There are three primary differences when you're ordering continuous materials (serials or standing orders) are:
The Manual Renewal check box indicates whether a serial will be renewed automatically by the system or manually by staff.
A note about automatic renewals: Renewals will never be sent to vendors automatically; it’s just renewed in Alma. This instance of Alma does NOT have the renewal notification to vendors enabled to automatically send that communication. Please follow current workflows regarding communicating with vendors about renewals.
The Subscription from date field is the start date of the subscription, usually January 1st of the year the subscription begins. You can click on the calendar at the end, or just type in the field to set the Subscription from date.
The Subscription to date is very powerful, and is not recommended for use with automatic renewals. Why? Because when the automatic renewal job detects that the Subscription to date has passed, it will automatically close the POL and the order. In other words, if you tell Alma that you want the subscription to end on a certain date after a number of automatic renewals, it will do that for you. Alma is designed to help automate and maintain serials subscriptions, and this is one way it does that.
In contrast, for manual renewals, the Subscription to date will help Alma provide you with a reminder that this subscription needs to be renewed, along with the renewal date and cycle information.
The Renewal date determines when the order will first appear on the Renewals task list for renewal. After that date, it will automatically be incremented according to the value in the Renewal cycle field.
Beneath the Renewal date is the Renewal cycle field, and this is required for automatic renewals. The values are 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years. This field only appears filled in with a value for automatic renewals, if the Manual renewal box is unchecked.
The Renewal reminder period (days) can be left at zero (0) for automatic renewals because you won’t need a reminder to renew. For manual renewals, this determines the number of days before the renewal date that you want to be reminded about the renewal (that is, the number of days before the renewal date that you want the renewal added to the task list). It can be as low as 0 days and as long as 120 days.
To set up manual renewals:
If this is the first time you’re ordering a new serial and you want to use prediction patterns to create items, you can do it after you’ve created the bib and placed the order.