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UBorrow Guide

This guide is the beginnings of comprehensive information about UBorrow and the AlephILL client.

Winter Break

Winter Break

During the Winter Break, the majority of libraries are closed.  FLVC will post a banner on the Mango Union Catalog informing patrons that they may continue to place requests, but deliveries may be delayed until early Jan.  TBLC Delivery is usually closed on Dec 24 & 25 and Dec 31 & Jan 1.

During this time the AlephILL expiration jobs are stopped and not started, usually until the first full week of the new year, depending on when New Year's Day falls.  We try to allow returning library staff a few days to catch up on any backlog.

If any requests are placed by patrons at the start of the Winter Break, it will be located at the first available supplier and will sit in the queue until library staff have returned from the break.


For regular one (ex.  Labor Day, 4th of July) or two day (ex. Thanksgiving), FLVC will stop expiration jobs for the extra day or two.  Similar to 
Winter break, any requests will sit in the Lending library (Located/Located and Printed) queue.  The expiration job will begin again on the next open day and expire any requests Located requests that have not been responded to in over 2 days.

Extended Closures

If your library will be closed for an extended period of time or, will be inoperable due to special circumstances/projects - expected or otherwise, please contact the HelpDesk so that FLVC can mark your ILL unit or all units at your institution as inactive.  Inactive units will automatically be skipped during the item locate process, so your until will not be chosen as a supplier until it is marked active again.

During severe weather events or other known disasters, the FLVC Help Desk staff are usually proactive in either stopping expiration jobs (for short term) closures, or marking institutions as inactive for longer closures.  However, please keep the FLVC Help Desk posted of any unexpected or non-routine closures.