at the Borrowing Library place the Renewal Request for the patron in AlephILL, the renewal will not be automated.

In these two circumstances, staff at the Borrowing Library may need to contact the Lending Library to urge them to respond to Requests Waiting for Renewal Reply.