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OER Review Standards and Approval Rubric: United States Edition
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls
As open education resources (OER) advocates and individuals engaged in supporting the curation and creation of OER, the document collaborators came together on the common interest in curating and creating best practices or standards for OER review and approval.

While this group is dependent on volunteers the expected next review will be by July 2023. Throughout this time any comments, errors, or other communication on standards and rubric can be directed to This is a final draft released on August 9, 2021 in a call for national feedback and input on implementation or potential use of this documentation.
  • OER,
  • Review Standards,
  • Approval Rubric
Publication Date
August 9, 2021
Contributors Jako  Olivier  <>; Tiffani  Tijerina  <>; Judith  Sebesta  <>; James  Paradiso  <>; Hanni  Durand  Nabahe    <>; Marian  Smith  <>; Natalie  Lopez; Allegra  Swift  <>; Cindy  Gruwell  <>; Emmanuel  J.  Malongo  <>; Sara  Rachel  Benson  <>; Sheri  Edwards  <>; Daphne  Tseng  <>; Dawn  Cannon-Rech  <>; Karen  L  Pikula  <>; Tyler  Dunn  <>; Jeff  Gallant  <>; Hilary  Baribeau  <>; Kathy  Essmiller  <>; Claudia  Acosta  <>; Adrian  Stagg  <>; Mark  Lane  <>; Erik  Christiansen  <>; Cristina  Springfield  <>; Roxanna  Palmer  <>; Christina  Huffaker  <>; Lindsey  MacCallum; Amanda  Larson; Ariana  Santiago; Bonnie  Russell; Rachel  Leket-Mor rachel.leket-mor@asu.ed; Georgia  Westbrook  <>; Brett  Williams  <>; Bryan  J  McGeary  <>;; Ariana  Santiago  <asantia2@Central.UH.EDU>; Rebel  Cummings-Sauls  <>;
Citation Information
Rebel Cummings-Sauls. "OER Review Standards and Approval Rubric: United States Edition" (2021)
Available at:
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