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UBorrow Guide

This guide is the beginnings of comprehensive information about UBorrow and the AlephILL client.

Borrowing Statuses

Most Common Borrowing Statuses

Sent to Supplier: The request has been sent to the first Lending library in the list.

Shipped: The supplier has Shipped the request, you should be receiving it in the mail within a week or so.

Unfilled: The request has gone to all possible Lenders, the last one marked it unfilled 

  • This is a terminal status, it will be removed after 30 days.
  • The patron should get an email notice letting them know that the requested item was unable to be filled, and the option to fulfill via ILLiad (SUS) or via their institution.

Loaned to Library: The request has been Received at your library, but has not yet been loaned to the patron.

Loaned to Patron: The item has been loaned to the patron

Returned by Patron: The request has been Returned by the patron, but not yet Returned to the Lender.

  • Commonly used at institutions where a central location handles mailing.  Item is returned at Pickup location, then sent to Central location to be returned in AlephILL and mailed back to Lender.

Returned by Library: The request has been Returned to the Lender

Renewal: Rejected: The Renewal request was denied: usually because the item was requested by a patron at the Lending library.

Renewal: Accepted: The Renewal request was accepted.  The patron's due date has been modified,

Cancelled: The request was cancelled by the patron or staff person.  Requests can only be cancelled up until the Lender has processed the request.

  • This is a terminal status, it will be removed after 30 days.

Closed: The request has gone through the full request cycle.  Once the Lender Checks-In the request, it is automatically closed.

  • This is a terminal status, it will be removed after 30 days.

Expired: The request has gone to all possible Lenders, the last lender did not respond to the request and it was expired after 2 business days.

  • This is a terminal status, it will be removed after 30 days.

Less Common Statuses

Waiting for Renewal Reply: The Renewal Request was placed, but due to a technical error, the request was never denied or approved.  Check with FALSC for assistance.

  • All requests go through this status, but it should be short term, less than an hour.  If the status remains after a day or so, generally, something is wrong,

Locate Failed: For some reason, the request was unable to be located at a supplier.  FLVC can usually research and adjust the majority of requests so that they can be located.  However, a small percentage never seem to be located.

  • Check with FALSC to see if the request can be supplied or not.  FLVC does spot check and resolve requests with these statuses from time to time.
  • This is a terminal status, it will be removed after 30 days.
  • The reasons why requests fail are varied:
    • Most common is Improper request: primarily for manually created requests
      • Need by date does not allow enough time to fulfill request
      • Incorrect or missing bib data
      • Incorrect Requested Media 
    • Other reasons include network issues, changes to records which prevent discovery, modified/missing/incorrect partner/supplier etc.

Damaged:  If you receive a damaged item from the Lending Library, (usually in the Shipped queue).  You should NOT Receive it and  immediately mark the item as damaged and return it to the Lending Library - include information about the damage in the Note field. To do so, select the related request number in AlephILL - Click the Response button - Choose Response Option, Damage, see image below.

If your patron has returned a damaged item (usually in the Loaned to Patron queue)  you should mark the item as Damaged by updating the response option, see above.

The Lending Library has the right to invoice for the damage up to the amount of the replacement fee.  See the Policies for more information.

Response Options box