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UBorrow Guide

This guide is the beginnings of comprehensive information about UBorrow and the AlephILL client.

Lending Statuses

Common Lending Statuses 

Located:  The request was located at your library.  Ready to be filled and Shipped.

Located and Printed:  The pullslip for the request has been printed.

Sent on Loan: The request was Shipped to the Borrowing Library, and is on loan to a patron record with the same name as the Borrowing Library.

  • This changes the availability of the requested item from your holdings.

Material Received: The request was Received at the Borrowing Library.

Return:  The Borrowing Library has Returned the item (Returned by Library).  You should be receiving it in about a week.

Answer Unfilled: The request was unable to be filled for some reason.  The request has either moved to the next supplier, or the patron was notified that the request could not be filled.

Expired:  The request sat in your Located or Located and Printed queue for over 2 business days.

  • The request will move on to the next supplier if any.  Do not attempt to fill the request after it is expired, this may cause the borrowing library to receive multiple copies of the book and there is no record that you have shipped it.

Closed: The request was Received from the Borrowing Library and checked-in.

Less Common Statuses

Lost:   The borrowing library should set the status of request to Lost for items that have been loaned to their patron, and billed to Lost.  Once Borrowing changes the status to Lost, the item is automatically marked Lost on Lending.

  • This status is not set automatically, staff must set it, In AlephILL select the request - Go To Response - Message Dropdown - Choose List
  • AlephILL has a Lending Overdue job (ill_68)  which will set requests that are at Status, Sent on Loan, Overdue based on the Expected Return Date set when Shipped.  This due date does not, however, correspond with the Overdue policies at the Borrowing library.  You may request to have this job setup to mark "Sent on Loan" items as Overdue, if desired. by sending a request to the HelpDesk at